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"Can you see the gender this time?"Taehyung asked Eun Woo, "Of course Luna, last time the babies are in different position which is the reason we couldn't see them" Eun Woo replied looking the screen, "Do you guys want to know the gender?" Eun Woo asked with an exciting face keeping the probe aside handing Taehyung tissues box, 

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other shaking their heads, "No" Taehyung said, "So it's going to be secret till the end I guess, don't worry both the babies are healthy, Taehyung too" he assured the couple leaving the room, Jungkook helped Taehyung down after cleaning his belly, "Are you having any contractions lately, Luna?" Eun Woo asked looking at his PC, "Yup, they are mild though" 

"Does it mean the pups are coming?" Jungkook asks, "No Alpha, it's normal, but it might be a problem if they are severe or vaginal bleeding" Eun Woo assured them with a smile, "you need to do walking Luna, but don't exaggerate it, you can walk inside the home, it's safe" Taehyung nodded, he is currently in his seventh month and so far his Alpha is taking very good care of him, even taking on the long drives in the middle of the night! "But you guys better shift down from now on, it's risky to walk up and down the stairs"

Time skip~

"Few more bites, love" "no! go away, it's yucky" Taehyung gagged making the Alpha sigh, Gong Yoo and Dong Wook looked at the couple who are in their own world, they are clearly enjoying Jungkook's misery, as they are holding a huge grudge on Jungkook who isn't allowing them to touch or pamper their cute, adorable little one, it's been months since they cuddled with Taehyung!

Not like Jungkook is doing on purpose, but it's just that he is possessive and protective towards his pregnant mate, not to mention Rex is going haywire whenever someone is close to his Omega, or cuddling him, 

Taehyung huffed leaning back on the sofa, but Taehyung here is reluctant to eat more, because according to him, he is about to burst like a balloon any time soon! The Omega is in his ninth month, the date for labour is already given but they are expecting the arrival of the babies early, Eun Woo already suggested them that Taehyung should get admit in a day or two when he came to check on Taehyung,

"A-Alpha" Taehyung supported his baby bum trying to sit, hissing, "I t-think my w-water broke" Taehyung voice shivered, "W-What?" "Ahhhhh! The babies are coming, it's paining" the three Alpha's got alerted, Jungkook quickly acted as he can't see his mate bearing the pain, he lifted the Omega who cling on to him crying loudly, wailing in pain, "I-I can't it's soo paining" Dong Wook is already out with the car, Gong Yoo came with the baby bag which has baby every necessity,

"Shh baby, we will be reaching soon, Eun Woo is waiting already" Taehyung cried hard, Jungkook heart clenched seeing his Omega, his husband, "h-hubby" "Jungkook keep him awake" Gong Yoo said from the front, "pup, baby, l-love please stay awake with me, we are near" Jungkook eyes teared up when Taehyung opened his eyes, "p-please don't leave me Alpha" "I-I won't baby, please stay with me"

With Dong Wook fast driving they finally reached the pack hospital where Eun Woo is already waiting for them, "Alpha you are not allowed inside" Eun Woo stops Jungkook who let's put a loud growl, eyes turning red, "I don't care" Jungkook grits his teeth, "p-please" Taehyung cries helding Jungkook tightly, "I know you wanted to be near your mate but this isn't the right time, with you inside we can't perform the delivery" Eun Woo replies professionally,

"Jungkook let Taehyung go, an Alpha being near to his Omega will only cause troubles" Gong Yoo carefully said, he is once in the same place, "K- Koo I can't" Taehyung gasped, "we can't delay Alpha, it's Luna life and your pups we are talking about" they can't single handedly deal with the Pure blood, but Jungkook know with him being possessive there is no chance he will let others touch his mate, suddenly Taehyung eyes changed sapphire blue,

"I can handle" Moon said, looking at his Alpha with assurance Eun Woo hurried Taehyung inside, while Jungkook was left outside all stressed, he can feel the pain through their bond, he tried absorbing the pain as much as he could, it is unbearable, soon all the family reached the pack hospital, he blocked his hearing senses as he couldn't handle the painful cries of his husband, he just want to barge inside but he knows better,

"He is gonna be fine Jungkook, our little one is so strong" In-Na assured the Alpha pulling him into the hug, rubbing his back to calm him, "he is in so much pain" Jungkook mumbles as tears roll down his cheeks, "I know pup" Jungkook has never cried in front of them, he always potrait himself as strong but when it comes to his mate Jungkook is all vulnerable, he couldn't get to be himself if something happens to Taehyung,

The door of the OT opened, two nurses came outside with each carrying a baby, Jungkook is quick on his feet, "congratulations Alpha, both are boys" Jungkook eyes welled up in happiness as he saw the babies, one of the nurse handed him the boy which Jungkook took, shaking badly, "an Omega" Jungkook mumbled, his heart surrounded by the new feeling, unexplainable yet euphoric, he feels over moon,

The baby has doe eyes just like him, his orbs are aqua blue just like Taehyung, nose and lips just like Jungkook, a replica of him, "so beautiful" he mumbles, "Luna is so strong, he will be moved into the Room after cleaning" another nurse informs carrying another baby, handing the baby in his arms to In-Na he took another baby, "an Alpha" Ye-Jin smiles through her tears "he is just like Taehyung" Dong Wook mumbles standing by his side, patting his shoulder,

As they reached the room Taehyung is already inside, sleeping, "due to tiredness Luna fell asleep, he will be waking up soon" Eun Woo informed checking the babies, the young Omega snuggles into Jungkook embrace, sleeping peacefully, "have you decided the names Alpha" Jungkook nods,  "Jeon Jung-hee for this little beauty" Jungkook says pecking his Omega sons head, "Jeon Yu-Jun for this baby Alpha" Jungkook pecks the baby Alpha forehead

Hey buns!

This might be boring, but yeah, hehe, anyway! For Soobin and Yeonjun story, I will write a spin-off, I keep forgetting to announce this,

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