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AYAAAAA!!! 50th Chapter!!!!

Can't believe we have came so far, I know this book might getting you guys bored but I really loved writing this book *squeals in happiness*

Thanks for each and everyone who came until here in this journey along with me, and also your voting and comments. Your comments meant alot for me and I am missing them recently! Thanks for Voting they are really boosting

I love you all!!!


"Min bitching Jimin I am surely going to kill you!" Taehyung whisper-yelled at his best friend who is rolling his eyes while busy dragging The Omega along with him, "Stop it Jeon Fucking Taehyung!!" Jimin gritted his teeth scrunching his nose at the sour scent of his friend, "I am gonna leave you on the streets if you don't block your scent, it's giving me headache Tae" Jimin sighed as he pushed the entrance door open of a styled studio 

"I should have listened when my Alpha denied your presence here" The beautiful Omega whined with pout, he shivered thinking about the consequences, it's not been 2 days since the Min couple are here and here is Jimin dragging him for getting tattoos, now how come they are out of their Alpha sights, let's not dwell into it because when Jimin is here it's hard to explain things!

"Oh hello both of you, welcome to xxx, Are you here for tattoos?" "Yes, I already booked an appointment under the name, Min Jimin" Jimin replied to the tall, raven haired man with greyish orbs behind the desk who has tattoos littered all over his body from Taehyung's view, "It's for two and I assume it's you both" He cocked his eyebrow looking at the two, "Yep!" "Okay can I know the others name?" "Jeon Taehyung" the man nodded typing the name in the system,

"I am Noah, I will be assisting Min Jimin and for Jeon Taehyung Sarah is going to assist him, she is actually in another appointment which might take 5 more minutes, I hope that's fine?" Noah asked looking at the two who are looking at each other, "Umm don't worry since Mr. Min I already requested for the Omega's for assistance, we both are Omega's who will be assisting you" The made our Adorable Omega's release their breath in relief, both will be skinned alive if it was an Alpha or Beta

You all might also wonder how this all started, it all started with Taehyung weird three hour obsession with Tattoos after watching a movie yesterday night with Jimin and the next day he found himself in the Tattoo studio, all thanks to the mochi! The Alpha's still don't know what their adorable mates are upto,

"Do you guys have any design on your mind?" Noah asked eyeing the two with hands crossed on his chest, "I am thinking of having a daisy on my ankle and " Jimin leaned to Noah and whispered something throwing a wink to the stilled Omega who has a crease formed on his forehead, Noah had a wide grin by the end giving Jimin thumbs up, "I will prepare your room, give me 10 mins" 

When Noah is out of sight Taehyung grabbed Jimin's elbow turning his best friend towards him, "What did you said to him?" Taehyung asked raising his eyebrow pressing his lips into a thin line, Jimin shrugged giving an innocent look, "secret Taetae" the short Omega winked before Taehyung can ask something a girl with raspberry colour hair, tattoos all over arm with piercing on her eyebrow and nose interrupted them, 

"Hi I am Sarah, who is Taehyung?" Sarah asked looking at the two with a small smile, "I am" Taehyung dumbly answered as his eyes struck on the girls eyebrow piercing, imagining his Alpha getting one is a hot sight making the Omega horny suddenly "Okay, the room is already done, I cleaned the equipment so no need to worry" Taehyung snapped out of his unholy thoughts nodding his head, Jimin arched his eyebrow looking at his troubled bestfriend,

"Noah will be here in a few minutes Mr. Min and Mr. Jeon Please follow me" With a one last look nodding at each other the Omega's parted their ways, "So do you have any design that you want and where to get it" "Yep, I do" "Easy their Mr. Jeon, are you afraid of needles?" "Nope, I am just scared of pain and infection" "Oh don't worry about them, we are very hygienic and the pain is bearable" Taehyung nodded and explained what he wanted, "It's simple and cute" Sarah chimed setting the equipment's

"If you lay down pulling your pants down and ass up Mr. Jeon" The Omega's face became red, though Sarah said in a professional manner he can't help at the thought of someone seeing him other than his Alpha, after a painful of 30-40 mins Taehyung is now standing outside waiting for Jimin while Sarah is doing his bill, "Make sure to not wet it for atleast 3 days, change the dressing everyday applying the oil I gave you, though you can remove the dressing after three days, don't stop applying the oil" "Thanks Sarah" Taehyung paid taking the cover which has oil and dressing,

"Please wait here Mr. Kim or you can go and check the shops here, Mr. Min might take few more minutes" Sarah informed making the Omega sigh "Thanks I better go for some small shopping spree" Taehyung said "That's a good idea" "Please inform Jimin" "Sure" after bidding good byes, Taehyung walked in the street he went inside the first store which attracted him, after spending sometime he got an message from Jimin that the Omega is done and they are ready to go back, 

Not ready to reveal their tattoos, both the Omega's completely throwed the topic away and discussed about the big night of the Jeon's new Franchise open party here in Paris, which is also the one reason that Min couple are here, after spending some time together Jimin dropped Taehyung at the Omega's current stay as they live at different places,

With a dreading heart, calming himself Taehyung open the front door after entering the code, he blocked his mind link with his Alpha and had his phone switched off the whole day, thanks to Jimin, "you are here" Taehyung jumped at the sudden voice but calmed when his Alpha took him into his embrace releasing his scent, "You scared me Koo" "I missed you pup" Taehyung moaned dropping the bags in his hand clutching Jungkook's shirt as the Alpha busy marking the neck,

"I-I missed you too Alpha" Taehyung inhaled sharply when Jungkook pinched his clothed nipples, The Omega sighed in content when the Pure Blood joined their lips in a passioned kiss picking Taehyung up in his arms who immediately locked their legs around the the Alpha's waist, their lips moulding perfectly suddenly reality hit Taehyung he immediately pulled away from the Alpha panting, "No" he shaked his head catching his breath

"W-What?" Jungkook looked so innocent like someone snatched his favourite candy, Taehyung internally cooed, he feel the arousal of his mate but  he can't let this continue and get this ruined even though he just want his Alpha inside him, "I-I am tired Koo, I want sleep" Taehyung pecked the Alpha lips getting down from the strong arms leaving a sulking Alpha behind, before he could know the Omega is inside their room, 

Not finding Taehyung in the room, he went to the bathroom but the door is locked from inside making the Alpha groan, his hard dick is painful and he want his Omega, it's been 3 days since they last had sex, he begged in the link to open the door but mercilessly got rejected, with a dejected pouty face the Alpha huffed and left to the another room to clear his problem, 

After coming back clearing his problem, Jungkook found the Omega already under the sheets, covered from top to bottom, he must be really tired Rex chimed earning a nod, with a most whipped look Jungkook took the Omega in his arms who snuggled into his warm embrace, kissing the forehead one last time Jungkook slept inhaling the sweet scent of his mate


Hey Buns

Hope you are enjoying! It might be boring but yeah!

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