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"Alpha you want some?" Taehyung asked eating the ice cream from the tub which has two different flavours mixed, mint choco and strawberry, Jungkook shook his head immediately blinking his eyes, he is trying his best to not puke at the combination, he can't see his mint choco suffering!! "Then don't look at mine!" Taehyung grumbled eating the ice cream, well not like Jungkook doesn't want to concentrate on his work and look at his pup,

But what can he do? when his Omega is sitting right on his lap in his office, cutely eating ice cream with his four month old baby bump! The omega is getting chubby, looking round with puffed break cheeks which left the Alpha to eat him wholly, his nose almost bleeds whenever he sees his cute mate, and one time his nose did got bleed when his pup cutely requested for sex,

"Pup" "yes" "I should work" Jungkook hesitantly said, as he doesn't want to upset the pregnant Omega, recently his mate is very sensitive that his eyes getting teared up in a second and disappearing in a flash of light, he didn't attend his work yesterday on request of his Omega, now he couldn't abandon his work which needs his attention, Jungkook is also thinking of taking leave from company works and moving to his pack, he already got a house build and handle pack works while looking after his pregnant mate,

"Then do" Taehyung said sliding of the Alpha's lap with the bucket of ice cream, the Alpha thought that his mate is going to sit on the sofa or going to sleep in the room but instead the Omega started moving towards the door which got Jungkook instantly stand on his feet, "pup where are you going?" In a second Jungkook is next to Taehyung, his hand on the chubby delicate hand of his mate which is on the knob,

The pure blood is scared that his mate will again go on his adventure, which is roaming around the office along with Hoseok, the employees with wide smiles welcome the cute Omega as nobody has heart to deny Taehyung, when Jungkook gets to know this he will have to go all the way down to the department where his mate is to take the Omega back with him,

Taehyung looked up with his big wide eyes, "Hoseok" oh yeah! He got this habit of playing 'LUDO' with Hoseok now a days, and Jungkook again has to go his assistants office to bring his Omega back after his meetings, he can't leave his mate with Yeonjun, last time they both played with VR games Taehyung almost fell from the couch he is standing on and Jumping if it is not for Jungkook who caught him on time, he has to give a whole ass 30 mins lecture for his pup who in the cried rivers,

"No need we will leave in a few after I pack" "but work?" Taehyung asked tilting his head cutely "I will complete the work in the home" Jungkook cleared his throat to hide his jealousy, "that's what I thought" Taehyung mumbled under his breath with a sly smile, changing his direction hopping in the room towards the desk sitting on Jungkook's chair with the bucket on his lap,

Time Skip~

Taehyung is now in his 5th month, his preggy bump is visible though he wore baggy clothes, the Omega is now sitting on the floor infront of the Sofa on the soft fluffy carpet of their new house in the pack which they shifted into a few weeks back, his hands are crossed against his chest, legs under his bum, he kept on watching the front door then at the clock with his piercing gaze, Seulgy is standing beside the boy with worried face, not for the boy but the for the house Alpha!

Oh! Did I mention that he changed the direction on Sofa and Carpet to his convience with the help of David? No?  then yes he did!

As the sound of entering door password heard Taehyung huffed looking away, "I am back pup!" Jungkook announced coming inside with hesitant steps, he looked at Seulgi who shook her head biting her nails, oh! Now a days the female beta is his saviour!

"I brought steamed potatoes from the place you requested" Jungkook said crouching down infront of Omega, showing the brown paper bag, seeing no change in the Omega he sighed, "I even brought Banana ice cream with chocolate from your favourite Ice cream parlour" his lips curled up when he saw his husband's gaze flickering, Jungkook know how much his Omega is now a days worshiping Banana, "cartons of Banana milk" he added moving forward as the Omega finally looked at him with his innocent face,

"Strawberry milk too?" Jungkook nodded pecking those alluring lips, "zhajiangmian?" "Ofcourse!" An adorable squeal left from the Omega as threw himself on the Alpha who caught him on time, "careful pup!" "You are the best Koo" Taehyung kissed his Alpha with a boxy grin, Jungkook then again ordered David to change the direction of the carpet and the sofa to its original place as he lifted Taehyung in his arms carefully to not harm the babies,

"How are my babies?" Jungkook asked as he settled down on the carpet as his husband requested, with Taehyung between his legs, Jungkook hands are wrapped around the baby bump gently rubbing it while inhaling the new profound scents along with his Omega scent, "we are good daddy" Taehyung replied in the baby tone, rubbing his swollen stomach with a smile, Jungkook kissed the mate mark as he set his chin on Omega's shoulder, Seulgi came back with the foot that Jungkook brought for his husband,

"Don't trouble Mama pups" Jungkook said as he watched Taehyung shifting, "they kicked!" Taehyung exclaimed with wife Bambi eyes, it's the first kick he felt, "W-What?" Jungkook asked lifting Taehyung's soft sweater which he scented this morning, "they kicked Hubby! I felt it!!" Taehyung said, "talk something" Taehyung said as he felt the kicks when Jungkook talked, "Umm H-Hi babies, this is Dada" Jungkook gasped as his hands felt the kick, "they kicked again" Jungkook blinked his eyes with mouth agape making Taehyung giggle,

"Dada loves you so much but not more than Mama" Taehyung elbows him in the rib cage, "ouch" Taehyung groaned while eating the cake that his husband brought just now, "don't talk they are kicking strong" "okay" Jungkook replied through pain, his Omega is now a days strong, "good now lemme eat in peace" Taehyung sighed as ate the strawberry cake along side the Banana ice cream, the whole time Jungkook just sat quietly with his hands on his mates bare stomach under the sweater, he can feel the babies movement,

It's just serene,
Hey buns!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter,

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