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Half the party, Taehyung was stolen from the party by none other than Jungkook himself, it was exactly at past 9:00 by the time they left the party and 10 by the time they reached their Home, Jungkook asked Tae to get ready simply by 10:30, 

The Omega immediately obliged, he took a warm bath, thoroughly cleaned himself with soft towel, applied a non fragrance natural moisture, Taehyung went through the whole closet of Jungkook's he picked a plain white shirt and wore it on his undergarments, with one last look in the mirror Taehyung stepped outside the bathroom to their bedroom

He was looking so pretty with flushed red cheeks, glossy lips, sparkling aqua eyes.... the blue hair is doing a great job making him look more beautiful, his heart was stammering again his chest, he was excited about this night, he waited for so long

Taehyung is also looking forward for the reaction of his Alpha when he see... Anyway the time is now 10:30, he took a deep breath calming his fast beating heart... he opened the door to find two bluish sparkling butterflies holding a note with golden fireflies in the background, a smile formed on his lips as he saw the note which has,

Follow the fireflies

Just as he read, the butterflies along with note vanished into dust, Taehyung followed the fireflies which were leading him to the Garden, he always loved Jungkook powers.... and this was new, his Alpha is full of surprises!

He stepped out to the garden , but his bare feet didn't landed on the grass but instead on a pair of slippers, he giggled before wearing.... his Koo really knows him too well, he followed the fireflies to the end to find his Alpha pouring the wine in the glasses, 

The Alpha looked up when he got the scent of his pup, only to get awestruck by the beauty standing in front him, How can someone be this beautiful? Jungkook knows that Taehyung is most beautiful Omega to be alive and his pup never waste a moment to prove it every time leaving him speechless

Jungkook roamed his eyes all over the Omega, the display of the bare legs made his throat went dry, he can feel the twitch in the south region, feeling the intense eyes of his Alpha on his body, a rush of arousal hit his body, his cheeks shade turned dark, biting his lips Taehyung stepped forward because if he stands their, he was sure that he gonna fell down as he felt his knees week, 

Jungkook immediately gained his posture back, he kept the bottle aside and stepped forward to the Omega who was coming, he stretched his hand looking at Taehyung who pushed his soft trembling palm in Jungkook's, the Alpha led the Omega to the chair 

Taehyung pouted subconsciously as Jungkook left his hand to pull the chair for him to sit, he missed the warmth, "You look so beautiful pup" Jungkook pecks the back of Omega hand who was now sitting, "T-Thanks Alpha" Taehyung stutters with racing heart, Jungkook goes to the other side, he takes his place 

"It's beautiful Koo" Taehyung mumbles looking around with his big bambi eyes, it was a candle light dinner, the background was also beautifully decorated, the can't help but feel giddy inside, Jungkook smiles proudly "Thanks Love" the Alpha says

"Let's eat now I know you ate less the whole evening" Jungkook says as he serves the food items he prepared for the night, Taehyung immediately nodded... he is really feeling hungry and according to his friend Jimin he has to feed himself more for energy, the short Omega also made him take a beauty nap whole afternoon 

Taehyung tasted the steak, his eyes lit up at the taste, the meat melted on his tongue, he let out a moan chewing the delicious steak, he looked at Jungkook with bright smile, "It's tasty Alpha" the Omega exclaimed happily making the Alpha smile at him, After finishing the dinner exchanging words, more likely Taehyung explaining how he spent his day excluding some crucial information,

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