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"you bad Alpha leave me" a whine left from the pretty Omega while getting back hugged by his Alpha who was literally clinging onto him as if his life depends on the Omega, "no" a nonchalant reply came from the clinging Alpha as he tightened his grip on Omega's waist while nuzzling his face in the crook of Omega's neck where his mark is standing proud, inhaling his most favorite scent

The blue haired huffed as he released the frosting on the table before turning his attention completely to the Alpha by turning in the arms, Taehyung cupped the Alpha's face pecking the cherry lips, "What happened Alpha?" Taehyung softly asked with his deep voice soothing the nerves of the pure blood who just dived into the neck of Omega planting light kisses on the faint marks,

Taehyung can sense the stress from his Alpha, his scent is anything but Happy, soothing and relaxing, not to mention his face which is looking so tired and pale, he slowly combed through the raven hair lock's feeling the Alpha relaxing, "Is it because of the work?" he felt a nod on his neck hair tickling his ears, 

Months passed both Alpha and Omega stepped into the new stage of their lives, 

Taehyung joined the University that he desired while Jungkook joined the company of his father as an intern, it has been 3 months since Jungkook joined the company and it's really been stressful due to the work, he always reaches home lately or wakes up to deal with a client in the middle of the night due to his manager who never leaves a chance to make him run errands and Jungkook obliges everything because--- one- nobody in the companies who Jungkook is and two- he has to endure more in the future when he will become CEO

And Taehyung, the beautiful Omega is already taken which made the students in the university disheartened knowing that they got no chance with the ethereal Male, his University life was pretty peaceful, he still gets some love letters and gifts which directly goes to the trashcan, he doesn't even bother to open them, he barely gets to meet his best friend as they both are different Majors and Universities but nevertheless he makes time in his schedule to meet Jimin just like the other short adorable Omega

Taehyung gets to spend less time with his Alpha who joined in the intern program in the company, though he can always barge into the company as he wants but his family always warned him that not to do anything like that because they want to hide Jungkook's identity for the time being, he needs to work in different departments to get to know the business more and also inside trades, they both spends time together in the weekends and since every wolf gets to apply leave for their ruts and heats so it's not a problem 

They both doesn't mind as long as they have each other in their arms by the end of the day basking in their warmth and scent, 

"Ahh~" a low moan left from Taehyung as he felt a pair of lips sucking on the mark with hot tongue gracing over the skin, he felt the large palms inside his shirt tingling his whole body making him shiver under the touch on his bare skin, Jungkook immediately picked the Omega making him sit on the counter in one swift before smashing their lips

The kiss was sloppy yet filled with passion, love and lust... Taehyung mewled in the kiss when he felt the pure blood pushing his tongue inside tasting the hot carven while his hands busy massaging the petite body his Omega, soon the rush of arousal hit them changing their scents into intoxicating alluring scent

Taehyung hit the chest of the Alpha as he was getting short of oxygen, Jungkook immediately pull away from the kiss as he dives in the cheek, smooching it, taking the flesh between his teeth nibbling on it, trailing down leaving open wet kisses down to the neck getting sinful moans and whimpers from the Omega, 

"A-Alpha we a-are still in t-the kitchen" Taehyung managed to whisper while clutching the raven hairlock with his one hand while the other is holding the edge of the counter chest heavying up and down, Jungkook stopped his hands which were about to open the buttons of the Omega's shirt

The workers are still in the house so they can't have sex in the kitchen, though he can risk but he can't let everyone see his Omega, so the sexually frustrated Alpha picked his panting mate by his thighs going to the room while passing the staff who has their head downs or indulged in some works

and what happened next behind those doors is the couple business.....

It was in the middle of the night... around 3 o'clock in the early morning,

Taehyung stirred in his sleep as he felt something burning his naked body, he tried to move but he felt a tight grip on his waist which is also burning on his naked flesh, he laid  for few minutes blinking his eyes, frowning when he saw the time on the clock on the night stand beside their bed, 

With all his strength, the Omega released himself from the tight grip of the Alpha who was sleeping with no care in the world which was unusual because Jungkook is always attentive when it comes towards him, he immediately sat up and checked the Alpha whose body is burning like fire, Taehyung hissed when he touched the forehead of the Alpha 

The true blood rushed to living room to bring the thermometer from the medical kit after wearing the abandoned shirt on his half naked body, he entered the room switching the lights on with thermometer in his hands but there was no movement in Jungkook, the Alpha was laying there as he was left before he left the room, 

He immediately checked the temperature which showed 39° C, his eyes teared up as he double checked the temperature, Taehyung immediately grabbed his phone and dialed his mother leaving the room to bring the basin with cold water and towel to rub the Alpha's body, 

"E-Eomma" he stuttered making the elder Omega panic, "What happened baby?" "K-Koo has f-fever his body is burning, the temperature is 39° and I want doctor to check because he looks pale" Taehyung worriedly said as he started filling the basin, "Shh calm down Taebear, me and dad are coming with some antibiotics meanwhile rub his body with cold water" "Okay come fast" he ended the call immediately 

Picking the now filled basin he went inside the room carefully not trying to spill the water, he kept it on the night stand on Jungkook's side before he went into the closet to bring the towels, with two towels in his hand Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed, the omega is internally shaking at the high fever, wetting one towel he placed it on the Alpha's forehead with trembling hands, he wetted another towel putting on the naked upped body 

He followed the cycle until his parents came, he changed the water in between, "Oh dear" Ji-Won gasped at the young Alpha who is looking pale, "It's okay baby we will call Dr. Cha in the morning, he will check on Jungkook and for now let's give him these medicines to control his fever" Seo Joon hugged his worried son who just nodded in his hold

The whole night Taehyung hasn't slept despite his parents tries of making him sleep, he took care of his Alpha the whole night while elderly couple are also awake along with him, as the morning came, Seo Joon called Dr. Cha over to check Jungkook

The said doctor checked the Young Alpha, he attached an IV and left after talking with the family, the whole time Taehyung has always been attentive, listening to whatever the Doctor has told them, he got the diet plan from the Doctor, Dr. Cha also informed them that the Alpha must be weak because his eyes look lack of blood.. must be skipping meals, which stuck in the young Omega's mind 

The whole morning Jungkook didn't woke up but Taehyung took good care of him, after Jeon's came to visit their son Kim's left, the Omega didn't even uttered a single word and this is making everyone work up, he didn't even talked to Dong Wook when the elder asked him something, he stayed in the room the whole time blinking his sleep away to make sure that his mate is alright, luckily it was Saturday so they didn't need to be bothered about the works

Ye-Jin prepared the porridge for the Alpha, she too was worried about her son but she is more worried about Taehyung who isn't even talking, for now she can't do anything but pray for everything to be alright, for her son to wake up soon...


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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