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"Taeeeee~ let's get down before Alpha's find us" Jimin said looking around the area that visible from the height as they were sitting on the tree branch, "Ah Umm Jiminie how to get down?" Taehyung sheepishly smiled as Jimin sat there stunned "Y-You don't know how to get down?" Jimin asked blinking his eyes, Taehyung shook his head in a honest 'no'

"Don't make Jokes Tae it's not the time! they will find us any time now" Jimin cried panicking, imagining the wrath of His Alpha Yoongi along with Taehyung's, "I am serious Jimin" Taehyung whined looking down gulping, If he fell from here he sure is gonna be dead

So what happened is Taehyung suggested Jimin that they will climb the tree for the whole view of the pack and Jimin like a good friend agreed to Taehyung's request without thinking anything but now they don't know how to get down!!

Ohh God Taehyung is so dead!!!

Either he fell from here or if his Alpha finds out-- he will be eventually dead

Climbing trees is common, everyone has their fair share of climbing up of the trees, dangling their legs down, enjoying-- here also it's the same with the two Omega's-- they both enjoyed their moment, their pack has very large trees and it's beautiful-- So why not enjoy the view by climbing up? and moreover this tree has beautiful flowers which he wanted to use for his flower crown

Jimin eyes blew wide when a familiar scent hit his nostrils, he looked around to find the Alpha- they locked their eyes for a moment, "Yoongi is here" "Is Koo with him?" Taehyung immediately asked, "No" Jimin gulped 

"What are you two doing up?" Yoongi asked looking up at the two in a plain voice, "enjoying the view?" Jimin replied with a wary smile, "Min Jim---"Can you help us get down Hyung?" Taehyung asked looking around cutting the male 

Yoongi rolled his eyes but neverthless brought the two down, "You know where is Koo?" "Ah about that Jimin we have to leave now and Taehyung your family is looking for you" "Wae?" Taehyung asked but got no reply, he followed the Alpha silently who guided him to the door and left after that 

Taehyung entered looking around to find his grandma and grandpa in living room, oddly everyone are in the living room except one "Where is Koo?" he asked as he looked around to get a glimpse of the Alpha but he is no where to be seen but his scent was still lingering in the air, it was strong 

"About that pup you are coming with us back" In-Na said with a small smile while Taehyung's smile faltered, "B-Bu--"Jungkook is in his rut, it was unexpected" Dong Wook said causing Taehyung to look at him

Of course the 13 year old know because his Alpha already talked about it with him, he was told that he has to stay away from Jungkook for a week, he didn't clearly told what this rut was because Taehyung is just 13 but made sure the point that Taehyung has to stay away from him no matter what 

It took a lot effort of Jungkook to make his pup agree who was denying that he won't stay away but in the end he made Taehyung agree after a lot of promises, it's not an easy task!

Though Taehyung agreed at that time but it was hard now, he has to stay away from his Alpha for a week-- he is on the verge of crying, Jungkook can take suppressants but then again as Dong Wook said it was really unexpected-- his rut came before the date they expected it to be 

He swallowed the lump in his throat, "Tae one week will pass easily don't you have school and works-- the week will just pass by and again you will be with Jungkook" Ye Jin said hugging the boy, he reluctantly nodded and left with his grandparents because it's not safe here for him 

Jungkook was in the basement room, which was specially designed for ruts-- since Jungkook is a pure blood who was bonded to a wolf which is Taehyung's, it will be hard to control the Alpha if Taehyung is here and moreover, there are high chances of him breaking the doors

The days were going really slow for Taehyung, he was missing the presence of the Alpha very badly-- even in his school he missed Jungkook who would visit him in the breaks or  either he going to the Alpha whenever he can, he almost teared up by the end of the school everyday because his Alpha would always wait for him to pick him up from the class

Everyone tried many things but none are working on Taehyung to divert his mind, he missed the elder who always pesters him to complete his work-- those cuddles, talks though it was only him who talks a lot and those kisses his Alpha shower him in, always ready to spoil him- his wolf is restless it was really a long week, the only that would keep him going was the clothes of Alpha which were in Taehyung's room-- the mild scent on them

And on the other hand Jungkook first rut was really painful, he almost destroyed the whole room, his wolf is already bonded with Taehyung's so it will be even more painful without his mate, he wants his Omega-- his mind is flogged by his pup, he wants him in his arms but then again it was dangerous for his pup which the only thing that making him to control--but it wasn't really that easy----

for neither of them


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