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Next day came soon, the shoot didn't got postponed further more as they already got the new photography team, this time the work went smooth, nobody dared to mess with Taehyung and most importantly the photographer who was all polite and professional, he doesn't want to involve with the Jeon's or Kim's in any way, so he maintained his distance from the soon-to -be model, one thing for sure was Taehyung is going shake the fashion industry with gold-like sculptured beautiful face

Jungkook didn't want to take any risks so he got a bodyguard for his Omega who was reluctant of the idea but sure Taehyung doesn't want to get mobbed or harassed when he was alone, so he had accepted it, thing's seems to be going smooth until a certain news or should we a rumor, gossip is shaking the internet with just one photo which is also the reason for the decrease in the temperature of Jeon household

The famous CEO Jeon Jungkook seems to have an affair with Miss Anna Ok

This is trending all over the internet with different titles, some involved Taehyung too, Jungkook and Hoseok flinched, one internally while maintaining his calm poker face outside and the other is sweating beads with each sound that resonates the hall with the cut when Taehyung is butchering the already finely chopped meat, Seulgi felt bad for the beta, the female has a long time crush on him, since she layed her eyes on that man and same goes with Hoseok but they never dared to confess.

The iPad is laying on the table with a crack which was caused by Taehyung, "I hate her" Taehyung grumbled as he threw the meat on the pan when it was heated, "Baby" Jungkook softly called but there was no reply, "Hoseok get those articles down now" Hoseok always wondered how could Jungkook duality change with in seconds, the tone that he used for him is so different than the one he used for Taehyung, "on it sir, most of them are down" Jungkook nodded his head tiredly, all he want right now is his Omega, his pup in his arms but the younger is busy

"Pup" Taehyung lips formed a pout as stirred the contents in the pan harshly, since the moment he saw this article with a photo attached of Jungkook holding her Taehyung blood is boiling as his inner Omega is going berserk at the thought of his Alpha having his arms around some other that is not him

He knows that it's not Jungkook's fault, he trusts his Alpha with his life and he is not at all angry at Jungkook, he is Angry at female Alpha, Anna Ok, who is shamelessly throwing herself on Jungkook every time she got a chance, they first met her in the party of Jungkook's. She started to openly flirt with him infront of Taehyung to which she blatantly got refused, Jungkook wolf gets out of control when she is around

Ok family is one of the rich families but they are no where near Jeon's and Kim's yes they are powerful but not as powerful as Jeon's and Kim's, her father already warned her to not cause any problems but that girl is adamant to have Jungkook claiming her clear interest in the pure blood, who wouldn't? Jungkook is a perfect man with wealth which can never be over even if they do nothing for generations, he is powerful and came from a powerful pack, he is the most handsome man to be alive that everyone craved for but too bad he is only Taehyung's, his Omega, his little wolf which the girl is not getting,

Lately she is getting on the mates nerves as she started attending the meeting that are happening in the recent association of both the companies, Taehyung already found her coming out of Jungkook's cabin 2 to 3 times, it's not even like that more like getting thrown outside by Jungkook, he can see her embarrassed red face with heat coming of her ears and nose making Taehyung a little satisfy but today she crossed her line which the younger won't leave that easily

Taehyung is kind, calm and he doesn't seem to look that possesive but he is the most possessive Omega one could ever have and Jungkook sure loves that side of his Omega, because Taehyung looks cute while acting possessive, Hoseok is talking in the calls and working on getting the articles down, Jungkook stood as walked around the kitchen towards Taehyung signing Seulgi to leave them alone to which the beta girl immediately obliged and popped beside Hoseok who got all nervous at the presence of his crush

Taehyung sighed when he two arms snaking around his waist, familiar warmth engulfing him, Jungkook scent helped the Omega to calm down a bit, "my little wolf" Jungkook bit the earlobe of the Omega who purred in his arm as he licked it, "I don't like her Alpha~" Taehyung pouted more as throws himself on Jungkook who lift him effortlessly, the Alpha walks out with Taehyung in his arm Who has his face pressed against his neck

Wendy immediately took over the kitchen as soon as the couple left immediately followed by Seulgi leaving a pouting Hoseok back, Jungkook carried Taehyung to their room and sat with omega on his lap, "pup, baby she meant nothing to me, I only love you" Jungkook kissed the Omega's eyes which were looking at his, "I know koo, I also trust you Alpha but I don't trust her, she isn't giving up and that's getting my nerves that cunning bitch took advantage of you and all I want was to get her out of our lives by killing her" "Tae!" Taehyung only huffed looking away while his fingers fiddling with the hair on Jungkook's neck, he knows his Alpha didn't like him talking about getting blood on his hands, he is deliberately releasing his scent all over getting Jungkook covered with it who is obvious of it very well, "I know you are angry baby but trust me I will take care of it, trust your Alpha love yeah?" Jungkook asked caressing the petite waist of the golden blonde

Taehyung finally nodded his though currently he is killing her for the nth time of the day, "how can you look so cute even when you are angry my pup?" Jungkook chuckled at the whiny baby in his arms, Jungkook ruffled the fluffy blonde hair of Taehyung hugging him more who was is latching on him, the pure blood brought his phone up when he felt vibrate in his pocket, he rolled his eyes when he looked at the caller ID,

He didn't wanted to attend it but he knows it won't stop so he attended it, "Jeon give me my little Taebear back!" Jungkook growled lowly as he tightened his grip on Taehyung who is trying to stop his giggles at the misery of his mate, "don't growl at me you brat, it's you who is all over the news with another female Alpha" Jungkook cursed internally, "you know it's other way around Grandpa Wook" he clearly imagine that puppy whiny face of Dong Wook, this man still manages to held his post as the villian of his life perfectly even after years

Jungkook didn't hesitated end the call before the other can retort something, he knows he will get it later but now he isn't in mood to deal with that poor man, "how is the day baby?" "It's good, my manager too takes good care of me, the bodyguard you arranged is also working good" Jungkook nodded his head, "are you packed tomorrow?" "I don't know, Bo-Young noona didn't informed me" Taehyung frowned thinking if he could remember something about his schedule tomorrow but none came to his mind,

"Leave it love, I will ask Hoseok to call  her tomorrow" Jungkook said pecking Taehyung lips,"will you go on a date with me pup?" He asked out of nowhere, he wants his happy Omega bag, he doesn't want the omega bother about this incident anymore, so the Alpha wants to take his Omega out knowing Taehyung loves going on date with Jungkook, the Omega immediately agreed giving a bashful boxy smile, his eyes lit up with hair bouncing as he nodded his head vigorously, "I love dates let's goo Alpha!"



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