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I wrote this because I want to get out of this stressful situation of mine that's killing me from yesterday

So I don't how it will turn out 

Enjoy the Chapter❤️


"Alphaa please~" Taehyung whined in pleading tone while following his Alpha like a lost puppy, "No pup no way" Jungkook straight way rejected gulping the huge lump in his throat, "please Koo just once" Taehyung stomped his foot stubbornly now standing in front of the Alpha who was sitting on the couch after a long walk with his pup

The Omega glared at Alpha who was looking at him, "baby leave me you can try on Grandpa Yoo" Jungkook suggested, "I don't want any other Alpha's I want mine" Taehyung shouted huffing, earning all eyes on him, "Tae baby please you know I don't like it" Jungkook tried

"Oww what happened why my little Omega is shouting ?" Hyunbin asked coming inside, "A-Appa A-Alpha doesn't l-love me a-anymore" Taehyung cried running into Hyunbin who furrowed his eye brows in frown, what?! his son is not loving the Omega! did his little one got hurt on the head?

"Pup come here" Jungkook growled possessively, first-- his omega said that he doesn't love him anymore and second-- he was hugging another Alpha right infront of him!, "No" Taehyung straightway denied glaring at the Alpha with the same intense, the elder quickly escaped from the place knowing very well 

Taehyung knows he was doomed for real, he was dying internally but was not showing outside, he knows that Jungkook won't like when he hugs other Alpha's be it be anyone and then he sprouted meaningless nonsense like his Alpha not loving him anymore which is a pure lie, his Alpha is head over heels for him 

But he is called brat for a reason so he won't back down, he will get what he wants, he will make his Alpha!

He finally used the final card, a card which will save him from everything, suddenly pool of tears left his eyes making the alpha dumbstruck at the sudden change, Taehyung waddle over to the Alpha slowly sitting on his lap facing him, his lips are wobbling, nose turned red along with his cheeks-- he cupped the Alpha's face between his two soft palms 

"Is i-it w-wrong f-for me t-to wanting m-my A-Alpha l-look m-more h-handsome Koo" The Omega lips turned into a pout while his bambi eyes got big, the Alpha heart was melting at the sight, he knows those tears very well but this statement of his Omega's is making him happy, he is also feeling bad because of those tears and declining the Omega's request, happy because his Omega wants his Alpha look handsome

"Fine" he finally gave up and just like a magic Taehyung tears disappeared in a second, "Okay let's go to our room" the Omega excitedly ran upstairs with a defeated Jungkook following him behind silently with a dreading heart, Taehyung stood there with couple of packets in his hands which are different hair dye powders

Yes, all these time they argued about this hair dying thing, the 14 year old want to color his Alpha's hair, he actually wants to change both their hair colors for his birthday next week, but the Alpha denied saying that he is only 14 and it might affect the hair, then the Omega insisted that he wants to color the Alpha's hair 

He first actually wants to agree but when he heard that the Omega wants to dye his hair with 2 to 3 three colors he completely denied the idea and like that their long walk started all around the house starting in their bedroom and ending in the living room

"Only one color baby" Taehyung internally huffed "Okay fine" he grumbled keeping one dye on the stand other dye's inside, Jungkook sat down while Taehyung sat behind him on the bed, he wore gloves with the mix beside him, he carefully colored the whole hair of Jungkook's not even leaving an inch 

Jungkook was so relaxed, those soft hands combing his hair while dying, sleep took over him and he slept just like without any care, Taehyung knowing obvious that his Alpha slept he covered the hair with the cap before covering the Alpha in his fluffly blanket

He squealed at Jungkook who was really looking peaceful and cute, he was so excited to see the Alpha in the new hair color-- he would sure will look more handsome! but in the mean time he took many photos of Jungkook  

By the time clicked Jungkook was already awake he washed his hair while locking the Omega outside who was literally burning the door with his eyes, his expression changed in a sec when the bathroom door clicked open 

His breath hitched, the aqua orbs became bigger, his mouth hung open-- he slowly stepped towards Jungkook who was waiting for his reaction, the Omega asked the Alpha to bend down and Jungkook obliged, he bend down to Taehyung's height 

First thing Taehyung did was claiming the Alpha lips into a firm kiss, "you look so handsome Alpha" he breathed out, his mate completely aced the purple color(the one in run BTS ep of mafia), a soft chuckle left from Jungkook, he pulled the Omega into one more kiss "Thanks love" Taehyung dived into Jungkook's embrace pink adoring his cheeks 

They spend some quality time before they went downstairs and everyone are amazed at the new look of Jungkook, after when they strolled around the pack for a small walk because Taehyung wants to, everybody were awestruck at the Alpha, some are drooling at his handsomeness and Taehyung wants to break their nose right then their but he was also proud 


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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