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Taehyung stood there poutingly while fully covered in floor with an innocent Dong Wook by his side, equally covered in flour along with floor, he always wonder why his fate is like this always getting involved with his trouble grandson

He agrees he loves his grandson a lot but always getting himself in scolded and punished in place of his grandson- just why?

The Elder whines internally, "It's grandpa" The 10 year old Omega said pointing at Dong Wook, just a simple sentence from that adorable mouth which got Dong Wook into problem many times, In-Na glared at her husband no matter what she can't scold her adorable Omega---

"Y-Yah In-Na-ah l-liste---"grandpa is trying to eat sweets secretly, Taetae saw it, Taetae asked grandpa but grandpa panicked and stumbled causing all the flour to fall on us" Dong Wook gave a disbelief look to his grandson who was lying through his teeth looking so adorable

It would be more of a fine if Taehyung wouldn't have opened his pretty mouth about the sweets, goshhh there are sweets on the top of course but they were made by In-Na for herself and she won't even resist to kill whoever touches her sweets

Only Dong Wook know the devil behind the sweet Omega of his!

He wish his daughter-in-law to be here to defend him right now or atleast Jungkook who will see right through his grandson lies!

But neither of them are here, he just wish moon goddess to sent either of them for his rescue, he can't sleep on the couch for another week! it was hell without his mate

"Clean the kitchen and One week on the couch!" there---- that's it, it happened-- the elder pouted looking so pity with his puppy eyes-- the little Omega sighed in relief internally because neither his Koo nor his Eomma are here otherwise he is de--- DEAD! Taehyung widened his eyes in disbelief when he saw the Alpha standing there panicking internally while Dong Wook looked at him with thousand sparks in his eyes, his savior is here, Finally!

"Pup what did you do?" In-Na blinked her eyes hearing Jungkook voice, she know her grandson is gonna get into big trouble, "Taetae did nothing" Taehyung said looking down

"Jeon Taehyung!" Taehyung flinched at the strict voice of the Alpha, he knows he will only get more punished if he lies so he confessed "Taetae want's to make pancakes for Alpha" The Omega says tearing up, he is strictly forbidden from Kitchen by Jungkook after he got his burnt last time when he was helping Ye-Jin

"With out anyone?" The Alpha narrowed his eyes dangerously while Taehyung scooting to his grandpa, "To your room now" Taehyung immediately left with Jungkook following him behind, the elder couple looked at the direction worriedly "You should've agreed that it's your mistake and save Tae" In-Na glared at her Alpha who was looking like a lost puppy---- why him?!

"Don't worry Jungkook won't do anything to his pup'' The elder scoffed going past his mate sulking

Meanwhile Upstairs, 

Taehyung was sitting in the bath tub covered in bubbles while Jungkook was busy cleaning the Omega-- he bit his lips trying to stop his tears, his Alpha looks angry and not even talking to him and he hates it--- he knows his Alpha is not talkative but still he wished that his Alpha to say something 

"K-Koo" The Alpha looked up to see his Omega but didn't said anything, he picked Taehyung in his arms carefully not minding him getting wet, keeping on the floor after tying the towel around his Omega picking him again going to the room Jungkook dressed Taehyung in pastel blue fuffly sweater which came upto Omega's thighs with a while boxer underneath it 

"You promised you won't go into the Kitchen" Jungkook finally opened his mouth, "I-I a-am sorry" the Omega mumbled with head down letting few tears fall, Jungkook shook his head "you even don't have anyone with yo---"I was going to ask you to help me" Jungkook looked at the Omega not convinced 

"I am serious I wanted to ask you since Appa said you are going to come here" Taehyung reasoned flapping his sweater paws with a whiny face rubbing his tears away, Jungkook hummed "And" "and?" "How did the flour fell?" Taehyung looked like crying again-- "I-I was trying to t-take the flou--"How?" "By standing on the stool" Taehyung replied biting his lips, looking down in shame

He know his Alpha is angry because of him being reckless, his Alpha won't like him getting hurt-- and he did exactly opposite of what his Alpha doesn't want him to do

After a moment of silence, 

"I am sorry I won't do it again I promise, Pinky Promise this time" Taehyung said tearing up, ofcourse Jungkook is weak for these tears "Okay" Taehyung immediately pecked the Alpha lips saying 'deal is sealed' smiling brightly, Jungkook wiped those tears softly with his thumb pecking the Omega again 

After that Jungkook made the pancakes while Taehyung helped him in mixing the batter! 


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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