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"I will miss you grandpa" Taehyung sniffles while hugging his grandpa who was also crying while the poor In-Na was looking so done with the two, "I will miss you too my pup just call grandpa if you want anything or if your Alpha doesn't behave with you I will come with in instant" Dong Wook said through his cries, "No no grandpa my Koo is the best Alpha, I will miss you so much because now whom will I accuse for my deeds" Taehyung blurted between his cries, sobbing

Yeonjun bursted into laughter hearing his brother, he already expected it, In-Na was no good she was biting her lips trying to stop her laughs because her husband looks so done with this little Satan, the Kim couple are no good, Ji-Won is laughing in her husbands chest while Seo Joon with maintaining his poker face maintaining his cool, while Jungkook just stood there with his hands inside his pocket

Today the young mates decided to move into their paradise, Taehyung still doesn't have no idea how their new home is gonna look, he was so excited-- he didn't slept the whole night neither did he let the Alpha sleep, Jungkook has to threaten the poor Omega to put him into sleep-- it's not easy when his Omega is so excited, well, it's never easy with his Omega in any mood

Taehyung pocked his inner cheeks trying to stop his laughs when he saw his grandpa, poor guy always the victim of his acts-- "I am sorry Grandpa I am just joking I will really miss you" Taehyung honestly said this time with tears in his eyes, "me too my little Omega" poor Alpha kissed the forehead of his grandson, of course everyone in the home will miss the little Omega who was always the cause of mischievous in the house, their little bundle of joy and trouble

But he promised he will visit in the weekends or whenever he can, none of his things were taken from here because Jungkook has already got them prepared, only some very very important and favorite stuff were moved, the art supplies which were given to him on his birthday were already moved to the new house, it occupied a whole room-- so Jungkook completely turned that big room into Taehyung's study and for his art work

He too observed how his pup really drawn to the art and giving his all efforts, now they were currently in the car with constantly whining Omega who was impatient, it was one hour journey from either of their packs and they just started now after saying good bye's to everyone, Ji-Won at first acted like she was happy that her troublesome son is finally moving in with his Alpha but cried while holding her baby Omega

At that moment Jungkook really want to cancel all this plan but he selfish, he is selfish because he only wants his Omega all to himself, he asked his little pup the whole week from that day if Taehyung is ready for moving, he already explained everything and the Omega always agreed by shutting his Alpha with his replies and threatens, So yeah Jungkook has no plan in cancelling whatever he is doing

He almost got a heart attack when one day his Omega declined the offer, he as usual asked Taehyung again, the Omega got irritated and blurted that he won't be moving in which made the Alpha all worked up, after that the Alpha didn't dare to ask the question again to his Omega,

"Are you ready pup?" Jungkook asked unlocking the door, "Yes Alpha" Taehyung was literally bouncing on his heels, looking like an excited puppy, his aqua orbs are clearly showing his excitement, his boxy smile was on his display, bangs bouncing on his forehead, he was literally glowing which made him look so adorable and beautiful and Jungkook can't help but pull the Omega into a deep kiss

Their lips are molding perfectly, Taehyung was sure shocked but didn't complained he gave into the kiss, he kissed back with the same intensity locking his hands around the Alpha's neck immediately, Jungkook bit Taehyung bottom lip earning gasp from the Omega, he entered his tongue tasting the hot cavern of his pup's, sucking on the tongue making the Omega moan, Taehyung toes curled as he fisted the Alpha's hair, he breathed more into the kiss due to the lack of Oxygen so Jungkook reluctantly broke the kiss 

The Omega looks completely wore out of their make out session, both are greedily inhaling the oxygen and Jungkook knows  he has to stop otherwise they are gonna do this the whole day while standing, he combed the Omega's hair neatly, Taehyung to did the same with Jungkook while standing on his toes while the Alpha is busy adoring the ethereal human infront of him 

After calming down Jungkook opened the door and Taehyung ran inside instantly, "Careful pup" the Alpha shouted following the Omega behind, "Fast Koo" Taehyung impatiently whined looking at the Alpha who just entered, "slow down pup we have all the day and we are anyway gonna live here" "b-but--"no buts baby what if you fell while running in all excitement or trip somewhere, now we don't want you to get hurt on the very first day in your new home right?" Taehyung pouted but nodded, he knows his Alpha won't spare him if we got hurt

Jungkook kissed the pout away, he locked their hands, "now let's go" Taehyung bashfully smiled nodding his head, this time they slowly had the house tour, Taehyung loved every part of the house, the smile never faded away from his lips, He was over the moon when he saw the whole big ass study room of his separately but both of them know that Taehyung ends with his Alpha by the end of the day

The house was really beautiful, the floors are completely made of wood, Jungkook already took precaution because he know his pup is not someone to sit obediently, he literally runs all the time, so no marble floor!

The house was wood themed, why ? Because the Omega likes that type of house, the whole architect of the house matches Taehyung style, just as he told his Alpha and Jungkook didn't even missed a single detail

They even have a open area behind the living room, it was divided by the transparant glass doors from four sides of the room with a sitting area, followed by stairs to upstairs, which has the study rooms and bedrooms, whereas the basement of the house was divided into 3 parts,

B1 for gaming zone, B2 and B3 for parking areas with lifts, there is a big backyard too

Currently the Omega was so overwhelmed, because why won't he? his Alpha didn't even missed a single detail, it was completely as he requested, his Alpha always paid attention to him, to his talks- he was feeling elated 

"Thanks Alpha" Taehyung sniffled, tears rolling down his bread cheeks, his hands are locked around the Alpha's neck, stuffing his face into the crook of Jungkook's, Jungkook held his Omega through his waist, he can understand his pup, he was overwhelmed, "I love you pup, my beautiful baby" Jungkook confessed making Taehyung pull back from his hug, "I love you too, my handsome Alpha" The Omega confessed back initiating the kiss


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

Couldn't get myself to write the chapter's without this one, I will try to provide you the pictures of the house

Keyword: TRY

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