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"Happy Birthday Mr. Jeon!!!" Hoseok chirped popping the confetti with an eye blinding sunshine smile, wearing a proud look on his face, the whole room is filled with bouquets, fruit baskets and gifts etc...etc... But the smile little by little faded when he felt an dangerous aura around him, he started sweating as the fear replaced his happiness,

Why is he killing me with his eyes, gosh his pheromones are suffocating me!! Hoseok mentally cried while loosening his tie, "M-Mr. Jeon" Jungkook hummed as response still looking at the desk with emotionless face, "work" is the only word that left Jungkook mouth and Hoseok immediately understood, "y-yeah" he cleared his throat and started explained his schedule for the day, "clean the room" Jungkook said before taking the files on his desk finally letting Hoseok go,

The beta didn't even wasted a second before scurrying off the room,he didn't want to suffocate to death, is it related to Taehyung? What did Taehyung do?Did he really forgot the boss birthday OMG!!! Hoseok bites his nails pacing around his cabin after informing workers to clean their CEO office, He immediately picked his phone and dailed Seulgi, "what happened? Why is Boss like this?" He didn't even greeted her and started asking questions that concerning him,

"Where should I start!! Master Taehyung left before the Alpha and went on a date with Elder Jeon, he packed breakfast for both of them and left informing me to inform the Alpha that he cannot get him ready to the office, I literally died this morning while serving Alpha Jeon, he just shouted on every worker in the house and fired two Beta's, ofcourse they will be back when master Taehyung knows but the problem is Alpha doesn't seem like calming down anytime soon" Seulgi finally breathed after a long rap, "oh my god this bad we should inform Master Taehyung" Hoseok groaned still pacing around, "trust me I tried but Masters phone is switched off" Seulgi whines in the call,

Before Hoseok can say something strong pheromones surrounded his room, "JUNG HOSEOK!!" "B-Boss" Hoseok stuttered, his soul left his body when he saw the Alpha, "Are you that leisure that you are wasting time!!" Why am I suffering when it's your Omega who forgot Hoseok mentally whined, "No Boss" "I am not paying these idiots for these bunch of stupid ideas, if I don't get new proposals by evening they are fired"

By now you all must have got that, why our Alpha is like this, his Omega forgot his birthday, some might think it's stupid and silly, but it's one of the thing that Jungkook awaits in the whole year, on his birthday the Alpha will always get special extra attention, pampering, gifts and surprises from his adorable pup. But his pup forgot this day which is aching the Alpha's heart, he is agitated, feeling down and felt like killing anyone who is wishing him,

Everyone in the family wished besides the two who are on their own world 'date' . He doesn't want to celebrate his birthday!! The day then went on with Jungkook getting on each and simple mistake of the employees, making Hoseok suffer every now and then, not giving the beta to even breath

On the hand, Taehyung is enjoying his 'Date' with the elder, they went to see the sunrise after hiking that mountain, had their breakfast happily, then they returned home to freshen up and go for Taehyung's new shoot for the Jeon's new perfume launch, followed by happy lunch at one of the restaurant's, then went on shopping spree, finally ending in the evening with an ice cream....awww so perfect

Well that's what Jungkook was informed by Daniel, Taehyung's bodyguard who is following those both. But is it what really happened? Ahem Ahem...No shit Sherlock!!!

"ARE YOU GUYS SLOTHS?" loud voice resonated in the crystal moon pack Alpha's house, everyone hastened their work, "WHAT THE FUCK!! I ORDERED LAVENDER, WHAT'S THIS RED FLOWERS ALL OVER!!" Jimin flinched as he entered, he immediately rushed inside, "oh my god Taeee, why are you standing on the glass table, GET DOWN" "Jiminie they are wasting my time, doing nothing correctly" Taehyung complained rubbing his temples,

"Here drink this juice, you asked for and relax, I will check" Jimin made Taehyung sir giving the juice that he brought on request of the Omega, "how can I sit calmly Jimin! When nothing is done.. I don't where that sky old man whome I sent to bring the cake that I ordered, I bet he is relieving his sweet craving and Appa Jeon, I don't even know his whereabouts, not to mention Eomma and Mom they bot--"TAE breath!" Jimin sighed

"Calm down! Look behind, Aunt's are already here, Uncle Kim went to get Uncle Jeon as everyone are busy, why don't you rest now, I will check after Grandpa Wook, I am sure Grandpa Yoo is with him, yeah?" Jimin combed through the Omega hair locks, "hey Taebear, the suits are ready" Ye-Jin said with a smile sitting beside him, "what happened baby why are you looking down?" She asked pulling him into her embrace, when she didn't got an answer but a sigh she looked at Jimin who cleared her question,

"Taebear why don't you rest for now, we will take from here, take a nap for an hour you will get better then you can get ready, you can't overwork yourself baby" Ji-Won said looking at her son who looked conflicted but when both Ye-Jin and Jimin assured the younger Omega immediately agreed and went to his room to sleep with his Alpha scent surrounding him,

It is after an hour and half later the Omega is woken up by In-Na who got him ready prettily, he is already pretty but he extra glowing today, when he got down, he is extremely satisfied with everything, the decorations are done, cake is here, his special orders are also here and now all left is the main person for this whole party, a squeal left from the Omega as he looked around and thought of his surprise...

He can't wait to see his mate, ofcourse he knew he hurted his Alpha but he can do nothing as he decided for this surprise, ofcourse when he saw how upset his Koo is last night, Taehyung wanted to dump this whole idea and thought of comforting his Alpha, but at the same time he doesn't want to as he worked so hard for this special surprise, so now all he has to do is send the beta Assistant a message and wait for his Koo to come,

By the time Jungkook came out of the company it's already 5:30, apparently his work is completed by 5:30, when he went home didn't find his Omega welcoming him, kissing him, tears welled up in his eyes but it all went away when Seulgi along with joy another maid informed him that their young master Taehyung informed them to inform him that he(Tae) is waiting for him at Crystal Moon Pack, the maids even delivered the suit to the Alpha who rushed inside the room to get ready,

Finally when he done and came downstairs, Hoseok is already waiting for him in fresh Attire, "Mr. Jeon should we go, Master Taehyung wanted me to bring you" Jungkook is sure confused but nevertheless nodded as he is also eager to see what his pup has prepared for him, the whole ride is silent except Hoseok random hummings, 

As he reached, the house is dark, there is no power, the Hoseok left with the car when Jungkook for down, so now it's only the Alpha, "follow the candles" suddenly the words are displayed on the floor through light, it was then he observed the candles on the ground, with excitement rushing in his nerve Jungkook started walking by following the candles, when the candles are no more he stood there looking around, faint aroma of flowers along with his pups exotic scent hit him making him desperately look around,

Suddenly a light flashed on a petite figure infront of him who is back facing him, as he turned around Jungkook's breath hitched seeing the most ethereal male, his Omega, his mate who he is dying to see since the moment he woke, another light focused on him making the Pure Blood to squint his eyes, "Alpha"


Hey Buns!

Any guesses about Taehyung's special surprise???

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