Chapter 5: An Unexpected Visitor

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Bucky couldn't remember the last time he had slept so well. When Annie woke him this morning he had been embarrassed that he had fallen asleep and basically trapped her on the couch. He apologized profusely but she just shrugged it off saying she was glad he had been able to sleep and would count it as a win for her tea skills. He'd returned to his room for a shower and then went down to the kitchen for breakfast. He found himself smiling and joking with the others and feeling at ease. When Steve left to get to a meeting Bucky didn't feel the need to return to his room so he stayed and spoke with Nat. When she told him about their first encounter and showed him the scar he started to apologize, but she stopped him. Nat said she knew Bucky and the Winter Soldier were not one in the same and that she didn't blame one for the other's actions. That was the first time anyone had really said that to him, at least it was the first time someone he had directly hurt as the Winter Soldier had said it to him and at that just a tiny bit of the weight he had been carrying in his soul lifted.

After breakfast when Nat asked if Bucky wanted a full tour of the facility and grounds he agreed. He hadn't left the living quarters much and he wanted to take advantage of his good mood. So they spent the morning walking and talking. Nat told Bucky about her time in the Red Room and defecting to SHIELD and Bucky told Nat every embarrassing story about Steve he could think of. They returned to the kitchen around lunch time, laughing, to find Steve and the others at the table, Annie at the counter talking with a man who had his back to them.

Annie heard laughter coming from the far hallway and looked over Sam's shoulder to see Nat and Bucky walking in together. Bucky was genuinely laughing and while the sight of it made her happy she also felt a strange twinge in her chest but she didn't know at what. She shook her head a little and turned back to Sam who had a weird look on his face.

"Did you lick a lemon or something, why is your face like that?" Annie asked.

"Do I see a hint of jealousy on your face, Anna Jane Gardner?" Sam asked playfully, moving around the counter to stand beside her.

"What are you talking about?" She scoffed as she turned around busying herself by pretending to straighten already perfectly straight canisters on the counters. Annie was never idle very long but she became especially fidgety when she was nervous or avoiding things.

"Oh my oh my is the moody super soldier a budding love interest for our resident cheery housekeeper? Is this going to be like one of those 'grumpy-sunshine' book trope love stories.'' He whispered as he gently nudged her arm.

She looked at him, nearly shooting daggers from her eyes as she said. "Samuel Thomas Wilson, while I am glad you have decided to grace us with your presence this week, do not think for one second I won't burn all your food on purpose if you annoy me. Besides you know my only real love interest in this world is Sarah's recipe book which you have yet to get me a copy of." She playfully pushed him away.

Annie would never say it out loud but, with the exception of Tony, who was basically family, she liked Sam more than any of the others. In the months since she had arrived here everyone was nice enough but the few times that Sam had visited were her favorite. Annie had spent most of her childhood alone until she moved in with her dad and his family. When that happened she suddenly became the middle child of five kids and she let herself melt into the background, never really put herself forward or tried to make friends. So Sam's easy going and playful manner always made her feel a little less like an outsider and his no nonsense bluntness reminded her of her best friend back in Ohio, Alex. She secretly hoped to have Alex visit once while Sam was here just to watch them banter. And on today of all days, Annie appreciated his comforting presence.

"Ha, you know that's not gonna happen. Sarah said no and she is way scarier than you." Sam said with a stern look on his face.

"A girl can still hope." Annie replied, shrugging.

Just then Captain Rogers called Sam over to the table to join them for lunch.

As Nat recapped their day to Steve, Bucky watched the man, now recognized as Sam, joke with Annie. He didn't like the way Sam moved around her in a familiar playful manner, it was making him uneasy and it felt almost intrusive to continue watching. Bucky and Nat had joined the group at the table to eat lunch and Bucky looked over to Steve. "Hey is that Sam?" He asked, knowing it was but fishing for information.

Steve looked over to the counter and said, "Yeah, he just got in this morning to attend some meetings with me and he's going to be staying the week. We have a few more meetings this afternoon but are going for a jog before dinner, do you want to join us?"

Bucky looked over to see Sam lean in and whisper something in Annie's ear and nudge her before she looked at him with a wicked grin pushing him gently. "Yeah." He said "I think I will join you."

"Great!" Steve exclaimed, a huge smile breaking out on his face before calling out. "Hey, Sam, come join us."

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