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Happy women's day beautifuls,  Always be strong and never give up❤️✨

Taehyung mentally rolled his eyes as he looked back and forth at the oblivious couple towards the crush they hold on each other, it was the next day, Hoseok was asked to have his breakfast here as he slept here last night, the Omega is sitting on the lap of his Alpha sipping his morning strawberry shake, while Jungkook is feeding him breakfast because today he wants to get pampered alot.. like alot.

Can't I just say them, they are making me sick Alpha Taehyung whined in the link making Jungkook shook his head No pup it's their matter, we shouldn't involve Taehyung pouted as he looked at the couple infront of him maybe I can help them Taehyung linked back looking with big eyes and wide grin, don't Jungkook just only linked that knowing Taehyung won't back out from whatever he is planning,

"Ah Taehyung, Bo-Young informed me that you got no schedule today" "yes Hyung, I have to attend University to submit my work and attend a class" Taehyung nodded his head as took a bite of his breakfast fed by his Alpha, no matter what Jungkook will be the first one to know Taehyung's schedule and if he felt like it's getting hectic he will change the whole schedule until or unless Taehyung denies, "pup after completing the work you can directly go to the pack I will be coming late today" "okay!" "Inform Daniel" Jungkook said as he took the last bite in the breakfast

Since it's going to be weekend, they usually heads to either of their packs to stay for the weekend to spend some time with their family, "but I want to spend time with you can't I just come to you when my work is finished ?" Taehyung asked trying his luck while bashing his big wide Bambi eyes, he today seriously wants to stick with Jungkook and rub himself on the Alpha by cuddling him all day and night, "No" Jungkook mercilessly denied, he doesn't want to make his Omega feel avoided when he would be in meetings, he knows how Taehyung is feeling

"Instead we can cuddle tonight love" "no thanks!" Taehyung grumbled before he got down and ran to his room, "do I have to cancel the meetings sir?" Hoseok carefully asked because this is not the first, Jungkook in the past to cancel his meetings just to satisfy his Omega, "no let's continue for today and get done with this" Hoseok nodded his head at the Alpha's words

After talking business with Hoseok Jungkook left to his room while Hoseok left for office, it's his duty to get everything prepared by the time the pure blood comes to the company, when Jungkook reached the room Taehyung is all ready for his, the Omega looked at his Alpha with straight eyes who looked at him soft doe eyes, after a staring contest of straight 4:13 mins Taehyung left without greeting the Alpha which was enought for Jungkook to know that Taehyung is angry at him

But he will make it up to the Omega, knowing Taehyung heat is near this is highly expected, the Omega will be his usual by the night because he can't stay away from Jungkook, not when he was needy for his touch and scent,

"Dani Hyung will you wait here?" Taehyung asked as they reached the campus, "Alpha will Kill me Master Taehyung" Taehyung mentally rolled his eyes at the mention of his Alpha, "fine" he huffed as he got down with a bag, today he seriously is not in the good mood, he doesn't feel like having people around him except his Alpha, but his Alpha is not here neither he is willing to have Taehyung over and the Omega too knows the reason very well but he is in too bitter mood to even consider it

Walking through corridors to reach his class Taehyung felt many stares on him but he is so used to them that he isn't bothered by them anymore, but unlike any other day he felt something off, he felt like being watched with a bad eerie vibe, something is not settling in his heart, as he continued to his class Daniel waited for him outside, even throughout the class Taehyung felt someone is watching him, he looked around but too his dismay he found nothing

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