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Jungkook is right now feeling so threatened by seeing all these pets in the pet shop, his Omega was strolling around the shop cooing and petting the pets saying they are cute

The couple were having a walk on the streets since Taehyung requested and how can Jungkook not agree? So as they were strolling around they found this pet shop-- all the pets caught the Omega's eyes, they are all looking so cute and Once again when Taehyung requested his Alpha that he wants to go inside, the young Alpha agreed immediately 

"Alpha lookie lookie isn't this sooo cute" the 11 year old squealed lifting a chubby white cat with round eyes, Jungkook left a growl scaring the poor animals-- the cats and wolves are enemies, the mere existence of each other in the same room irks them, "No cats" Jungkook nonchalantly said earning a pout from Taehyung 

The Omega knows relation between cats and wolves, so kept it down knowing his family also won't agree with a long pout sitting in the same place as the pets surrounded him, Taehyung giggled playing with everything not knowing how threatened his Alpha is feeling right now by these fluff balls-- he wants to scent his Omega and he will do it!

"Koo look look this looks like you" Taehyung happily exclaimed with bright smile which is boxy pointing at the rabbit he held in his arms, Though the Alpha wants to deny and say that he is a wolf and not a bunny but he couldn't as his Omega is looking so cute and precious!

A small kitten sat on Taehyungs head as cats, dogs along with some rabbits and birds surrounded him, moving on his lap nuzzling into his body causing tickles-- 

"Alpha can we take him" Taehyung asked widening his already big bambi eyes making him look cute with a pout pointing at a small baby pomeranian and how can Jungkook can deny his little Omega, he accepted half heartedly 

The Alpha asked the pet owner to prepare the adopting documents and called his grandpa because they both are underage, Taehyung was bouncing on his steps excitedly as the papers are getting ready--

"What should I write it's name as?" The shop owner asked looking at the Alpha's who looked at the adorable Omega, "What do you want to name it pup?" Jungkook asked dotingly making the Omega beam in happiness, "Let me think" 

After thinking for a straight 15 mins, Taehyung eyes lit up "Jeon Yeontan" and the name is registered as the pomeranian name!

"Aww it looks so cute" Ji Won cooed at the who was playing with Taehyung and his 2 year old Alpha brother, "Isn't it?" "But why Jeon?" Dong Wook huffed "Jeon Jungkook *pointing at Jungkook* Jeon Taehyung *pointing at Taehyung* and Jeon Yeontan" Gong Yoo said shrugging with smug face earning a glare from the elder Alpha

"So now Yeontan is the pup of Jungkook?" Taehyung snapped his head when he heard his mother who was teasing him-- he frowned not liking his Alpha calling this fluff butt as pup-- now he feels so threatened towards his dog!

"No I am Jungkook's pup" the Omega huffed marching towards the Alpha settling himself on his lap locking his arms around the Alpha neck "I am your pup right?" Taehyung asked puffing his cheeks jutting his bottom lip out "Yes you are my pup" Jungkook said kissing those pillow lips 

And Oh! that  night Jungkook didn't forget to scent mark his pup until he was satisfied after taking the Yeontan away from Taehyung who are glued to each other and slept cuddling the Omega whole night!

Welcome Jeon Yeontan to the family!!!


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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