Chapter 40: Forgiveness

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Late August 2015, 2 months later

Annie sat on a chair by the pool in the late summer heat staring up at the stars, a drink in one hand and Bucky's letter in the other. She had never been much of a drinker but the last several weeks had been hard and she needed an escape. The solace of her late night tea and movies had been spoiled and felt empty without Bucky so this had become her new routine. After everyone else had gone to sleep she would grab a bottle and a glass and sit by the pool torturing herself by re-reading his letter over and over. She had folded and unfolded it so many times now the crisp paper had turned almost tissue soft, the ink bleeding in the places her tears had fallen. The letter was short and she no longer needed to look at it to recite the few words that had shattered her.

I don't know how long it will take or if I will ever come back to New York. I think it would be best if you move on. It's better if we end this, it would never have worked out anyways. -JBB

Annie felt so stupid dwelling on this for months but after Charlie she had given up on the idea of a real future. She had just been going through the motions of life until Bucky. And when he had asked her to move with him, it was the first time she had really thought about making plans for more than just the next week's meals. She felt so stupid for getting her hopes up. She took another swig of her drink and spotted a streak in the sky heading towards the compound. "Perfect." She mumbled under her breath and shoved the letter under the cushion of her chair as Tony landed and exited his armor walking towards her.

"Isn't drinking alone a little out of character for you, Red?" Tony said as he sat down in the chair next to her holding his hand out and gesturing to the bottle on the ground.

Annie reached down and grabbed the bottle, filling her own glass before handing the bottle to Tony. "Not in more recent days. What brings you here at this hour?" Tony had moved back into the tower with Pepper about a month ago. They were currently drafting plans to build a cabin and once that was finished they would sell the tower.

"Couldn't sleep and Pepper said my tinkering was keeping her up so I came to wreak havoc on the labs here." Tony answered before sipping from the bottle.

The two sat in silence for a few minutes each sipping at their drinks. "You gonna pull through this, Red? You know you can take some time off if you need it." Tony said, putting the bottle back on the ground.

Annie turned her head and smiled sadly at Tony. "I'll be okay. Believe it or not, Stark, I've survived worse than a break-up."

"I know." Tony said with a dry laugh. "You're as tough as nails despite being the biggest softie."

"I don't know, Tony. You might put on a hard show but I think you give me a run for my money in the softie race. Don't think I haven't noticed those 'Stark internship' payments on the bank statements. Weird that you have Avengers funding paying for a Stark Industries program and there's only one recipient." Annie replied with a knowing smile before finishing off her drink and setting down her glass.

"I have it coming from the Avengers funding because you are less likely to ask questions you don't need answers to than some accountant." He said, eyeing her. "That being said, you still win the softie race. If it weren't for you, Rogers wouldn't be coming back to the compound next week."

Annie sat up. "What?"

"I called Steve today. We had a very long, very emotional chat that ended with me extending an olive branch. I told him if he wanted he was welcome back and since Barnes is still in cryo there isn't much reason for Rogers to stay in Wakanda so he accepted." A large smile broke out on Annie's face before Tony continued. "Don't look at me like that or I'll change my mind just to spite you. Besides, Rogers coming back just makes more work for you."

Annie stood and collected her things, trying to discreetly slip the letter from the chair into her pocket. "Well, then I better get to bed so I can start tackling all that extra work bright and early tomorrow." She paused in front of Tony for a moment. "I know this was hard for you, Tony, but I think it was the right move."

Annie turned and walked a few steps before she heard Tony call her name. "Red," she turned to look back at him. "I told Rogers that Barnes was welcome back too, once he gets his mind right. So if you want to make other arrangements for employment I would understand. I'd even write you a glowing recommendation letter, send you off with a great severance package."

Annie took a deep breath before turning and calling over her shoulder. "We will cross that bridge if we get there."

"You were too good for him anyways!" He called after her and she just smiled as she walked to the door. 

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