Chapter 27: Who Has Time For Fear

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Thor thought Alex was glorious. Which was accurate.

"Alex, it's an honor to meet you, Annie speaks very fondly of you." Thor said and shook Alex's hand. "Strong grip. Looking at you I feel like you must be a warrior."

"Nurse or, uh healer actually, but the one they call to wrestle the rambunctious patients."

A few hours passed as Alex mingled with the group. Annie had tried to come talk to them several times throughout the night but kept getting pulled away and every time she did Alex noticed Bucky's face grow more and more frustrated as he watched her go.

"Man what's up his ass?" Sam asked Alex as he leaned in and nodded his head toward Bucky.

"He's just upset he can't play with his favorite toy." Alex said and looked over her shoulder towards Annie who was speaking with a blonde woman.

Sam tracked her line of sight and when it clicked a huge grin broke out across his face. "No way, are they finally together?"

"I don't think they've put a title to it but they are definitely doing the deed."

"What? When did this happen? I was here at Christmas and his birthday and I didn't notice anything different. Did she tell you they're getting down and dirty?"

"Sam, she's my best friend, of course she told me but even if she hadn't I have eyes! And those eyes can see he's been trying to jump her bones for the last three hours."

"He's trying to get nasty here, with all these people around? No way."

"Yes way. As a matter of fact I bet you twenty bucks that before the nights over if she doesn't stop and pay him some attention he's going to pull her into a bathroom and make her."

"You're on."

As the night wound down Alex found herself perched on the arm of a couch chatting among the Avengers as Annie was escorting the last of the workers from the building.

"So, Alex, how'd you end up in nursing?" Nat asked. "Don't take this the wrong way but you don't strike me as someone who has the temperament for it."

Alex looked at Nat straight faced as she replied. "I like that my job is stabbing people." Everyone went silent for a moment and looked at each other and Alex's face showed a small grin. "Needles and stitches anyone?"

A relieved sigh passed over the group as Thor chimed in. "You know, Alex, you remind me of my brother Loki."

Alex's smile widened. "The mass murderer? Thank you."

Nat felt her eyebrows raise in shock and admiration before leaning over to Steve. "I feel like I should be concerned about her but I am honestly just turned on."

Steve let out a small scoff. "Haven't you been flirting with Banner all night?"

"Do I have to choose?" Nat replied before taking a drink of her beer.

The conversation, pushed by Clint, moved to the magic of Thor's hammer and Alex watched as the group began to try and lift it one by one. After several unsuccessful attempts she noticed Bucky start to walk away from the group. She looked over her shoulder to track him and saw Annie down the hall walking towards a bathroom. Leaning over she elbowed Sam and pointed the other couple out. "You owe me twenty bucks."

"He really is Bucknasty." Sam said, shaking his head. "You know if they are happy I am happy for them but they are a bit of an odd couple, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Annie gets along with everyone. She's super nice and always helpful, a little shy but in general really friendly and then Bucky is," Sam paused a moment trying to think of how to finish his thought. "Bucky is none of that. Sometimes I think he hates everyone except Steve, Nat and Annie."

Alex shrugged. "Big broken brunettes are her type. The more toxic the better. You should have met some of the guys she dated before Charlie. Absolute tragedies. Barnes is probably the least damaged of the lot."

"Huh, I guess it makes sense she would be an 'I can fix him' type."

"I don't think it was ever about fixing them. In her head, if she picks people who are just as broken, if not more than her, she can feel worthy of them." She looked at Sam who wore a confused expression and she sighed. "Annie had a rough start in life. Her mom majorly fucked up her sense of self worth."

"April? She seemed so nice when I met her."

Alex opened her mouth to answer but a loud screech broke out across the room and everyone turned to see a legionnaire bot walking into the room.

"Worthy. No. How could you be worthy? You're all killers." A deep voice came from the bot.

"Stark?" Steve said, taking a few steps forward.

Sam stepped in front of Alex and began to back her down the hall toward the bathroom where Annie and Bucky were as the rest of the group stood ready for a fight. When more bots came crashing through the wall he grabbed her hand and sprinted.

The next day Alex sat on Annie's bed. "I just don't understand why we are going if you don't want to. You know I'll stay here with you, I can take off work."

Annie sighed as she tossed clothes into a bag furiously. "Because he wants me away from here, Lex. So I'm going."

"Okay but why? If you don't want to go then don't go. Your boyfriend is about to go fight a murder bot. With your anxiety I feel like you would want to spend that time in your comfort zone."

Alex watched Annie's shoulder bunch as she zipped her bag and grabbed her charger, avoiding eye contact. "Can we just not talk about it, please."

Alex knew Annie and she knew something about this didn't feel right. Sure Annie was a people pleaser but when she really didn't want to do something you'd have a snowflake's chance in hell at getting her to do it. Unless. Alex scoffed. "You'd think after ten years of unconditional love from your husband on top of the love from me and your family you would be over this kind of thinking."

Annie looked like she was holding back angry tears as she passed Alex, heading for the door. "All love is conditional, Alex." She said as her voice broke. "Now can we please just go?"

"Annie, he's not going to dump you just because you don't do everything he asks. He's not your mom."

Annie whirled. "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT." She wiped at the tears that had finally broken free. "Please, Alex. I don't want to argue."

If Alex ever saw Cherry Harris in the flesh again she would rip the woman's arms off and beat her to death with them. "Fine, but you're being an asshat."

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