Chapter 57: At Your Earliest Convenience

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The next afternoon Annie and Wanda sat on the couch each with a glass of hot tea, Pietro out on a run. Wanda was learning how to crochet and winding a skein of yarn when she suddenly went stiff.

"What's wrong?" Annie asked.

Wanda cocked her head slightly for a moment and then tossed the yarn to the floor, grabbing Annie's hand and pulling her towards the bedrooms.

"Wanda I am not built for running, what the heck is going on?"

Once in the hall just out of sight of the kitchen and living room Wanda stopped and turned to Annie, putting a finger over her lips to indicate they needed to be quiet. "Did you tell Bucky's girlfriend you're still his emergency contact?" Annie bit her lip as her eyes went wide. "Oh my god, Annie. Why?" Wanda asked as she looked around the corner towards the kitchen clearly waiting for something.

Annie shrugged. She knew this would bite her in the ass, she just didn't think it would happen so quickly. "Well, she asked, sort of. So I answered. But how did you know?"

Wanda turned back to Annie. "Because I can read minds and that girl's mind is SCREAMING at Bucky about it. They are coming up on the elevator now."

Just then Annie could hear shouting. "I just think it's disrespectful, Bucky. I mean she is your ex and you are with someone else now so why is she still your contact?"

"Kat, I don't know how many times I have to say this for you to understand. It doesn't mean anything. I have had a lot going on and a name I put on paperwork over a year ago hasn't exactly been the foremost thought in my head."

Wanda slowly peeked around the corner again and Annie leaned against the wall beside her with a grin. Bucky was right, Annie being listed as his contact didn't really mean anything and she had told him as much when he'd asked her for the paperwork to update it. Stating that as she worked at the compound she'd be notified of any and all incidents for all the Avengers so he really didn't need to change it from Steve. It was that same reason she never thought to change it back once Bucky returned either. If anything happened to Bucky, Steve would know. However, the rage it was currently bringing Kat made Annie giddy that she hadn't brought it up.

"If it doesn't mean anything then change it!" Kat screeched.

Bucky let out a groan, their voices getting closer and Wanda grabbed Annie's hand again, pulling her down the hall and shoving her into the first room, which happened to be Annie's.

They could still hear Bucky's voice, although muffled, through the door. "Fine Kat, I will change it. Can we please just drop it?"

"I want you to change it right now!"

"What?" Their voices were closer now as it seemed they had moved into the hall.

"I want you to change it right now. She handles all the paperwork, ask her to update it now."

Annie could tell Bucky was right outside her door now, most likely standing at his own. "Kat, I don't know where she is. I'll ask her the next time I see her."

"No, find her. She lives here right? It shouldn't be that hard."

Annie and Wanda listened with their ears pressed to the door as Bucky sighed dejectedly and asked, "Friday, can you tell me where Annie is?"

Annie and Wanda looked at each other wide eyed and tried to move quietly away from the door as the A.I. replied. "Yes, Mr. Barnes. Ms. Gardner is in her room."

A few moments passed as Annie and Wanda gestured to each other trying to decide if they should answer the door if Bucky knocked.

He did and Annie could hear Kat scoff. "Her room is right across from yours?"

Wanda moved to the far corner where Annie's desk was and pointed at the door indicating Annie should open it. Unwilling, Annie shook her head and mouthed "No way!' Wanda just gave her a stern look and used her powers to turn the knob on the door.

Not wanting the door to fly all the way open Annie ran to it and stopped it so it was open just a few inches. "Hi." She said nervously, her eyes focused on Bucky and avoiding Kat's death glare.

Bucky put his hands on his hips and looked between the two before saying, "Look Annie, I'm sorry to bug you about this but..."

He was cut off as Kat marched up to the door pushing him aside. "He needs the paperwork to change his emergency contact."

Annie glanced down at Kat, no longer eye level without her heels, but looked at Bucky when she replied. "Sure thing, I'll have it for you at breakfast tomorrow."

She made to close the door but Kat threw her hand up halting its movements. "He needs it now!"

Annie glanced at Wanda, who rolled her eyes, and then looked back down at Kat with a serene smile on her face. "I'm sorry. I don't currently have that particular form printed out and today is my day off. Bucky is going to have to wait until tomorrow." At that Annie forced the door closed and locked it. 

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