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"he is not here Mr. Jeon" a loud growl left from Jungkook as green thick veins popped up, he clenched his jaw emitting dangerous pheromones making the weak ranks submit to him, his father's has took their mates out of the venue while the elders stayed back to control the pure blood who is about to unleash his agony of his missing mate, the whole floor is cleared out to keep everyone safe some the raged pure blood

The guests are just in another floor as nobody is gonna leave until they find where Taehyung is or atleast their alibis until everyone is checked, the lights in the room flickered as the items along with table started rocking making sounds, "Jungkook calm down" Dong Wook said trying to not provoke the already perturbed Alpha, Dong Wook himself is barely managing himself along with Gong Yoo who are the only two remained back with Jungkook, "leave" Jungkook lips moved as his dark black eyes changed to dark bloody red

"Kook listen bu--"I said leave" the young Alpha immediately interrupted Gong Yoo, the elder left the room helplessly, as soon as the elders left the bone cracked in the big empty with screams and sounds or clothes getting tore soon enough a gigantic big black wolf stood majestically in the empty room with its red Ruby eyes, the wolf howled in sorrow flinching the people down stair and outside the room, "we should leave" Gong Yoo utters fighting the submission, "we can't leave him here alone" Dong Wook shakes his head fighting his submission

"His wolf is dangerous" the elder whispers, "I don't think Rex will shut until he knows about his mate" Dong Wook adds, when it was all silent the two elders wolfs opened the room, they gasped at the destroyed room, everything broke into pieces the only light that's illuminating in the room is the moon and city lights, "Ko-Rex?" Gong Yoo corrected when he heard a low growl from the black majestic wolf, both bowed their head showing the respect and that they are no harm, recognising the familiar scents Rex relaxed a bit

"We need Jungkook right now, Rex calm down and give control to Kook" Gong Yoo directly came to the point, he don't to waste their time by coaxing the raging wolf, "we need Jungkook in control, we will find your mate Rex, I will assure your pup safety, I will get him back so please control and give control back to Jungkook you know we can't deal with the situation with you in control" with Ruby red eyes filled with rage Rex looked at the elders before shifting into human form giving control back to Jungkook, "I am sorry" "get dressed you ungrateful brat" Gong Yoo hissed rubbing his temples, Jungkook coughed as he suddenly changed due to his powers, "cool" Dong Wook mumbled following the infuriated Pure Blood

"Now I want to know who took my mate" Jungkook dark voice shrilled into everybody's ears sending chills through the spine, whispers erupted in the room as they looked at each other, nobody are ready to face the raging pure blood, with Jungkook's quick and high senses he looked around the room trying to sense the fear as he releases his pheromones, While scanning the room with intense eyes Jungkook gaze fells on Anna Ok who is literally shivering in fear, her pheromones are so high she isn't even trying to hold it,

"Mr. Jeon we found this near the room" Just then Hoseok emerges into the room with a sleek design bracelet but Jungkook gaze never left Anna Ok, "bring her" with that the younger left not minding the high pitched screams, Hoseok showed him the cctv footage which became uneven while taking the unconscious Taehyung, the video is damaged for unknown reasons which they will get to know soon

"I don't like wasting my time so tell me where is he?" Jungkook voice dropped levels, "I-I don't know" Anna whispered with frightened face, Jungkook lips curved up as his eyes gaze darkened, he took the envelope from the beta and thrown them infront of her, when Anna looked at those she literally broke, she knows that now she is dealing with a devil, no way Jungkook will take her alibis, a sob left from Anna "either way I will kill you Anna so I would suggest you to tell me where is my mate" Jungkook darkly chuckled, "I will make your death less painful if you tell me" "I better die than to give you that pathetic Omega back" Jungkook snapped, his wolf took over, "pathetic ?" Rex asked chortling, Hoseok shivered looking at his boss

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