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When Jungkook reached Taehyung's room the Omega's of the family are already trying to calm down their little Omega but Taehyung isn't, he wants his Alpha, he wants to be in Jungkook's safe arms, smelling the Alpha Taehyung peeked out from the blanket with tearful red eyes, seeing the Omega's grabby hands the young Alpha slipped into the blanket hugging Taehyung to his chest making the family to sigh in relief, 

"Shh pup I am here" Jungkook deep soft voice made the Omega relax a bit knowing that he is safe with his mate, he is so scared when Ahn kidnapped him, though the Omega hasn't shown it he thought that it's his end, "I-I thought I couldn't see you again" Taehyung stuffed his face into the Alpha's neck who is rubbing his back in comfort, Jungkook kissed the Omega's hair pulling him into his embrace as the Omega is literally shivering, cradling in his arms Jungkook calmed the Omega, 

"How is your lip?" Jungkook asked bringing Taehyung face out of his neck, he hissed when he saw the cut which is slowly healing, "since it's silver knife, Rita applied something" Taehyung said, his face is read due to heavy crying and stuffing his face in his Alpha's neck, "Should I lick it?" Jungkook mumbled tracing the cut with serious face using his thumb while holding the Omega's chin, because mates can heal their wounds by licking and in their case since Jungkook is a pure blood it will heal fast, 

Bringing Taehyung face near to his who clutched onto his shirt tightly Jungkook kissed the cut before opening it giving a suck while licking with his tongue making Taehyung whimper, "you shouldn't get aroused pup" Jungkook husked licking the healing wound one more time earning a hard smack on his chest from a very embarrassed Taehyung, "y-you perverted wolf" The Omega hissed with a red face, narrowing his eyes trying to make himself look angry in which he miserably failed looking cute with a crying face,

Tears welles up in Bambi eyes making the Doe eyes male panick, "I love you" Taehyung wailed in Jungkook amrs hugging him tightly, remembering how he could never be with Jungkook, how he couldn't kiss his Alpha, how he wouldn't be anymore having cuddles with his Koo, how he couldn't spend the eternity with his mate while he was held as hostage made the Omega cry,

Sensing the Omega's fear, Jungkook made up his mind of giving a very painful death for Anna, "shhh pup please don't cry, I am here right, I won't let anyone take you away from are you listening toe Jeon Taehyung" Jungkook hummed cupping the cheeks wiping the tears away, Taehyung hiccuped nodding "Alpha Promise" Jungkook internally cooed at how adorably cute he found his mate, "Alpha Promise pup" Jungkook promised pressing his lips to Taehyung,

Jungkook kissed the Omega's forehead followed by eyes, then that cute red button nose, Taehyung giggled when his Alpha bite his nose, smooching the Omega's cheeks Jungkook made Taehyung calm, hearing the happy laughs and giggles calmed his inner wolf, Rex for now. The couple got interrupted when the door is knocked twice and opened by Yeonjun with Yeontan following him behind, the Pomeranian barked "Yeonjun stay here" Jungkook said removing Taehyung off him after a kiss, "okay Hyung" the Omega whined "I will come back pup, I am going dungeons and I don't want you there" Taehyung nodded sniffing understanding what Jungkook is implying

Yeonjun hopped on to the bed with Yeontan, who immediately jumped onto Omega's embrace and started playing with him, "this traitor" Yeonjun clicked his tongue seeing the dog which he is feeding and giving a roof to live all these years not even minding his presence, "I brought him first" Taehyung huffed rolling his eyes, he smacked when his brother mimicked him.

Seeing the Omega distracted Jungkook immediately left to the dungeons where Anna is along with Elder Jeon and Kim, muffled screams can be heard as Jungkook neared the room, as he opened the room he is blessed with Dong Wook torturing the female Alpha with wolfsbane along with Gong Yoo, "enough" Anna sighed heavily hearing the young Alpha, "leave" Jungkook eyes changed to red indicating that Rex is now in control,
"She is close to death" Gong Yoo uttered before leaving the room, "kill her fastly, Taehyung will be waiting for you" Rex nodded at Dong Wook words

Shrill voice resonated the whole room as soon as the elders left, Anna bones cracked as an unknown source forced them breaking which Jungkook is behind of, the Alpha is too disgusted to even touch her so why dirty his hands when moon goddess blessed him with immense powers, the gaurds shuddered outside hearing the screams that are resonating the whole dungeon, making sure of that he completely broke the bones Jungkook lifted Anna in the air clogging her breath slamming the female Alpha into the wall, because of her Taehyung is kidnapped, because of her his mate got slapped for the very first time in his life, because of her Taehyung is broken at this moment,

Anna dishevelled body is dripped on the floor, she couldn't even lift a finger her voice is muffled, "kill yourself" Rex ordered looking deep into her eyes, the next moment Anna killed herself with the knife that appeared into her while piercing it through her heart like a robot compiling the order of its owner, seeing the body lying lifeless with no heartbeat Rex gave control to Jungkook, the Alpha immediately left the dungeons ordering his men to bunr her body ashes and throw them away,

The Alpha didn't straight away went to his Omega, he took a bath knowing how the smell of blood irks Taehyung, after informing Hoseok to deal with Ok's after his bath Jungkook went to Taehyung to take him downstairs for food, though it was late they didnt have proper meals due to the whole kidnap drama, "I suggest you both to move back to the pack" Hyun Bin says looking at the young mates as everybody agrees, "in few years you both will be taking over as Alpha and Luna, so I think it's time" Taehyung munched what Jungkook is feeding without lifting his head, "We will think dad"

The next day,

Taehyung is eating strawberries while his granny is making the strawberry cake with Ye-Jin, Ji-Won is busy with pack work, Jungkook is here with Taehyung as the Omega is not letting the Alpha out of his sight, "pup" Taehyung hummed, "until how many days you will hide your art course of 3 weeks in Paris" Taehyung halted eating strawberries, he slowly started munching, "I already signed and you are taking it" Jungkook said making the Omega chock on his food, "w-what? I am not going!" Taehyung gritted glaring at his mate,

"Listen love, it's a good opportunity, I heard that the one who is offering it is a famous Artist and he will exhibit one of his students in his exhibitions too, you will be learning a lot pup" Jungkook said as softly as he can, Taehyung scoffed crossing his arms, "i am not going and thats final" Taehyung slammed his hand on the table flinching the poor man who is trying to steal the sweets in the jar on the table, "Taehyung!" "Don't Taehyung me now, this is my life!" "And I can't see you spoiling it, even you know how great opportunity it is"  tears welled up in Omega's eyes lips wobbling making Jungkook heart ache

"Pup listen" the Alpha instantly became soft pulling his mate into his arm, "n-no, I have to leave you and I can't stay without you" Taehyung said hugging Jungkook tightly while straddling his lap making Dong Wook roll his eyes, "My moon, listen to me first, I am going nowhere, even I can't stay without you, I will also come along with you" "Really?!" Taehyung eyes lit up like an excited puppy making Jungkook chuckle, "yes, it will be like an vacation and you can also attend the course" Jungkook pecked Taehyung lips with eyes filled with full of adoration towards his Omega,

"But company?" A frown etched on the ethereal males face, "we are opening a new franchise in Paris, so yeah no worries about my work" "Thanks Alpha" Taehyung kissed Jungkook hardly hugging the male, "anything for my little wolf" "I love you" Taehyung linked Jungkook with a pretty smile on his face warming the Alpha making him fall in love with him over again and again, "I love you too pup"


Hey Buns,

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