Chapter 72: Carry That Weight

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A few hours later Annie sat on the couch on Tony's plane, head on Pietro's shoulder. Alex and Sam, Tony, Pepper and Happy clustered in the seats across from them. Alex had managed to talk her into standing and Pietro had led her to a car Tony had waiting to take them to the airstrip while Alex packed bags for them. She could hear everyone talking quietly but she couldn't make her brain comprehend the words over the repeating conversation in her brain.

"Hey, Fletch. What's up?" She had asked when she answered her brother's call.

"Hey, Annie. Are you doing something right now?" Came Fletcher's reply and she could tell his voice was quavering.

"Uh, I'm getting ready to go to dinner but I've got a few minutes."

"I just got off the phone with Auden." He was crying.

"Okay what did she say?"

The pause was too long and she could tell something bad was coming. She started running her free hand up and down her leg anxiously. "She's at the hospital with mom, dad had a heart attack."

"What?" Her voice came out cracked.

"He was outside in the garden. and Auden were inside talking. Annie, he didn't make it. Mom called an ambulance but they didn't know how long he had been down."


"A few hours ago, maybe. I'm not totally sure. She was having a hard time getting details out. Kelly is on the phone with Finch now, then she's packing up the kids to head over to the house. I still have to call Amy but I called you first since you are the farthest. I figured you'd want to get here as soon as possible."


"I don't have much more information but I figure we'll all be at the house within the hour. Do you think you can make it there tonight?"

"Yeah, I will be there as soon as I can."

"Okay, I'm gonna call Amy. I will text you if I hear anything else. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Солнышко," Pietro said shaking his shoulder slightly to get her attention. When she raised her head and looked at him, her eyes still glazed over, he handed her a bottle. "Drink." She shook her head and made to lay back down but he stopped her, turning in his seat he took her hand and placed the bottle in it. "You slept all day and you are probably still dehydrated from last night. Drink the water so your headache doesn't come back. It's probably going to be a long night." She took a small sip and tried to hand the bottle back to him. "Drink it all, please." She sighed heavily but put the bottle back to her lips and drank it down in big gulps. "Thank you." He said and took the empty bottle, setting it to the side before scooting over and pulling her head down to lay in his lap.

"When we land, Happy will drive us all to the Easton house but Pepper booked five rooms at the nearest hotel. I figured Annie would want to be as close as possible and her house is an hour away." Tony said quietly to Alex and the others when he saw Annie's eyes finally close halfway through the flight.

"Good call," Alex replied with a soft sniffle. She was putting on a brave face and holding it together because she didn't like to show emotion but Ferris' death was clearly affecting her too. "At some point tonight though, if Happy could take me to the house I'd like to have my own vehicle and I need to get some clothes for myself. I didn't exactly pack for a funeral."

"I can go, babe," Sam said, taking her hand. He could tell she was grieving quietly and he wanted her to focus on that, and not have to worry about anything outside of herself and Annie. "You should be with the family."

When they pulled onto the street Pietro could see the driveway was packed. All her siblings must be here. He looked down at Annie, between him and Alex in the back of the SUV. She still hadn't spoken but he'd managed to get her to drink another bottle of water. It was getting late though and as far as he knew none of them had eaten.

Parking on the street they all climbed from the vehicle except Sam and Happy, who were heading to Alex's, and started walking to the house. "Did you let Iris know they are coming?" Pietro asked Alex quietly and she nodded.

Entering the house they were greeted by Fletcher who had been sitting at the table talking with Kelly, John, and Lee. "Annie." He said rising to hug his sister, who still seemed void of any emotion, which was making Pietro nervous. "Finch and the girls are in the bedroom with mom. Tony, thank you for coming and getting Annie home so quickly." He released Annie and stepped to shake Tony's hand before greeting the others with nods as he hugged Alex.

"Never a problem, Fletch. Anything you guys need Pepper and I are more than happy to help so don't hesitate to ask. We are staying just down the road until further notice." Tony's voice cracked almost imperceptibly and Pietro could see unshed tears in his eyes before he slipped his sunglasses on.

Pietro watched as Alex took Annie by the hand and whispered in her ear as she led her down the hall to where he assumed April and the others were. Once they were out of sight Pietro slipped past those milling at the door to the table. A chorus of hellos came from those married to the Easton siblings and Kelly rose to hug him.

"Thank you for coming. I'm sure it means a lot to Annie to have support right now." Kelly said, stepping back and gesturing for him to join them at the table.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He replied but stayed standing. "I was hoping you could help me out though. Could I borrow a car? Alex, me, Tony and Pepper haven't eaten since lunch and I think all Annie had this morning was toast. I want to try and find a diner or something I can grab food from. Try and get her to eat something now that she's here."

Kelly stood again. "I can take you. I don't think mom and Auden have eaten either. I know Amy and Lee were at dinner when Fletch called them but what about Finch?" She asked John.

"You know he stress eats. He has a bag of snacks in the room with them but I'm sure a solid meal would be appreciated. Lee and I will come with you guys, help carry stuff and let the siblings have time together."

Kelly nodded and reached for her purse but Pietro asked, "Where are all the kids?"

"Mark is out of town on business so when we got here I took ours and Auden's to my parents and Lee and Amy dropped theirs at his moms before they came. The next few days are going to be all hands on deck."

Alex led Annie to her parents room, now her mother's room she supposed, where they found April and her sisters curled together on the bed, Finch sitting on a chair pulled up to the side holding Auden's hand. She crawled onto the end of the bed and laid her head on her mothers lap, reaching to take Amy's hand, who had crossed her legs up to make room.

"Alexandra, sweetie." Came her mothers voice.

Annie looked over to see Alex hovering by the door, wiping at her eyes. "What do you need, April?"

April made a 'come here' motion with her head. "You were one of his babies too.

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