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"ouch...ouchh....ouchhh!" Yeonjun chanted as Taehyung treated his wounds with a glare that no one can predict, Jungkook just sat there opposite to them looking at the scene unfold, "who did this to you?" Taehyung sternly asked, making the younger pout, he is really embarrassed to say who it was,

"You are just 16 I can't believe you are getting into fights" the 25-year-old ethereal male grumbled "I didn't fight!" the 16-year-old exclaimed with a huff, "Then did you punch your own face, have you finally gone mad?" Taehyung questioned tilting his head cutely, making the younger facepalm mentally, he knew he needs to explain, and this question is common but looking at his Hyung who was looking at him like he had grown 2 heads, he seriously wonders how Taehyung brain work sometimes.... his Hyung is innocent, he nodded at his own thought getting a head smack,

"Why would you hit me?" a whine came from the younger, "I didn't, but a classmate from my grade hit me" "Why?" Taehyung dwelled making the younger's cheeks tint pink, "heisanomegaandiaskedhimtobemymate" he breathed out in sentence, "what?" Taehyung confusingly asked looking at his mate who shrugged acting oblivious, 

Yeonjun took a deep breath and said "he is an Omega and I asked him to be my mate" Yeonjun said but immediately hissed when Taehyung landed a smack on his head Again, "Ahhh waeee?" "You are only 16 why would you think of mate and not to mention who asks someone to be their mate directly? Of course, he would have thought you some creep and punched you" Taehyung aggressively rambled which was unlike him,

"His heat is near" Jungkook simply explained when the younger looked at him with him big Bambi teary eyes with a pout, his Hyung smacks and words are hurting more than that punch by the beautiful Omega according to him, Jungkook signed zipping his mouth when Taehyung glared at him, "Who even suggested you that?" Taehyung asked, "Jungkookie Hyung" Yeonjun lowly mumbled with a pout making Taehyung groan, he knows where this came from,

"You can't ask someone to be your mate directly Junie, there is a dating stage before, getting to know each other, mine, and Alpha's is a different scenario" Taehyung sighed ruffling the younger's hair, "Why don't you first try being his friend?" Taehyung asked sitting on the chair beside him, "Will he agree after this?" the younger asked pointing at his face, "Try until you can and make everything right, maybe you can start from a sorry and a good explanation?" Taehyung carefully suggested "Okay fine, I will try" Taehyung nodded,

Just then, Hoseok entered the room with a tab in his hands, "Hi Hyung!" Taehyung chirped with a big smile, "Hi Taehyungie" Hoseok flashed his eye blinding smile, "Noona has already left" Taehyung informed seeing the elder looking around for someone, Hoseok cleared his throat scratching his nape, "Y-yeah, Mr. Jeon, I cleared your tomorrow schedule, you are--"Wait wait, why ?" Taehyung frowned, looking at Jungkook then Hoseok, 

"Umm, Mr. Jeon? why why?" Hosoek asked with a confused face, "Exactly why, why why?" "Eh?" "Pup did you forgot?" Jungkook asked with an evident pout, looking like a kicked puppy, now it's time for Yeonjun and rest of the house to enjoy the drama, "Should I remember something?" Taehyung asked making a thinking face, Jungkook heart shattered into a million pieces, "Yes my little one, you forgot our date" Gong Yoo entered, "Oh! yeah! I had a date with Grandpa Yoo Tomorrow!" Taehyung flashed a boxy smile,

"D-Date? With Grandpa?" Jungkook asked pointing at Gong Yoo who has a silly victorious smile, "Yes, I promised myself for Grandpa Tomorrow whole day" Taehyung nodded biting his inner cheek, "But Taehyu--"Oh Hyung please make yourself home, I still had some pending work which I have to complete before tomorrow and Yeonjun you better apologize to who ever you had fight with today and be on good terms" with that Taehyung left the room,

"Why are you here?" Jungkook frowned displeased, Gong Yoo scoffed, "Of course to take this little brat home" he said pointing at Yeonjun who is happily sipping the juice made by the housemaid, "Mr. Jeon tomorrow?" Hoseok asked worriedly, "Rearrange all the meetings" Jungkook deadpanned, 

He is even ready to be shameless to remind his pup what tomorrow is but decided against when Taehyung didn't even try to think of it, his pup forgot! And it's aching his heart! "A-Are you sure?" One hard glare from the young Alpha is enough for Hoseok to understand the situation, Aww my cute Grandson Gong Yoo internally cooes at his Grandson sulking pout, anyway after that Gong Yoo left along with Yeonjun while giving some tips for the younger which wll probably end up getting him some few punches from the Omega,

After that, the whole day Jungkook sulked, he even tried to remind the Omega by disturbing him during the work which resulted in his getting locked outside the room, not like he can't use his powers but just because he doesn't want to sleep in the guest room, his Omega is too cruel! That all went away when Taehyung threw himself on his Alpha after a long day staying in the Art room, 

They started making out in their room after dinner, but suddenly Jungkook stopped making the Omega whine, "You seriously don't remember tomorrow?" Jungkook asked panting Omega, "N-No" Taehyung replied, frowning confusingly making Jungkook sulk pout return, the Alpha did nothing but removing himself from the omega, covering his body with the Duvet to sleep, "A-Alpha" Taehyung called, what's tomorrow? Really? He scratched his nape, biting his lips, he groaned when nothing strikes him, 

Taehyung looked at the back of Alpha and sighed, covering himself with the duvet to sleep, hugging the buff body of his mate who didn't even returned it, clearly showing how upset he is!


Hey Buns!

Really! What's tomorrow, that our Alpha is so upset about?!

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