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"Chim let's do this" Taehyung clutched the knob of the cafe door with his sweater paws just as he was about to open a wave of dizzy hit him making him stumbled but Jimin was quick to hold him, "Tae are you sure you are fine?" Jimin asked his friend worriedly, "I am fine Chim" "Babe if we remember this is happening from yesterday, you almost fell from the stairs of ours this morning and the thing I don't understand is why you are not saying it to Hyung" Jimin sighed as he looked at his friend 

"Chim pleaseeee I swear I am fine It's hot out now let's go inside" with that Taehyung pushed the cafe door open entering followed by Jimin, the two Omega's got all eyes on them but the eyes which got Taehyung's attention was the doe eyes which were looking at him from the corner table of the cafe 

A bright smile appeared on Taehyung as he ran towards the table leaving Jimin behind who was smiling at his cute antics, when Jungkook got the scent of his pup his doe eyes quickly scanned the area and found his baby standing there looking ethereal in a simple sweater and a matching white pants, he was already on his feet when he saw his pup running towards him, 

"Alpha" Taehyung merrily called hugging the death out of the Alpha who chuckled at his pup, "Hi pup" Taehyung scooted more into his Alpha's embrace enjoying the warmth of his Alpha, "Hi Hyung" Jimin greeted as he came to table and got a nod from Jungkook

"I missed you" the Omega admitted looking at Jungkook with his big Bambi eyes earning a peck from omega, Jimin is not even a cent bothered instead he ordered for both him and Taehyung before he took place in the empty chair but this lovey dovey moment of the couple is bothering someone which is none other than Miri

The girl is fuming in the anger looking at the scene in disbelief, she just couldn't believe her eyes and ears, the guy who she was chasing trying her luck was now standing infront of her with another man in his arms, she just couldn't tolerate the fact that the Jungkook who always talks to her in cold voice and gives single answers is now talking so softly and dotingly with an Omega

Her ego is not letting her back down, her anger took her best "Jungkook who is this?" She asked rashly eyeing Taehyung with pure disgust because he is an Omega and anger because even a mere omega can get the attention of the Alpha but not her

Taehyung whimpered in Jungkook's hold at rash voice making the pure blood tighten his hd around the Omega, "Alpha" "Mind your voice Ms. Lee" Jungkook gritted his teeth looking at her with cold piercing gaze,  "and he is my mate so you better watch what you say to him" "J-Jungkook I am S-sorry" the Alpha mentally rolled his eyes kissing the Omega's head saying comforting words to the Omega

"Do you wanna stay pup?" Taehyung immediately agreed though it was obvious Jungkook asked but Miri is not okay, "Jungkook we still had project to be done and last date is tomorrow he will ju---"Ms. Lee my mate stays here if he wants and the delay of the project is because of you so you better finish your part" the female Alpha shut her mouth glaring the Omega in Jungkook's arms

"Why is it's hot here?" Taehyung huffed pulling the sweater for some air to enter which revealed his beautiful mark which enraged the female Alpha more, "your heat must be near" Jungkook simply said but Taehyung blushed brightly at the Alpha bluntness that's when Jimin opened his mouth looking at Taehyung with wide eyes "that's why you are feeling dizzy now a days, Tae how can you be so careless?"

Taehyung immediately glared at his bestfriend for revealing him, "what do you mean now a day's Jimin? pup are you hiding your health from me?" That stern voice of Jungkook was enough for Taehyung to realise that his Alpha is not at all fine with the fact that he hid about his health

"You are b-busy Alpha, you barely stay at home now a days and I didn't want to bother you with these small things?" The omega meekly replied biting his lips looking at his lap, it was true that Jungkook is spending less time with his pup he was really disappointed that the Omega didn't bothered to tell him neither taking good care of his health

How can his pup be reckless? It was his first heat and he didn't even bothered to take precautions? What if something bad happens ? What if he was out and got attacked then ? The mere thought was making him go crazy, if it really happens then it will be---

And it's all because of one person who always eats his time like a leech, he lost the count how many times he rejected this women but seems  like she doesn't have dignity of herself,

"He even almost fell from the stairs today if it's not for me Hyung" Jimin really doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut like really ? Taehyung wanted the ground to swallow to him but not before chocking his bestfriend to death, "I am done here and we are leaving" Jungkook suddenly declared Taehyung snapped his head that fast that it can break, he looked at his Alpha with wide eyes and mouth agape

"But Jungkook I can't und---"just shut up Ms. Lee if you can't do this then you shouldn't have picked this major and how many times I have to explain the same theory again and again because of you I can't spend my time with my mate and more importantly I don't even know that my mate is suffering because of  his upcoming heat, if you can't finish it then don't bother i will submit my work alone and explain myself and yours too, if you are done then I would appreciate you to send it to me by mail"

Miri looked at the Alpha in disbelief, did he just showed his first priority? More importantly she feel embarrassed over an Omega who had all the attention of the Alpha, her Alpha pride was not letting it go, did she just got rejected for an Omega ? A weak species? Who is good for nothing? Her ego raised to its peak and anger took over her

"Jungkook it's just a heat, he can take care of it but the project is important you can't leave in middle not for this pathetic Omega!" by that time Jungkook's eyes were flickering to red, he was trying so hard to control his wolf, Taehyung just hid himself in Jungkook's embrace releasing his calming pheromones

Though he is super happy for all this drama he was really worried about his Alpha's anger too, this was not really what he planned but still he got what he wanted, hasn't he ? Jungkook called him his mate, he was introduced as his mate, the Alpha clearly shown that his first priority is his Omega not to mention---

"I am repeating this again Ms. Lee he is my mate, if you disrespect him one more time I am not sure what happens to you and more importantly my part of the project is already done all that left was yours, you should be grateful that when your good for nothing ass was trying to get my attention I have completed half of the part of your work but now I can't anymore take care of it yourself and send me through mail if not I can deal it myself because I don't give a fuck about you" the pure blood menacingly uttered before packing his things

By the time he was done Taehyung is sweating very badly, his lips dried  as his scent got more stronger and stronger getting the Alpha's attention in the cafe, if Jungkook knows this before he would have never left his Omega, let alone step him out of the house, it was really dangerous for an Omega in heat

"Jimin call the driver and leave along with him, I am taking Taehyung with me" Jungkook hurriedly said before lifting the Omega in his arms running before they get attacked by the Alpha's "A-Alpha hurts" the Omega whimpered in pain as a wave hear him "shh pup we will reach home soon"

Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

And here is a new book on behalf of his birthday 😙😙😙

The Famous Chaebol's

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