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Taehyung sighed snuggling more in to the warmth that his Alpha is producing, while the Alpha hands are busy combing the Omega's soft locks, it was snowing outside and he was tired as hell after a long day full of celebrations and surprises, why ? Because our adorable Omega turned 15 today!

His morning started so energetic, unlike other days he himself woke his Alpha up early in the morning by jumping on the peacefully sleeping male, Jungkook tried to put his pup back in to sleep as it was still 4 in the morning, because last night they slept at 12:30 and he needs more sleep for his brain to function properly

But to his demise, the Omega didn't slept which resulted in Alpha to bath him and doll him up for the day, bet what ? it's really not easy with energetic Taehyung jumping all over the place early in the morning, he has to use his powers to keep the Omega in one place, even during the bath the mischievous Omega drenched the older in water which resulted in them taking in a bath together with some playing sessions, kissing sessions-- the Alpha babying his Omega just like Always (A/n:- don't get another imagination you horny asses)

Later the fully ready Omega directly barged into the elders room waking them up, they all wished the Omega showering him with wishes, kisses and blessings, all the maids and pack member's like every year blessed their beautiful cute Omega with everything, some even brought gifts like freshly picked strawberries from the farm, some brought rice, everything in their power

Gong Yoo gave him a card filled with a million asking him to buy something earning a whole ass lecture from Ji-Won who herself brought a pretty pretty latest dresses and stuffs for her Omega son along with her husband, after all he is their adorable baby Omega no matter what!

Hyunbin and Ye-Jin gave him a whole stationary of art supplies from A-Z, because lately Taehyung started to concentrate more on art-- elder Kim couple gave him a card again filled with a million in it

oh! and our youngest Alpha Kim gave his brother a beautiful cake which he prepared himself with the help of In-Na, like every year Yeonjun gave him something that was able to do by himself, he doesn't like giving his Hyung gift when it was not his money, so he always prepare something by himself and it was also easy and simple, there is no need for the brain storming--- the Omega always get overwhelms by his brothers little gifts and returns it back with double affection

And his Alpha already gave his gift last night which is a sapphire blue stoned pendant attached with a thin platinum chain, replica of his wolf eye color, the Omega was feeling ecstatic after getting the gift from his Alpha, his inner Omega is purring in delight! They even shared some hot moment last night, our little baby is not a little baby but a devil hiding in the facade of an pure Angle, full mischievous and naughtiness!

The rest of the day he spend pulling stunts on his grandpa, playing with Yeontan, dressing Yeonjun in his old princess dresses-- the young Alpha is so done with his Omega brother but he didn't complained because no matter what he loves him and then after forcing food down his throat Jungkook forcefully cuddled the Omega in his buff arms, rocking their bodies back and forth lulling him to sleep, in the evening the family arranged a party by inviting very close relatives and friends

The smile never faded from his lips to the point it ached his jaws, he was literally glowing the whole day, he once never removed the chain given by his Alpha!

"Alpha my legs hurt" Taehyung whined sitting back with a pout and glossy eyes, the pain was really unbearable after running all day, jumping and standing in the party-- he and Jimin enjoyed the whole party in their own way, of course the Alpha's are stuck to them all the time, they just can't leave them alone, it will only bring more problems-- the older Omega gifted him a pair of emerald green earring set

Jungkook pecked those pouty lips, sitting taking his pup legs on to his lap, massaging them earning a satisfying moan from the Omega, then his eyes fell on those gifts he got this evening, he wants to open them but decided against it because he was exhausted and badly wants to sleep! 

"I am sweepy Koo" he mumble with a pout and a pair with hooded sleepy eyes rubbing them with his fists cutely, "come here pup" he crawled on to the lap like a baby slumping on the man sighing at the familiar warmness, "Baby" the Alpha hesitantly called the Omega who hummed nuzzling his face in to the crook of Alpha, "will you move in with me together?" his heart is thumping heavily, neither of them moved for a moment

The Alpha is preparing for the worst but he frowned when he heard soft sniffles from his Omega, "why are you crying my love?" Jungkook panicked pulling away from the Omega who was silently crying, "I-I t-thought y-you forgot a-about it Koo" the Omega cute mumbled sniffing before hugging the Alpha tightly burying his face into the Alpha's neck

"I-I thought y-you forgot a-about it because you n-never talk about it and i-it's always me w-who talk, s-so I-I thought y-you might have forgot" the mumbled through the neck, the Omega tears are wetting the area, lips quivering, hot breath tingling the skin making the Alpha gulp 

"Shh baby I never forgot, it's a surprise darling so I haven't talked with you" Taehyung pulled back from the hug, "really" he asked wiping his tears and snort on the Alpha hoodie, the pout never leaving those luscious lips, nose and cheeks turned red-- the Omega is looking very adorable wanting to kiss the hell out of his pup, wanting to taste that hot cavern again 

So he did exactly that, which he craved for-- he pulled the Omega closer smashing his lips, quenching his thirst by sucking those sweet and salty lips due to those tears, Taehyung responded quickly- how can he not when he himself was dreading to feel the last night 

He voluntarily opened his mouth, Jungkook pushed his tongue inside pulling the Omega closer by his waist massaging it "Ahhh~" a muffled moan left from the Omega, his hands travelled to the pure blood's hair-- he grabbed a fistful of hair tugging them, Jungkook sucked the tongue making the younger moan in delight, Taehyung pushed himself more closer to his Alpha equally sucking while tangling their tongues-- it's a pure bliss for both of them

Both parted due to the lack of oxygen, attaching their foreheads breathing the oxygen greedily, Taehyung was already looking wrecked and Jungkook doesn't how will his Omega look when in the future when they-- oh the things he will do with his precious pup!! anyway after calming down the pulled away making the Omega whine 

"Will you love? will you move in with your Alpha?" Taehyung nodded too dizzy to reply, "words baby" Taehyung cheeks burned more, he is biting his lips with a shy smile lingering on them "y-yes" he gave wide bashful smile making the Alpha chuckle at his adorable pup, aigoooo the babyyyy 

After sharing a loving kiss with no tongues attached both drifted to their dreamland with Alpha spooning his Omega in his protective arms


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

About the intimate scene, it has been ages since I wrote one, so I don't know how it turned out 🤷🏻‍♀️

Going to spice up things from now on!🌚

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