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I actually wanted to clarify something for my reader's, it is about this book, this book is nothing like other books with typical plots. It's just a simple book which shows the life of Taehyung and Jungkook since their childhood. How they grew up, at every stage, their love and how their life is as they grew up into what they are. I hope u understand what I am trying to say.

Happy Reading!!!


Taehyung is having a great time of his life, the Alpha is giving the Omega a piggyback ride, they finished their date for the night and since Taehyung requested him so sweetly for the walk till the Eiffel Tower which is near the restaurant they had date, the Alpha being the whipped immediately agreed his Omega, when the Omega again requested for piggyback as he couldn't walk since he ate a lot Jungkook again agreed without hesitation,

Since Taehyung complained about his shoes, the shoes were used to be in the hands of Alpha until Hoseok came and took them as he was following them behind in the car, he just wants to go and spend time with his new beta girlfriend instead of witnessing this lovey-dovey act of the mates, Taehyung welcomed the silence of the night tightening his hold on the Alpha as Jungkook is walking them on the sidewalk,

"We are here" Jungkook declared setting the omega down who is now bare foot, Taehyung wriggles his toes as he looks at the magnificent site in front of him, "it's so beautiful Koo" the Omega exclaims leaving his mouth hung open, Jungkook hummed looking at his Omega who is a magnificent site for him, always and forever, "stand on my feet pup" Jungkook gently says standing behind Taehyung, his hands snaking around his Omega's petite waist, Taehyung obliges,

"Jeon Taehyung" the name rolled smoothly from Jungkook's tongue, Taehyung tilted his head "yes" the Omega sighed when Jungkook pressed his lips on to the Omega, "I love you" Jungkook says looking straight into the Omega's eyes with love, Taehyung flashes a sweet smile, his one hand cups Jungkook face caressing it tenderly, "I love you too Alpha" Taehyung whispers looking straight into the Alpha's eyes,

"I want to buy it" Jungkook exclaims as he sees the painting of his love in the exhibition which is about the beautiful night after their date infront of the Eiffel Tower at night, apparently when Taehyung is showing Mark his painting the other day it peaked Mr. Francis interest, so he politer asked Taehyung for displaying that painting in his art exhibition, it's not the assignment that Mr. Francis assigned them, but it is something that touched his heart, the emotions that Taehyung poured into the painting,

"Of course you can Mr. Jeon" Mr. Francis agreed standing beside him looking at Taehyung with a proud smile, "I lost the count of how many has requested buying this painting" he said looking at the art, "how much are you going to be willing to pay for it Mr. Jeon?" "It's priceless" Jungkook eyes shines with immense love and pride as he looks at Taehyung who beams in happiness, "exactly, I am not planning on selling it, neither I can have it with me, I will send it back to you after this to Korea" "Thanks Mr. Francis" Taehyung says earning a nod, "I will take my leave now, enjoy your evening".

Taehyung 3 weeks course is completed, the couple extended their trip one more week and decided to leave after the art exhibition of Mr. Francis, Taehyung didn't get the opportunity to get his art display but his another painting caught Mr. Francis interest which is enough for Taehyung, the Omega immediately agreed for Mr. Francis deal of Exhibiting the paint in his exhibition when the elder requested,

"We are getting late Mr. Jeon" Hoseok, the responsible Assistant informed Jungkook who nodded his curtly not able to take his eyes of the paint, he surely would have bought it by hook or crook if Mr. Francis didn't plan on sending it back, and yeah today they are returning as both the mates are homesick while Jungkook is getting mostly sick of that old man whines of missing his little Omega,

Taehyung and Jungkook left the venue after spending some time admiring the works of Mr. Francis, since they already packed they directly reached the Airport after collecting their luggage to board their private plane, their extra luggage, gifts, heavy shopping items, everything is already stashed in the jet, Taehyung immediately fell asleep with Jungkook. 

They only woke up to fill their stomachs and slept after finishing their meal!

"GRANDPA WOOK" Taehyung made ran straight to the elder arms who are shedding happy tears of having his grandson, seeing him, oh! How much he missed his little one, "MY PUP" with the same dramatic tone Dong Wook made a bee-line to Taehyung who clashed into his arms, "Oh my little one, I missed you so much" Dong Wook tightly embraced the younger, "G-Gran-pa I-I can- brea-th" Taehyung said slapping the elders back coughing when he was released, Jungkook stood there with so done expression hiding his jealous and possessive towards his Omega who is with the elder Alpha's

"Grandpa Yoo" Taehyung beamed, "My Little one" Gong Yoo opened his arms with an oh-so dramatic expression which Taehyung returned, now Jungkook wants to return and never come here, can't they not wait for them at their house? Couldn't able to take it anymore, Jungkook snatched his Omega into his arms, "Yah! brat, Give my pup back" "Never" a low throaty growl left from Jungkook earning a hard smack from Dong Wook, "Rex is not liking it" 

Gong Yoo rolled his eyes at his petty grandson before snatching the pretty male who mentally rolled his eyes at the snatching game, Hoseok being so done with this family helped the guards with packing the luggage in the cars waiting with Seulgi aside, 

The whole ride Taehyung is squeezed between elders who are pampering him, accusing Jungkook in the middle as their little one is looking a bit weak though they know it's otherwise, it's fun to play with young Alpha, 

Taehyung is busy scrolling the news in the mobile in the midst, certain news caught his eyes, "Isn't it Mr. Ko?" The car fell into  a silence, "Who?" Dong Wook peeked at the Omega's mobile, "The one who messed with us in the Party" Taehyung said looking at the three in the car "He did What?!" Gong Yoo asked with an oblivious face, "well it doesn't matter now, that bastard got arrested for his illegal works" 

A sly smile formed on the three which didn't go unnoticed by the Omega who mentally rolled his eyes for the nth time of the day, "I am sleepy, carry me when we reached" Taehyung sighed leaning on to Dong Wook's shoulder closing his eyes, who lulled the boy into the sleep


Hey buns!!

Just want to give closure to this Paris Vacation, Before they start new phase?

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,

Do comment and like...💜

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