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Jungkook carried Taehyung in his arms to their bedroom, by then Taehyung neck was already decorated in purple n red, the Alpha can feel the hard metal under his palm, he rubbed Taehyung thighs sensually as he entered the room , the door automatically shut behind them

It was only then Jungkook parted and made the Omega stand on his legs, who was clinging on to him as he feel weak in his legs to stand, 

"Are you ready love?" Jungkook asked caressing the Omega's cheekbone, "Are you ready for the marking pup, if you aren't we can ski---"No no I'm ready Alpha" Taehyung immediately interrupted Jungkook, he gave a reassuring smile to the Alpha nodding his head, Taehyung himself tilted his neck in submission, giving the permission to mark him

Jungkook glided his thumb from the cheekbone to the Omega's neck, rubbing the spot where he will mark, his one hand is holding the Omega tightly, he gave light kisses on the cheek trailing down to jaw, neck, he pulled his tongue out licking the junction making the Omega whimper, the Alpha gave a suck as Taehyung pushed him close through the nape tilting his head to give more access

Jungkook gave one last kiss before bringing his fangs out earning a scream from Taehyung, tears rolled down the Omega's eyes when the pure blood fangs pierced through his skin...soon the whimpers turned into moans as pleasure rushed inside his veins, Taehyung felt the change making him smile through his tears, Jungkook gulped the blood before removing his fangs out, licking the holes which healed, that will convert into a beautiful mark tomorrow,

Jungkook's wolf is howling in happiness inside, he finally marked his Omega, it was such a proud for an Alpha to see their mate carrying their mark all around ecstatic, Taehyung touched the fresh mark hissing lightly biting his lips, finally he is marked by his Alpha! "Thanks Alpha"  The Omega is feeling blissful after getting marked by his Alpha, from now Taehyung will proudly show the mark given by his Alpha to the whole world to the world know who he belongs to

They both looked into each others eyes which holds galaxies and the next moment both smashed their lips, kissing passionately...Taehyung want Jungkook hands all over him, maybe because of the new bond but all he wants his Alpha to touch him like he owns him, Jungkook impatiently moved his hands inside Taehyung shirt, 

He cursed mentally feeling the cold metal under his palm, he glided his hands up to find a silk cloth, he nibbled the cloth pulling it down making the Omega gasp tightening his grip on Jungkook, the pure blood parted from the kiss looking at his baby in his arms.. looking so wrecked, just because of some make out sessions not to say the scent of the slick making his pants twitch

Lips are bloody red, swollen, eyes hooded with tears, cheeks adoring a dark blush... his pup looks so gorgeous even right at this moment, he gently pushed the Omega onto the bed completely removing the half pulled panties hovering over the younger who was a panting mess

The Alpha was enjoying the every single expression on his pup's face as he moved his hand sensually on Taehyung inner thigh to up, he feel slick running down between his legs as the smell getting stronger, he rubbed his hands over the slick before pulling it out looking straight into Taehyung eyes who looking back at him with curious but the curious bambi eyes widened when he saw his Alpha licking his fingers covered with his slick 

Taehyung blushed bright at the hot scene, he already feel naked under Jungkook intense eyes but this action made him get aroused more, a low moan left his pillow lips when he saw Jungkook licking, "Enjoying baby" Taehyung could only nod "Words love" "Y-yes Alpha" 

Jungkook hummed before pushing his hand under Taehyung shirt, this time his hand directly made contact with his throbbing hole, his dick was already hard which is clearly visible.... his finger first played with the lips making Taehyung whimper and moan, the Omega suddenly felt shy.. he tried closing his legs but a growl from his Alpha made him retreat back "Mine"

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