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A/n--Good night!

A low groan left from the Alpha as he tried to peel his eyes open, his head is hurting along with his body, it's like he is very weak, he tried to sit but a voice stopped him from doing that, 

"Don't move" his favorite deep voice but it felt like the voice is drained out of emotions, "Here drink this" Taehyung helped Jungkook to drink some water after helping the Alpha to sit who looks really weak due to the high fever, the Alpha finally opened his eyes to find his ethereal omega who is looking anything but good

"p-pup" Jungkook voice came out hoarse, he coughed a little before drinking more water, Taehyung just hummed as he collects medicines from the bottle that are prescribed handing them to Jungkook, he checked the fever again, a sigh left from his dry plump lips in relief when he saw it was normal, 

The boy is trying his best to not snap on the Alpha because yesterday after leaving Dr. Cha sent one of his assistant to collect some blood samples to check on the young Alpha, even Blood Pressure everything is collected, yes it's been a day since the Alpha was unconscious and all this time nobody knows what's running in their little Omega mind who didn't even stepped out of the room

In-Na along with Dong-Wook stayed back while others left, Yeontan is taken away by Ji-Won, the elder Omega took really good care of the young Omega as far as she could, Dr. Cha reports came this morning, the Older Doctor informed that Jungkook has low blood levels..

Dr. Cha also informed that Jungkook must have these symptoms for a few days which the younger has ignored, there is hint of protein deficiency, he changed the diet plan of Jungkook before prescribing some medicines

Taehyung followed everything on time taking care of the Alpha, it was then he observed the flat stomach of the Alpha, not to mention the bags under his Alpha eyes, those flattened pale cheekbones with no color, his Alpha face lost color making him more agitated,

One thing that the doctor concluded in the end is that Jungkook is not having proper meals i.e., he is skipping his meals and not to mention the stress he is having during the work, the Omega is really upset on Alpha of not taking good care of himself or more like upset on himself for being a bad Omega who couldn't keep his Alpha health check

Guilt is eating him up, everyday Jungkook calls him in his lunch to check on him even on his free time to check on the Omega. Not that Omega is not checking on his Alpha, he too asks his Koo if he done with lunch or if he is staying hydrated in the middle of the work... The Alpha would always replied him positively which turns out nothing but a pure lie

His Alpha is not having proper meals during the day in the office, he shouldn't have fall for his words maybe he should have caught the tone of lie in the words of his Alpha who is sprouting, he should've took more care of Jungkook's meals

He should have packed the meals for the Alpha, his inner Omega is really upset on himself, he is feeling the most worst Omega who couldn't even take care of his Alpha who always takes care of him in every single thing, the guilt is creeping up in his nerves as tears prickled in his eyes

"I will inform others" Taehyung left without waiting for the others reply, he was also angry on Jungkook who lied to him but what can he do now ? What happened has happened right ? So he just needs to be more careful from now on...every learns from mistakes and experiences and Taehyung too and..... he has thoroughly planned it

But first of all he shouldn't give in to the temptation of his Alpha, though he hates to be away from the older he has to do it for their own good,

"Alpha is up Grandpa" Dong Wook nodded at the little Omega who made his way to the kitchen, he sighed at how distant is Taehyung towards him, he can't help but blame that you g Alpha for that, not that he isn't worried about Jungkook.. he is....a lot, he checked every one hour on the Alpha but he just didn't liked how Jungkook brought this upon himself and also Taehyung

His Doting AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now