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Pitter patter sounds are echoing in the silent hallway, Taehyung dragged his body with a thick fluffy blanket draped over his little frame, a cute frown and a pout he followed the alluring scent of his Alpha which brought him to the study,

So what happened is, the ethereal Omega was kept to sleep by his Alpha but in the middle of the night suddenly after loosing the familiar warmth he woke up only to find the side of his bed empty, he looked around the whole room, even the bathroom but he couldn't find his Alpha, so covering himself in the thick blanket he started following the scent in search of his Alpha

The Omega pushed the door dragging his body inside sleepily,

"Koo" The Alpha was already on his feet when he got the scent mild scent of his Omega, he already guessed Taehyung must have woken up and was searching for him, "Why are you up pup?" Jungkook asked only to earn a cute glare from the Omega, Taehyung slapped Jungkook's chest with his cute fists before embracing himself in his Alpha's buff body humming as the familiar warmth surrounding him

"Missed you" The Omega mumbled through Jungkook's chest making the Alpha adoringly look at him with so much fond and love, "I still have some wor----" before he can sleep a loud dismissive whine came from the Omega who was rubbing his face on his Chest, "No" clearly indicating that he doesn't like it, Jungkook too doesn't like this, but he has to finish this project so that he can enjoy the rest of the holidays with his pup completely

Sighing dejectedly, Jungkook picked the Omega in his arms from his thighs, the Omega was quick to wrap his arms and legs around the Alpha sighing in content, Jungkook walked them to the table, he sat on the chair with Taehyung in his arms, he quickly adjusted them in the chair,

"Why don't you sleep baby while I finish this?" Alpha asked his pup softly tucking the hair stranded behind the ear, "Why can't we just sleep?" The Omega sleepily uttered with closed eyes enjoying the warmth that his Alpha is producing him, "I have to finish this and then submit baby so that we can enjoy the rest of our holidays happily" "Okay fine" "sleep well my love" Jungkook placed a sweet kiss on Taehyung's hair patting it lovingly

Taehyung was quick to fell asleep in his Alpha's lap, Jungkook again turned his focus to the project reluctantly, he was doing it from two days straight while his baby has managed to decorate the whole house with the help of the maids, he was in his final year of his studies and was assigned a project in the holidays to complete, he was intelligent and topper of his batch, he is quick witted,

So he isolated himself in his study from the straight 2 days, he wants to finish it fast so that he can spend time with his baby without any interruption in these holidays, these two it was Taehyung who took care of all his meals, breakfast and sleep cycle, the Alpha heart swelled with adoration, his wolf is howling in happiness

Taehyung might look spoilt, bratty Omega who always demands attention and things from his Alpha moreover, adorable and cute, not to mention naughty, but he was responsible which only his family members know, mainly his Alpha

Jungkook couldn't ask for more, his pup is so responsible yet managed to look cute when he took care of the Alpha with his cute angry face while feeding him or forcefully threatening for sleep, or giving some massages not to say some make out sessions to force him out of the work, can't he be anymore cuter? (A/n:- *squeals*)

If anything by the end of the day his love for the Omega increases as if it has no bounds, he doesn't know about others but to him Love is limitless, a pure and endearing emotion which he daily dives in the depth of it with no way back

After clicking the 'send' option Jungkook closed the laptop shut with a sigh, he looked down to find the Omega still sleeping with no care in the world with a squished cheek which resulted in a cute pout, those long eyelashes kissing his bread cheeks looking so peaceful and ethereal, soft breath emitting from his cute button nose, he softly stroked the cheek of his Omega pecking the temple

The pure blood picked his Omega in his arms who snuggled in to him and made his way to the bedroom, he laid on the bed with Taehyung and covered them properly in the duvet hugging the Omega, closing his eyes finally letting the sleep take over him


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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