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"Koo" Jungkook hummed as he nuzzle into Taehyung's neck inhaling the sweet scent of the Omega, "Won't you be with me anymore?" Taehyung asked with glossy eyes biting his lips, "No pup I will be always with you" Jungkook assured pecking those pink pillow lips

It is the night of the Jungkook's graduation, they both are cuddling in Jungkook's room after a long day, "It's just that I won't meet you in breaks pup but as I promised earlier I will drop you and pick you up from school nothing will change we will be together for the rest of the day like we used too" Jungkook said softly brushing the Omega's cheeks lovingly with his knuckles

"But still I will miss you" Taehyung pouted, of course he will miss his Alpha-- eating lunch with him, meeting him in the breaks-- cheering him on the grounds, picking him from the class, he will miss everything, Jungkook chuckled at the whining baby in his arms

No matter how many times the Alpha explained the Omega always ended up asking again and again in hope, don't get him wrong the little one is just not getting used to the fact that his Alpha will now not be there in the school, to pamper him, to feed him not to say completely hating the fact that his Alpha is not gonna pick him from the class door like he used too

"Will you stay with me then?" Jungkook asked "I am staying with you now" Taehyung replied with a frown

He isn't understanding what his Alpha is saying , the 13 year old is confused!

"No like completely with me in a separate house, only you and me with some maids because I can't make my Omega work" Taehyung eyes widen with sparks "Really?!" he asked looking like an excited puppy, "Yes baby" "I would love too Alpha" Taehyung squealed throwing himself on the Alpha hugging him to death

"Okay we will but only when you will turn 15" Jungkook said booping their noses, "B-But that's two years~ Koo" "yes two years" "but why?" "because you are still 13 love so I can't take you according to your Grandpa" Taehyung huffed mentally killing his grandpa "fine!"

The Alpha really asked the Kim's permission but Dong Wook being Dong Wook didn't allowed until Taehyung turns 15 and Jungkook respected the elder-- knowing what the elder means-- don't get him wrong-- he just wants to be with his Omega completely without anyone's disturbance-- he knows he is selfish and greedy but only for his Omega

"Alpha can we have a gaming zone then" Taehyung asked with hopeful eyes biting his lips, he squealed more when Jungkook agreed, thanking him while peppering kisses all over the Alpha's face

The night went along with Taehyung stating things he want in the house and Jungkook listened to him all the while carefully,

He will make sure that everything is present in the new home just as his pup wished!!


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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