Chapter 63: Scary Hot

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Alex and Sam walked into the living room. Bucky and Nat sat at the island eating lunch while Annie was cleaning up.

"Honey Cakes!" Alex called as they entered. "Ready to go shopping?"

Annie smiled and walked over to Alex, wrapping her in a tight hug. "Yes, I just finished up here. Let me go grab my shoes and wallet."

As Annie left Nat spoke up. "Hey, Wilson, since your girlfriend is going out with her wife, do you want to come work out with me and Barnes?"

Sam laughed. "Sure, that sounds good. I gotta get changed though." He said before leaning in and kissing Alex on the cheek and taking her bags. "Have a good afternoon, babe. I'll see you when you get back tonight."

"I will, don't let the widow bite you too hard." She said playfully smacking Sam's butt as he walked away before leaning against the island to wait for Annie.

"You two seem happy together." Bucky said to Alex in an attempt to make small talk.

"I am. I wouldn't dare speak for his happiness but he seems to like me well enough." Alex said, turning away from the hall to face him. Her face dropped the smile and put on a hardened glare. "Speaking of happiness, if you ever make the unintelligent decision to hurt Annie again I don't care that you are a super soldier I will rip this," she leaned over and flicked his metal arm, "from your body and shove it so far up your ass that even Wakanda won't be able to get it out."

Bucky looked down at his arm where Alex had flicked him and then looked back at her with a bewildered gaze. He made to speak but at that moment Annie walked back into the room.

"Alright, Lex, I'm all set."

Alex's face shifted again before she turned to her friend, a smile back in place. "Perfect, Nat, always good to see you." As Annie walked past them toward the elevator Alex made one last glare in Bucky's direction before trailing behind. "Barnes."

Once the two had stepped onto the elevator and left, Bucky looked at Nat. "Am I crazy or did that seriously just happen?"

Nat had a cheeky grin as she still stared down the hall after the duo. "Oh it definitely happened and it was incredibly sexy. Wilson is a lucky man."

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