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A tongue is peeking through his plumpy lips as Taehyung concentrated on slowly removing his plaster on the tattoo, after successfully removing it he applied the oil, this is the 4th day, he don't need the plaster anymore, drying his body which is constantly earning for his Alpha touch making Taehyung whine in distress he doesn't want to have a tattoo again if it causes him to stay away from his Alpha, hmph!

After applying moisturizers, nourishing his body, Taehyung immediately dressed in the washroom just to not get caught by his impatient Alpha who is looking like he will pounce on him anytime, anywhere. So just to keep the surprise for tonight Taehyung escaped every seduction by the Alpha, one day he even planned a night out with Jimin, Mark and Seulgi. Ofcourse the Alpha thrown a big fist but Taehyung promised for something big which is really exciting and enthralling him now,

Just as he exited the washroom he doing his mate buttoning up his shirt showing his abs which are looking like chocolate bars to Taehyung, each passing minute Taehyung is getting aroused and he doesn't know when the his scent changed from sweet to aroused, his wolf is not helping him either, the most painful thing is Jungkook is not even looking at him making his pout, he wants attention but he knows he will get none but alas who we are talking about? Taehyung wants it! Taehyung gets it!

Though a sexy smirk is playing on Jungkook's lip with eyes hiding mischievous under his famous poker face, he just observed his mate actions, he is dying to have Taehyung in his arms, inside him but damn his Omega is not letting him, to make things worst Taehyung promised Jungkook something this night which the elder is eagerly waiting for but he knows that he is not gonna hold himself, Taehyung is gonna get it hard.

He found his pups scent getting more as Taehyung steps towards him, Taehyung is sure if the Alpha sees him they are not gonna go anywhere out of this room but did he care? At this point he don't!  Rex is going berserk inside, he felt hands stopping him from behind, a warm body hugging him, he found himself removing his hands from the buttons as Taehyung started buttoning them, "let me Alpha~" Jungkook pants twitched tightening, his buff body is hiding the Omega's figure, he can only see his pups long fingure which are buttoning his shirt while pushing his body into the Alpha's, purring in the middle making the Alpha lips stretch more in proud,

Cannot able to take more of his pup, Jungkook rough palms took Taehyung's soft palms halting his action in a swift move Taehyung found himself attached to the wall while his hands are above his head caged by the Pure bloods single hand while the other beside his head, his breath getting staggered at their proximity, Taehyung almost moaned at the appetizing site of his Alpha, "pup" Jungkook breathed out inhaling the strong sexual aroused scent of his Omega, Taehyung is mouth-watering, a meal, a sin,

Wearing a cold shoulder white silk shirt with chains supporting his shoulders, showing the glossing skin with a mate mark proudly standing on the neck, Taehyung is an delicious walking meal, Jungkook attached their lips in to an hungry kiss making Taehyung whimper as the Alpha assaulting his lips, it's like drinking a wine, it's so addictive that Jungkook couldn't stop if it wasn't for the breath that they need to catch, he diving into the showing flesh marking all over, like in hell he will allow his pup without decorating but it's an important event, their big night so what Jungkook can make is a mess out of his mate, reeking him in his scent,

After being satisfied of his work he left the Omega who fell on his body, "you okay there Moon" feeling Taehyung nod his head against his body, "make up" Jungkook nodded picking the Omega, he placed Taehyung on the marble slab and carefully hided all the marks while Taehyung is trying to get his sense, "you are so astounding baby, ethereal" blood rushed through the neck of neck making him a blushing mess, "you are getting it very hard, so hard that you will only remember my name after today, I will fuck you senselessly" after calming down Jungkook and Taehyung got out of their house before they could do something which might held them inside,

His Doting AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now