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It's chapter-25 *squeals*

A quick question--

How did you find my book?
The large hall is lavishly decorated in a dark theme contradicting to the vibe of the star of the night who was none other than our ethereal Omega who turned 18 today, 

The guests are all over the place from close friends to business partners, and people from both the packs, it was not an everyday that the Omega of Kim's and Jeon's turns 18, so they arranged a grand party on the occasion, who won't after all it's his mating age, they even did the same with Jungkook

A faint music is playing in the background, The elder's are greeting the guests with big smiles on their faces clearly indicating their happiness, Ji-won is over joyed as her son reached the mating age, they blessed the Omega with everything like every year this morning, Taehyung is all over the moon 

The Omega has received lots gifts from the morning, except from his Alpha who promised him that he will give his gift after the party and Taehyung can't wait for this party to over, oh! talking about the star of the night, he still didn't reached the venue which is really pissing off the Alpha who was screaming handsome and sexy in the suit with his all intimidating demeanor around him

The Omega has received lots gifts from the morning, except from his Alpha who promised him that he will give his gift after the party and Taehyung can't wait for this party to over, oh! talking about the star of the night, he still didn't reached ...

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(Ignore the mic, his hair was black with a hairstyle revealing his forehead

^credit goes to the rightful owner)

The word pissed don't even justify what he was feeling right now, The Alpha is currently in a sulking mood because his pup has strictly forbidden him to not meet him, Jealous because that short Omega is the one who will see his pup before him, anger because Taehyung stopped answering his calls, the 18 year old even blocked him from the mind link, trusfrated because he didn't got any kisses and cuddles from the Omega, he doesn't know how much more he can hold himself before barging into that shorty house for his little one 

Jungkook was in own world thinking of his Omega until the light suddenly went off, Pure Blood shot his head to the entrance, all the emotion he was previously feeling has just evaporated into the thin air when his eyes fell on the most ethereal beauty that he was dying to see, his breath knocked out of his chest as he looked at his pup

A series of gasps and murmurs raised in the lavish party hall when they saw the Birthday Boy, some are still in a delusion if the Omega was is real not, he was looking just beautiful.. words doesn't justify the beauty of the Omega, 

His blue hair is the new attraction, suddenly feeling the attention of everyone Taehyung cheeks burned red, he just wants to go and hide himself in the arms of his Alpha where he would feel safe, he might be the one who asked the Alpha to not meet...

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His blue hair is the new attraction, suddenly feeling the attention of everyone Taehyung cheeks burned red, he just wants to go and hide himself in the arms of his Alpha where he would feel safe, he might be the one who asked the Alpha to not meet him until the party but he really misses the Pure Blood, he didn't got time for any kisses as he got dragged by his bestfriend

The Omega wants to surprise his Koo with his new look, he was dying to hear the compliments from his Alpha but it would be rude if he just push all these people who are greeting him, so he replied everyone with a big smile, talking to them but his eyes were searching for certain Alpha that he cannot find, he can get the scent of the older but he can't point where his Alpha is in this huge crowd which made him pout a bit unconsciously

His family really exaggerated, he strictly warned them to not make it this big, hell he didn't even know about his grand entrance until Jimin told him in the car and left him at the entrance, finally somehow reaching his family between all the greetings Taehyung left a sigh looking at the elders with a glare and pout, 

"I told you to not exaggerate" he whined stomping his foot, "Ohh Tae it is simple, be glad I stopped your father" the said male looked at his mother with a disbelief look before letting out a groan, can't he just go home and bask himself in his Alpha's scent ? 

Just like someone had heard his wish, a pair of hands encircled on his waist as a familiar favorite scent hit him, he immediately throwed himself in the hands of his Alpha sighing at the familiar warmth hiding his petite body in the buff body 

Jungkook chuckled hugging the boy to the chest, "you look beautiful baby" Taehyung cheeks burned red, he smiled biting his lips hugging the Alpha more, you are breath taking love the Alpha linked the Omega who squealed in happiness feeling giddy inside due to the compliments from his Alpha

They looked at each other, doesn't know who leaned forward but they felt euphoric as soon as their lips touched moving them sighing in content, goshh how much they missed each other, it was a living hell for both of them without kissing each other, seeing each other, for not having each other around,

"Okay okay you can hug, kiss and cuddle each other in home but now come, Tae has to cut the cake" upon hearing that neither of them parted making Ye-Jin roll her eyes , it's highly expected as they both haven't saw each other from morning since Taehyung left with Jimin

Jungkook is really reluctant, he was finally at peace after having his Omega in his arms, he didn't want to continue this party he just wants to kidnap this little Omega and leave so that they can enjoy the night and same with Taehyung, he has something up his sleeves which makes him an example of living Apple whenever he thinks of it

Nevertheless a cruel Dong Wook according to Taehyung has stole him away from his Alpha making him pout and sulk at the elder who didn't budge at the cute face

With his family around him and his Alpha beside Taehyung cut his cake while everyone are clapping and some are singing, after the little Cake cutting ceremony, the younger's again got involved in the crowd while greeting the guests

This time with Jungkook beside Taehyung, they met friends of their parents, business partners, greeted Min's and Park's with a bitter Jungkook towards the duckling Omega

The Pure Blood has a good friendship with Yoongi, they both are best friends in a way though they don't voice it out, they both are even same university with same major which relieves the family a lot, the Pure Blood doesn't interact with many which result in having no friends for the Alpha. But they are glad that Yoongi is with him

Suddenly the music changed from plain to a romantic rhythm, announcement was made as time for the first dance of the Omega,

"Would you like to have a dance with me Taehyung-ssi?" A hand was displayed infront of the Omega who blushed bright, taking the rough palm mumbling 'yes', clutching the soft palm the Pure Blood guided the true blood to the dance floor

Taehyung hands immediately found their way on to the Alpha's shoulder whose hands are around his waist, looking right into their eyes with full of love, a beauty smile is dancing on their lips, swaying their bodies according to the rhythm of the song playing in the background, soon the couple's joined along, the elder Kim and Jeon couples too

With a swift move the partners changed in their arms, Taehyung was now in his Appa's arms, the rest of the dance Taehyung danced with his grandpa followed by Hyun Bin, the Omega even graced Gong Yoo with a dance

Smile never leaving his sculptured beautiful face, he enjoyed the whole dance finally ending it in the arms of his Alpha who was looking at him as he was looking at him as he was his whole Universe

The night is still long for the couple with full of surprises...

Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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