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It was an usual busy day,

After one week of break with Taehyung taking care of his Alpha and Jungkook attached to him all the time, it is Monday already

Taehyung fed Jungkook breakfast with his own hands, a lot of portion that too, the pure blood cheeks and jaws ached with the amount of food forced down his throat, but did he complained? No! he just let the Omega do what he wants, he already learned his lesson of not making his Omega angry anymore, it was not an good experience

Because if there is anything that he got to know over the last week then it is that his mate is the most sweetest creature ever but also the most cruel creature he had ever met,

After saying many precautions and warning to not skip his lunch Jungkook was escorted out of the house by Taehyung, the Alpha peppered his Omega with lot of Kisses, as gratitude and love towards his Omega for taking care of him and loving him and left happily to work leaving a very flustered Omega

Currently Hyun Bin is peacefully working in his Cabin, the elder has no idea of what drama is going to happen next , The flung open with Taehyung happily skipping inside with Seulgi trailing behind him with a bag,

"Appa Jeon!" "My Baby Omega" the father son duo dramatically exclaimed with Hyun Bin standing there with his arms open and Taehyung running towards the elder with his arms open making the female Beta giggle at the silly pair, sometimes this family is too much,

"What's my pup doing here?" Taehyung giggled at the elders question, "I brought lunch for Alpha!" The Omega exclaimed with shining eyes and bright smile, "Then what about me my little Omega?" The Elder pouted looking at the little one who rolled his eyes removing himself from others embrace, "There is canteen here" Taehyung shrugged as he skipped to the sofa leaving a sulking Alpha behind,

"Call my Jungkookie Appa Jeon" Taehyung asked but looked up when he got no reply to see the big Alpha sulking with a disgusting but cute pout according to him, "Fine fine I got some for you too now call my Alpha before they get cold you big bad old Wolf" Taehyung whined before turning his attention to the show piece on the table,

"How come I am the big bad wolf pup?" The elder asked after calling his secretary to bring Jungkook, "you are Appa Jeon the food is getting cold and my Alpha is nowhere here" The Omega replied, "But you just told me!" "But you didn't called him immediately every second counts!" the Omega retorted shutting the elder once and for all

Soon the door is opened by his secretary who was looking so young and active with his Alpha behind him, Taehyung immediately got on his foot running towards the Alpha throwing himself on his Koo, "Alpha!"

Jungkook stumbled a when Taehyung ran into his arms before he could register, "pup" Taehyung nodded vigorously dragging the Alpha inside towards the sofa, "What are you doing here baby? are you fine ? or did something happen at the Un--"shh Alpha too many questions" Taehyung shook his head negatively pecking the elders lips,

"I am perfectly fine but I brought lunch for you and also had a work to be done" "What is it?" Taehyung shrugged signing Seulgi to arrange the plates and food, "You will see" Jungkook gulped with feeling not settling right in his heart, what's his pup is upto ? nobody knows!

"What about your classes?" Jungkook raised his eyebrows when Taehyung gave him an eye blinding smile, "I am done and remaining are canceled" "Pup!" "I am serious Koo you can call the management if you don't believe your pup" the Omega replied with sadness laced in his tone which really worked on Alpha, "Now now eat it" Taehyung clapped his hands taking the plate which Seulgi arranged just like he instructed her to

He took the chopsticks and started feeding his Alpha who gulped everything down, "Can you also call the Manager that Alpha is working under Appa Jeon" Jungkook chocked hearing the questions his Omega casually asking his father, "P--"I just want to make him somethings clear but I won't be interfering in his work" Taehyung said again before the elder could ask giving the Alpha to drink water

Both father and son made an eyes contact when Jungkook nodded Hyun Bin dejectedly sighed before asking his secretary to call Mr. Hwang the Manager, "Who will feed me ?" Taehyung rolled his "You have two hands you old man" "He too ha--"I am his mate old Alpha" a smile formed on Jungkook lips as he heard his Omega, gosh! he is so precious and Jungkook would trade anything but not his pup "Ouch that hurts" "you asked for it Appa!"

They both stopped their convo when they heard throat clearing to see a bewildered man with the young new secretary which he has no idea of who, any ways back to the scene! "Oh! Hello Mr. Hwang you must be the Manager that my Alpha is working under" Taehyung greeted the other with a sweetest smile which only screams anything but sweet to the family,

The Manager is perplexed at the scene he saw when he first entered, then again Taehyung's greeting left him more puzzled, why is his intern casually sitting with the Company CEO and getting feed by a beautiful male? cold beads of sweat formed on his forehead as his gut twisted in fear, "H-Hello Mr--"Oh my bad I am Jeon Taehyung, I am the mate of Jeon Jungkook" The Omega respectfully bowed earning the same in return

"Appa Jeon eat dumplings I asked Seulgi to make them specially for you" Taehyung suddenly said startling the father-son duo what ? dumplings? they both blinked their eyes before Hyun Bin nodded his head while the manager spaced out thinking, this beauty is my interns mate and why is calling our CEO Appa Jeon wait! he is a Jeon and Jungkook is his mate? then... Jeon Jungkook! i-is he ?

"Mr. Hwang I actually called you ask you to give some slack to my Alpha, he fell sick last weak which I don't really appreciate because he is abandoning his health because of work now if it happens often then what will happens when my Alpha takes over this big company so I wanted to request you to cut him some slack" The Omega said with a sad voice looking down with some tears in his eyes,

"I-I M-Mr---"I know I know you are not some biased manager like those villainous ones in the manga's and drama's, you won't be biased towards your interns, I know there are two interns in your care and other one is nothing like my Alpha and I also know that it's my Alpha who always over works though he shouldn't but I feel like you could only made him do that like he will listen to you" a soft sigh left from his pillow lips shaking his head but he immediately snapped his head up with wide bambi eyes

"D-Did I just said that My is going to be the future CEO" the Omega gasped pointing towards him, "OMO It should be a secret Mr. Hwang!" The Omega shouted startling the manager, "Y-yes?" Mr. Hwang confusingly questions, Hyun Bin tilted his head side ways to hide his smile, the secretary is biting his lips to stop just like Seulgi and Jungkook he just looking with his straight face

"I honestly believe you won't spread this rumor right ? Mr. Hwang or it will cost your job though the mistake is mine, I also request you to give my Alpha lunch break on time and not to mention! kick him if he doesn't leave the office even after six" Taehyung bashed his eyes looking at the manager who nodded his head vigorously, "Y-Yes Mr. Jeon I-I will" "I know, I can trust my Koo--I mean my Alpha health with you and also no need for any special treatment now that you know because that will only bring more rumors and I don't want to step here again to deal with them, you can understand right Mr. Hwang?" "Yes Mr. Jeon, I will take care of Jungkook" The younger nodded his head

He knows what he exactly is doing and also everyone there, there are no words exchanged after that, everybody burst into laughter after Mr. Hwang Scurried away from the room to save his life and thinking about repenting his past deeds, "my Intelligent and cute pup" Taehyung kissed the Alpha in affection "that I am" the Omega winked making Jungkook chuckle, that's really messy but cute warning and Jungkook has no heart to correct his pup the whole time or to stop him

Because it was sure a sight!



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