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I love you all my angel's 

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Thank you so much for everyone for reading this book and showering it with so much love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Lots and lots of kisses to you my babies  😙😙😙😙😙


A huge pout out of curiosity, Aquas orbs are bigger in concentration, sitting on folded legs our adorable Omega has been observing the fishes in the Aquarium they had in their house, 

Observing whether they are eating when the food is given or how they are swimming wriggling their tails and fins or what they are doing when they bump each other or counting how many bubbles are coming out from that machine, well don't look at him weird, he is just bored and most important thing he is missing his Alpha!

He is done with his Home Work, watered the plants in the garden out of boredom which is pointless but still he did it, done with his painting which he is working on since a week, not to mention the chocolate cake he prepared for his Alpha who unfortunately was not here, the one our little Omega is waiting for 

The Blue Haired is missing his Alpha a lot from past few days, moreover he is stick to his Alpha like glue every time they were together basking himself in the intoxicating scent filling his body with the warmth radiating from his Alpha, now a days unlike him he is seeking more of his Alpha presence, not that Jungkook minds, he is more than happy to have a clinging Omega in his arms after tiresome day

The Alpha is at the year ending, which is making him more busy with project, he completed his single project but he has to do a group project too, since it was group he has to make it along with the person he is partnered with, so he is always coming home late than usual, all exhausted due to the long day

A squeal left from the Omega when he heard the car sound, his Alpha is back! mean he will get his cuddle and kisses, the true blood ran towards the door with a big boxy smile which immediately took off the all the worries and exhaustion of the Pure Blood who just entered and gave a fond smile to his pup catching him in his arms but Taehyung can sense the tiredness radiating from his body and scent, he got a little sensitive 

"Looks like someone missed me very badly" The Alpha teased pecking the head of Taehyung who nodded agreeing, "A lot" the Omega pouted, "my baby~ me too, Alpha missed his Omega a lot" the pure blood kissed the Omega sighing in content taking both of them inside, the kiss was lazy but the pure blood is pouring all his love and how much he missed his pup

"Why don't you fresh up and we will have dinner" The Omega suggested getting out of the kiss nuzzling into the older's neck near the scent gland, greedily inhaling his favorite scent while clinging onto Alpha, Gosh! he is missed this so much, though he is wearing Jungkook's hoodie which has the older's scent Taehyung is still not satisfied with it

The Alpha looked at his Omega with so much adoration before picking the Omega in his arms making him squeal "Okay then, Let's go bath" the Alpha declared with seriousness "Koo I already bathed" blue head whined with red adoring his bread cheeks still nuzzling into the neck, "pup I am tired help me scrub my back" Taehyung whined, he knows better!

"No Alpha, pup is hungry, go bath quickly and let's eat" well, Taehyung made an attempt, "love, it will become more quick if you come too"

well, yeah~ Taehyung scrubbed his Alpha's back with his nails

Jungkook sighed as he stuffed his face in the neck of Omega where he marked his love, they both are cuddling on the bed after having dinner completing it with the chocolate cake which Taehyung made and ended up getting lots of praises and kisses from his Alpha which made the Omega beam in happiness, his cooking lessons from the elder Omega's and Beta's is making him get better day by day

"pup your scent is getting stronger" Jungkook said from the neck causing tickles to the Omega who giggles softly combing the Alpha's hair, Jungkook nuzzled more into the neck sighing holding his Omega more tightly with his strong arms, Taehyung observed the stress of the Alpha and he didn't liked it, he didn't like that his Koo is disturbed by something making him stress,

"What happened Koo?" The Alpha sighed for the nth time of the day hearing delicate deep voice from his pup, "A girl is really getting on my nerves pup" a frown form on the beautiful face of the blue head, "What happened Alpha?" Taehyung enquired more "She is my partner in the project but all she does is waste my time which makes me come late to home, to you, not to mention she rubs herself on me, though when I clearly rejected her and warned her to stop but that girl never listens me and I hate her that she always do that" the last thing came out as a whine

Who would have thought the University Most Handsome Cold Alpha is complaining here in the arms of an Omega, not any normal Omega but his Omega, his mate,

And yes this girl is getting on Jungkook nerves from the moment they partnered up, her name is Miri a female Alpha, she has a long time crush on Jungkook since the starting of the year but she always only got rejected but she became a more of a nuisance when they both got paired up for the project

Jungkook never had any problems with the group partners in the past because they all would stay in their limits but this girl is eating his time with unnecessary things and doubts, he is missing his time with his love because of Miri, he did tried getting another partner but his professor didn't agreed and also none are left

Taehyung knows his Alpha, he won't raise his hand on girls and also won't disrespect them unnecessarily, he understood that his Alpha tolerating her because of this project but he won't sit idle, knowing that a girl is rubbing herself on his Alpha though he rejected her is making him want to chock that girl to death, he hated that she is not taking a 'No'

Sensing the rage from Taehyung, Jungkook looked up to see Taehyung who has an angry pout, eyes burning with fire, he chuckled at his little wolf shaking his head "Do you have to meet her tomorrow also?" Taehyung asked raising his eyebrows getting a nod from Alpha, "Where are you meeting?" "I suggested University but she is insisting in a cafe though I denied" "Okay agree to her" This time Jungkook raised his eyebrow, "Just do it Alpha" "what are you thinking pup?" "It's a secret Alpha I can't disclose my plan with you" Taehyung looked away folding his hands on chest

If that girl doesn't know how to take the answer 'no' then Taehyung will teach her, he will make sure that he will show her that she got no chance to be with Jungkook or anywhere near him, he will make sure to show her place!


Hey Angle's,

This is just a filler chapter, I know this is not that good because even I don't know what I wrote....... my health is not good, my throat is still sore 

but I still wanted to write *sighs*

A request though-- can someone slap me ? *huffs*

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

Do Like and Comment(they always encourage me bubs) 💜

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