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"This... This.... This....." Taehyung kept on throwing things in the cart, they were strolling around with Jungkook caging his Omega between the cart and him, the people around them find them cute and adorable while some are burning with Jealous which is oblivious to the older one of the both, even some are drooling on either of them

Actually they are out for the Christmas shopping, Taehyung always likes to decorate their house during Christmas, So as usual the couple were out for to buy the decorations and stuff to decorate their home and the tree, Jungkook was being extra clingy because this was their time, but his pup has to drag him for shopping! But Taehyung doesn't mind if anything he loves how his Alpha is claiming him in the public kissing him now and then, his inner Omega is a puddle

"Pup" Taehyung hummed as he was examining the scented candles still between Jungkook arms, "Is there anything special you want to do your 18th Birthday?" Jungkook asked kissing the right ear of Omega, not like Jungkook was out of ideas on what to buy for his pup, he already has his gift secured but he wants to know if his pup wants to do anything more on his 18th birthday 

It is a common question that Jungkook asks him every ear, for that like a good Omega, he always replies that he wants to donate to orphanages or supply things to their packs, or anything that helps in developing or useful for their both packs, but this time he wants to ask something and that's making him giddy and shy, blood rushing through his neck making him look like a living Apple 

Taehyung turned in his Alpha hold circling his arms Jungkook's neck standing on his tiptoes, he is feeling shy to express his wish, Pure Blood held his Omega securely, he was shocked at the sudden gesture of Omega but loving it, Taehyung leaned more his breath is fanning Jungkook's ears, "I-I want you to m-make love with me" He whispered ? No! he didn't, Jungkook was sure stunned at his Omega's request, they did talked about Taehyung's heat and all but this,

"I d-don't want my first to be on my heats, I want it special Alpha" A low growl left from Jungkook making Taehyung completely hug him, the Omega is hiding his face in the crook of his Alpha, "Alpha will full fill his Omega's wish, whatever my pup wants" Jungkook whispered in Omega's ears kissing it making the younger giggle and laugh

Taehyung came out from the hug and kissed his Alpha for a few seconds briefly before turning around continuing his work as if nothing happened, only if he knows the problem that his Alpha is facing now, his pup is so cruel! One thing Jungkook knows for sure

Did I ever mention that they doesn't give a fuck about their surrounding's and people around them, no? then they don't, Taehyung did it deliberately knowing those Omega's and Females in the shop are eye fucking his Alpha since the moment they entered and he just want to burn them all in a pit of fire! But anyway he showed their places and who this handsome Alpha belongs too and guess what ? Jungkook loves this Omega of his more

Their shopping was almost done, they were in the last section called 'Ice-Creams' -- well as we all know it's not easy with Taehyung, 

The Omega face lit up at the site of different flavors of Ice Creams, he licked his lips clapping his hands at excitement but before he can voice it out-- "Absolutely no pup" Jungkook blatantly denied with no remorse, Taehyung face immediately, lips turned into a pout, "Please Koo" "No baby you had one last night not today, your birthday is in 10 days so no" Jungkook didn't show mercy and he wasn't planning too

"Please Alpha one last time" Taehyung turned his eyes big making him look more cute, that pout not leaving his pillow lips, Taehyung huffed "it's snowing outside pup, you will get cold so no" "I will be careful Alpha just one and you have already dressed me like a burrito" Taehyung whined stomping his foot, but Jungkook...."No" "Don't be so cruel Koo" Taehyung kissed those cherry lips, "Kisses won't do baby" Jungkook replied, he is really not going to go back on his words

"Oh really" Taehyung raised his eyebrow, Jungkook nodded in reply, "Okay fine then no kisses and cuddle for you" Jungkook face paled at the youngers words, His heart dropped at the sudden statement, how can he live without them? hell! how can he sleep without his Omega in his arms? well, he is forgetting one thing here...

"Baby that's blackmailing" Jungkook exclaimed looking at his pup with wide eyes, "It's not!" Taehyung huffed looking away poking his cheeks, he never thought it would work on his Alpha until now, "Pup you can't do this to me, that too for this Ice-Cream" Jungkook glared at the poor Ice Creams, if looks can kill, they would have got melt by now "Yes, I can!" "fine only one" The Alpha groaned making the Omega cheer, he gave kisses on Jungkook's cheeks before fetching one strawberry and chocolate ice cream, "I said only one!" "It's for you Koo" 

End of discussion! 


Hey Angle's,

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