Chapter 20: Christmas In The City

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Late December 2014

Annie loved Christmas. It had always been her favorite holiday and between the twinkling lights, the quiet of snowy mornings and the magical air of the time she always felt dreamy and blissful. Even though this would be her first Christmas without Charlie and she had a sense of melancholy she was still excited to celebrate.

It was Christmas Eve and Annie was glad it was finally here. She had been baking, cooking, wrapping, cleaning and decorating almost non-stop for the last two weeks but every second had been worth it. The living quarters looked beautiful and everyone had gathered around the table to eat. She did have to set up a folding table and chairs to accommodate the group and all their guests but there was plenty of space once she did.

Annie stood at the counter clearing off plates as she listened to the laughter and chatter of the others.

"You know it's a holiday, Red. You can stop working for a few hours and just enjoy yourself." Tony said as he walked up to the counter to refill his and Pepper's drinks.

"I'm just making counter space, Tony. I'll be back in my folding chair in just a minute. Would you pour me a glass of wine while you are right there?" She said as she finished rinsing plates and began to wash her hands.

"Whoa, I said you could stop working, not put me to work." He joked but grabbed a glass and filled it for her. Annie rolled her eyes as she dried her hands before taking the glass from him. They stood at the counter for a moment and looked out at the group. "What's going through your head, Red?"

Annie cocked her head and looked at Tony. "You know I never understood why you had a six person table when there are thirteen bedrooms here. You really should consider getting a new one if you plan on adding new Avengers one day."

Tony narrowed his eyes at her. "Seriously, you've got a dozen people over and it's Christmas and you are mentally criticizing my design choices?"

"I'm not criticizing your design choices, it's a beautiful table. I'm criticizing your logical thinking. As a self proclaimed genius it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that you would put a six person table in a facility built to house thirteen. The math ain't mathing, Tony."

"Well when I built this place there were only six Avengers."

"Still doesn't explain the bedroom to table seat disparity." Annie said before taking a sip of her wine and walking back over to sit down between Bucky and Sam.

A little while later the group had moved over to the couches and chairs to talk and Annie stood up. She walked over to the tree and pulled out a large bag, dragging it towards the coffee table. "Okay everyone this is going to be a little cheesy but in my family we have a little tradition and I am forcefully imposing it onto you all this year." Everyone quieted as they watched her grab an armful of boxes from the bag and begin to read off names as she walked around passing them out. "My dad does this thing where he 'lets' the kids open a gift on Christmas Eve. Usually the gift is matching pajama sets that he makes us all pose in but we always pretend to be excited to make him happy."

"I am not wearing matching PJs with Bucky." Sam said as Annie handed him his box and everyone laughed.

Annie blushed a little as she finished passing out the boxes. "I may be cheesy, Sam but I am not anywhere near as cheesy as my dad. These are not pajamas. It's nothing crazy either, just ...something sweet that made me think of you. And feel free to share or be greedy and keep them to yourselves but please for the sake of my pride," She wrinkled her nose and sat down by Bucky. "Pretend to be excited."

There was a sudden clamor of wrapping paper tearing. Bucky removed the paper and opened the lid of the box to reveal cookies. At least he thought they were cookies. There were round ones that were black with small designs in them and the others were round chocolate balls with light brown tops.

Jane, who had accompanied Thor, spoke first. "Are these telescope sugar cookies? They're adorable."

"Wait, you have telescope cookies? Mine have little War Machine symbols on them." Rhodey replied.

Annie laughed and looked around. "Yes, Jane. Everyone got two types of cookies. A slice and bake style with their hero symbol, or something representing you for the non-heroes and a 'flavor' or type that reminds me of you."

Sam held up a cookie that looked like a black blob. "The Falcon cookies are awesome but what are these?"

"In case you all do want to share, here's the full list. Sam, you have spicy mexican hot chocolate cookies because I couldn't find a recipe that had actual hot sauce in it. Tony, Butterscotch bourbon blondies, self explanatory, and of course your slice and bake is the arc reactor. Pepper, your slice and bake might be a little hard to see but it's a girl power symbol because you are a badass and the cookie is gingersnap. Steve, shield slice and bakes which were probably the easiest to figure out so thanks for that and of course, a classic chocolate chip." She was blushing as she went along but everyone laughed as she gave reasons and described their symbols which put her at ease. "Nat, black widow and peanut butter."

"Oh I will not be sharing these." Nat said.

"Wait, why peanut butter?" Bruce asked.

Annie watched as Nat took out a few cookies and began eating. "Have you never noticed that she eats a peanut butter sandwich for lunch almost everyday?"

"Do you really?" Bruce turned to Nat for verification.

Around the mouthful of food she replied, "Peanut butter in Russia in the 80's was not widely available and it's my favorite. It's shelf stable, portable, protein packed, and bread is cheap. It's everything a girl on the go could ask for."

Annie smiled before continuing. "Bruce, you have mint crinkle cookies. The cracks might show a little green but they are still sugar covered and sweet. Thor, Mjolnir and red velvet. Jane, telescopes and shortbreads."

"Hey, that's a little rude." Jane said playfully.

"Well, she's not wrong, Jane. You are very small." Thor said with a smile. "But I like to think it is because your body put all the work into growing your mind."

"Ugh, keep it in your pants, Point Break. Red, keep going." Tony said, snatching one of Pepper's gingersnaps.

"Rhodey already stated his symbol and his cookies are chocolate cranberry chunkies and those are actually a favorite of mine because they are super soft but the cranberries give them a bite. Happy has boxing gloves and oreo cheesecake cookies. Oreos are a classic favorite cookie that everyone loves, like Happy. But putting them into the cheesecake cookie makes them soft and a little extra, also like Happy."

"And what is this thing?" Bucky asked, holding up the round ball.

Annie bit her lip to hold in her chuckle before saying, "Bucky's buckeyes."

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