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One week with heat was both heaven and hell for Jungkook with Taehyung getting depressed about not having kids due to the heat and Omega mother instincts, but they made through the one week of Taehyung's first heat and days passed just like that with Taehyung being a full of caring fluff ball with his Alpha, taking care of him and vise-versa, Jungkook was all whipped and doting Alpha for his bubbly Omega

But now everything came to an halt as the exams approached, Taehyung wouldn't have been this stressed if it was his High School exams but this was for his University entrance exam, though there was no pressure from his parents or his Alpha, but Taehyung felt lot of pressure because this University is very hard to get in and it's top University for the major he desired for, Arts

So Jungkook is really worried about his mate, his pup who is not even getting out of the study room since morning, Seulgi informed the Alpha that their adorable Omega is not even eating lunch, so that she has to force it down to his throat by feeding him, the Alpha stood at the entrance of the study room with his hands folded on his chest while looking at his clumsy yet stressed mate

The older didn't like the stressed frown on his mates beautiful face and the frustrating whines leaving from the pretty mouth of his pup whose plump lips are harshly bitten or formed into a thin line, he wants his giggly bubbly mate back, he wants his pups babblings back, he wants to see the boxy grin on the beautiful face, he wants to wipe out all the stress of his mate

The pure blood shook his hear as his feet moved to the youngers desk who was back facing him while looking for some notes, he was too immersed to even get the hint of his Alpha's scent, it's like he blocked all his senses, he back hugged the pretty male causing him to flinch but immediately relaxed as the familiar warmth surrounded him, 

"Baby" the soothing deep cherry voice of his made the younger to tear up because of his all pent up frustration and stress over his exams, the Alpha hugged his pup to his chest sighing while combing through the youngers fluffy blue hairlocks as the Omega clutched the sides of his Alpha tightly in his sweater paws

 "relax pup you are gonna do it good my little wolf" Jungkook gave an assuring kiss on the head, "B-But I only had an week Alpha" "you are preparing  for this from last week my pup, you almost finished revising everything haven't you, for two times" getting no response from the younger the older decided to take Taehyung out from these four walls

"Let's go out!" "No I still ha-"I am not taking no as an answer pup, lets go" the Omega yelped as he got picked by his Alpha from his thighs, he immediately locked his hand around his buff mates neck, stuffing his face in the crook of Alphas neck inhaling his favorite scent snuggling more into the olders chest becoming all mushy and relaxed in the others arms

A pout was settle on the ethereal male face as he played with the fingers of the the rough palm that was on his thick exposed thighs, the comforting pheromones of the older is helping him a lot, his inner Omega finally breathed out of relief seeing his human all relaxing, the car ride was silent which was enough for Jungkook to know that though his pup was relaxing, he is not completely relaxed 

Soon the car came to an halt in front of a cozy ice cream parlor, the pure blood removed removed his hands from the thighs and steering getting out of the car as Taehyung watched his Alpha coming over to his side as opening his door, "Jump baby" Just like that Taehyung ended up straddling his Alpha like a Koala giving no fucks about their surroundings

They entered the shop which was almost empty as it was 11 in the night, it was pitch dark outside if it was not for the moon illumination and the street lights, the lights inside the shop are warm and welcoming the cashier welcomed them with a professional smile though she was internally squealing at the cute couple that just entered the shop

The Omega's lit up at the sight of different flavors of Ice creams, his mood immediately took a drastic change, he licked his lip unconsciously coming out from the neck of his Alpha as he started eyeing at the ice creams, "Chocolate chip with strawberries" the Alpha immediately ordered the said ice cream and paid extra as the ice cream was not on the menu

The Omega watched the whole process of making ice cream while still in the arms of his Alpha strong buff arms and Jungkook, well....he didn't trained and worked out for nothing right ? all these muscles and abs are for his pup after all

The lady handed the ice cream with an extra scoop bringing a biggest boxy grin on the Omega as he took the ice cream between his sweater paws getting a loving peck from his Alpha before they left the shop, they walked on the peaceful side walk on the road which has the beach down to the road, the cold air touching their faces, hair brushing the forehead as Taehyung devoured the ice cream with low moans while feeding his Alpha once in a while

"Thanks Alpha" Taehyung happily exclaimed as he gave a smooch on his Alphas lips giggling, "anything for my pup" the Alpha felt content just seeing his mate enjoying the night forgetting his worries for once, he held the Omega tightly in his arms providing the enough warmth to keep the Omega out of the cold air, he felt his heart at ease as he watched his Omega back again being all giggly and laughing all the walk

After completing the ice cream they returned back with a whining Taehyung who was demanding to stay out more but the Alpha wants nothing but to put the Omega into the sleep as he knows his pup is not having peaceful nights due to this exam, what worried him most is Taehyung is even getting the dreams... more specifically nightmares

The following days went by Jungkook staying with his mate all along taking extra care of him while taking the Omega on small outings to keep the Omega out of stress for sometime in a day, 

"Koo, I don't wanna go let's go back" the stressed Omega whined as he tugged his Alphas hand begging him to take him back home, his whole body is screaming nervous and how tense he was, not to mention his scent it was also making the Alpha more worked up at his nervous mate, it was the day of his exam and currently they were in the car that Jungkook drove his pup to the University for the exam

"my love" the Alpha mumbled before pulling the omega on to his lap, bringing the other into a passionate kiss by grabbing his nape and kneading the smooth flesh of the waist with his hand inside the shirt, Taehyung immediately  relaxed as he kissed his Alpha back with same passion, moaning as tongues brushing while the rough palm is exploring his chest 

"You will do great my little wolf, I will be waiting for you okay, just forget everything and do well, I know you will ace this exam after all you prepared days for it yeah" the Omega nodded at his Alpha words biting his now swollen lips, the pure blood once again caressed the cheekbone of his Omega before peppering the kisses all over the face and face earing a fist of giggle from his beautiful mate 

"Now now go inside with the same smile and I expect you to come out no running into my arms okay pup" "yes Alpha" the Omega beamed in happiness at the amount of confidence that his Alpha had in him, he kissed his Koo one last time before going inside for the exam 

And guess what, just like Jungkook asked the Omega literally threw himself on the older while explaining the whole process of the exam, how he answered the questions, how he marked every question and explaining the process, all laughing and giggling with Jungkook looking at his pup with so much admiration and whipped smile

And finally they ended the day with a lot of steamy sex which they missed during the whole period due to exams 


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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