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After that heated session this morning, Taehyung skipped the school because he overslept, the Alpha got only two classes this morning so he attended them while Taehyung has slept, by the time he returned Taehyung was still not up, he knows if he lets the Omega he will sleep the whole day, so he woke him--

"pup wake up" Jungkook softly tucked the hair stranded behind Taehyung's hair, admiring the sleeping figure of Omega who was looking so soft and delicate not to mention cuteness overloaded, the Omega whined in sleep while snuggling more into the sheets, "no go away" he mumbled in sleep making the Alpha sigh, "baby you haven't ate anything" Jungkook pecked those lips only to get pushed away, "I wanna sleep Alpha" Taehyung turned away from Alpha covering himself fully in the blanket

But Jungkook was not buying any of it, he pulled the sheets away with all his strength and picked Taehyung in his arms who immediately cuddled in his chest, "warm" Jungkook softly smiled hearing his pup, oh my gosh! his pup is so cute! he is internally squealing at the cuteness of the younger, oh god his wolf won't shut up for a second

When he came to the dining table with Taehyung in his arms, the food was already served  by the maids, he sat with Taehyung on his lap, "love wake up and eat" "you can sleep after eating pup" "common baby you even skipped your breakfast" "My little wolf" after many tries the young Omega finally woke up and ate sleepily whatever Jungkook had fed him

By the end of the lunch Taehyung sleepiness has completely gone, his usual bubbly and energetic self has returned back, he was glowing more today unlike other days, he played with Tannie, skipped his school successfully when Jungkook told him to attend it from afternoon, he was basking himself in the scent of his Alpha until his grandpa decided blessed them with his presence making him curse for ruining their moment, it's not everyday that Taehyung get's to skip his school and spend time with his Alpha

"Why did you skipped school Tae?" the elder asked, he actually came here to meet Jungkook regarding Taehyung's 18th birthday plans but he was shocked to see his grandson, Taehyung hysterically coughed hearing the question, the incidents of morning flashed like a movie in front of his eyes, "Umm I-I am n-not feeling w-well grandpa, yes yes my stomach got upset I over ate the desserts last night" the Alpha is completely enjoying the conversation

The elder got all worked up, he was ready to take the Omega hospital but Taehyung has assured him that it was nothing serious that his Alpha took care of him, well he regretted saying that, "Yes Grandpa Wook, don't worry he is fine, I  really took very good care of him this morning" the Alpha remarked with a oh so innocent smile while Taehyung was a blushing mess, the elder finally calmed down and left without even discussing for what he came 

"Baby" Taehyung hummed while scrolling something in his iPad, "I got a call from your school" this made Taehyung halt in his actions, "your homeroom teacher complained that you are reading those comics in the class" Taehyung gulped heavily closing his eyes tightly, god can someone save him, he was now regretting his decision of skipping the school!

"pup I won't say it is wrong but reading them in the class is very wrong" Jungkook calmly stated, "Umm A-Alpha" Taehyung sat up properly raising his head from Jungkook's lap, he sat sideways on Jungkook's lap, his bare legs are hanging on one side while he his one hand was playing with Jungkook's non existence chest hair over the cloth, his other hand on the Alpha's neck while Alpha strong hands has secure caged him on his lap by holding him on the waist

"you know it's wrong right?" Taehyung just nodded his head, "it's really disrespecting to your teacher pup, you know how he would feel when you were reading in the middle on his class while he was standing their explaining, it might be boring but this is wrong baby you shouldn't do it in the class, are you a bad Omega?" Jungkook asked softly scolding Taehyung who was looking down "no I am a good Omega" The Omega mumbled poutily earning a kiss on his head, he knows his Alpha is write and his behavior is wrong

"Exactly my good Omega, my little wolf" "I am sorry Koo" Taehyung apologized immediately, "It's okay baby but I am going to confisticate all your books and Manga's" Taehyung shot his head up looking at Jungkook with wide Bambi eyes with evident panic, "B-But Alpha I promise I won't repeat this again but don't confisticate my books" Taehyung promised requesting but Jungkook is not ready 

He has to take this step, Taehyung is getting addicted to these books and he doesn't like that his pup is avoiding the studies for these books, spending time on what ? for what? they were useless as per him, before this he never minded but after the complain he got today-- his pup is really is getting addicted to these books, he hasn't drawn anything since quite a few days, he was always eager to finish his tasks so that he can read them and Jungkook didn't like it, not even a bit

"Baby how many days has it been since you paint?" This made Taehyung think, "a-a m-month back" "you said you want to become a painter pup but all you did was forgetting your dream for a whole month for these books" Taehyung now understood, recalling the past whole month, he really acted unusual, he spent a lot of time reading abandoning everything, this made him understand what his Alpha is saying, he got addicted for these good for nothing books without his knowing 

He forgot his real enjoyment, there is nothing to deny, only time he hasn't touched them was when he was spending time with his Alpha, he even read when Jungkook was busy with his works, it made him realize how much time he is spending on the books and his mistake, he know his Alpha is just looking after him "I am sorry" he sniffled crying, "ohh my pup" Jungkook cupped the younger's cheeks wiping those tears away with his thumb softly, he pecked those lips softly, then eyes, cheeks, he peppered the whole face with kisses until the Omega bursted into giggles

After that day, Taehyung started his painting again, he started concentrating on his dream again and he felt so much alive and happy-- those books only entertained him, nothing more and his Alpha helped him in getting rid of those books, he hasn't completely left reading, he reads but not that often like he used to do in the past


Hey Angle's,

Hope you enjoyed the Chapter...

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