i promise

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"Sorry....." the young male said, speaking for the second time today.

Taehyun's eyes were too fascinated by the sight to react to the younger's words.

"I'll go now.." he said, limping towards the door.

"Stop trying to leave Dumbo. Yeonjun hyung already said you're staying with us." Beomgyu raised his voice but he didn't sound angry nor annoyed.

"Come sit." Yeonjun ordered him in a not so ordering voice. He patted the chair beside him, hinting at the younger to sit next to him.

Kai looked around hesitantly, not Making a single step.

"I won't hurt you kai.... we just want to talk that's all." Yeonjun said in a soften tone, noticing the fear in the younger's eyes.

Taehyun stood up with his eyes still on the mysterious boy, he felt his heart drawn to the latter for some strange reason. As much as it was out of character for Taehyun, he walked towards Kai, meeting his eyes and sending him a warm look.

Kai's instincts told him to run, but his legs didn't. his gut told him to step back from the red hair but his heart stayed in place, gazing through the red haired brown warm eyes.

Soobin, Yeonjun and beomgyu looked at the peculiar scene with anticipation and worry, expecting the worst.

"Can you take my hand?" Taehyun whispered so that only Kai could hear. He reach his hand gently towards the younger, slow and safe like he saw beomgyu do, as to not startle the boy.

Kai looked at the other's smooth, fair hand. by all means he should not be taking the unfamiliar hand. He should go, he should keep running. These people shouldn't be trusted, they're playing tricks on him.

They don't care for you, they never will, Don't fall into their trap.

If they don't care, if he doesn't care then why does he look so sweet? Why is his hand so warm? Why is his eyes so sincere?

Against all of him, against his instincts screaming at him to get out of there, he took the warm hand, relaxing into the red haired gentle touch. allowing him to guide them both towards the table.

"Have a sit kai-ah.." Beomgyu said "are you hungry?"

Kai didn't respond.

Yeonjun pushed the instant ramen cup in his direction. "Eat. We'll talk later."

Kai looked around, catching the tall guy from before staring daggers at him. Kai didn't know much when I came to facial expressions, being blinded for more than half of his life. But he knew how angry looked like....

"Do you not like ramen?" Taheyun asked when he saw the younger wasn't touching his food. Worry became growing in his body for the younger, although he didn't know why.

"Can I?....eat?"

"You're lucky to even get that much after your lacking performance with the experiments today." The taunting voice said. Throwing a bag of dried rice towards the chained boy who was still on the floor recovering from his daily session with the facility's boss.

He reached his non aching hand, eventually feeling the small plastic bag. digging through it, picking a few rice grains into his mouth and chewing slowly, savoring every last piece of food before drifting into a nightmare induced sleep again.

"What do you mean? Of course you can eat... that's why I gave it to you?" Yeonjun said half asking, confused by the boy's comment.

Kai looked at him, still not completely convinced. He took the chopsticks rather clumsily and stuffed his mouth with the flavorful noodles, God I forgot how real food tastes like....

He hummed in satisfaction and pleasure and he kept on eating his first proper meal in almost a decade.

Taehyun looked at the younger as a  warm feeling spread in his chest, just seeing the younger savor every bite of his meal, he looked like he hasn't been well fed in a long time.

It saddened Taehyun when he thought about how malnourished the younger must have been to get to this state.

"I'm sorry that's all we can offer right now.." Yeonjun started saying as Kai was halfway through his meal "we usually live off of instant ramen when we...umm... "travel" I guess..." he wanted to say "when we're on the run" but it was too soon for that.

Kai nodded and kept eating. on the contrary of what he had expected, he actually felt safe around the strangers enough to let his guards down a bit.

"We're going to another city tomorrow, you're coming with us." Yeonjun said when kai finished eating. "But we need to know what happened to you."

Kai shook his head, fear evident in his eyes again as he stepped away from the table curling to a ball on the floor.

Yeonjun sighed deeply and massaged his temples. Meeting Soobin's skeptical eyes, trying to reassure him that it's fine.

"Kai-ah..." Beomgyu approached the now, small boy. "You can tell us... we can help."

Kai saw the older approaching and immediately crawled away from him towards the door. Not having enough strength to stand up.

"Listen kid." Soobin said harshly, preparing to scold the shit out of the annoying intruder who messed with their plans.

"Soobin..." Yeonjun cut him off, hinting that if he doesn't have anything good to say he should stay quiet.

Soobin leaned back on the wall in annoyance and rolled his eyes.

Taehyun tried his luck with the mysterious boy, taking a few steps towards him when he saw Beomgyu was retreating.

"Can I give you a hug?" He asked tentatively "you don't have to tell me anything.... just a hug is fine." he reassured the boy and took another step towards when he saw the younger wasn't backing away from him. Taehyun wondered if he would feel warm in his embrace.

Taehyun took the younger's silence as a good thing and touched his hand for starters. when he saw the younger relax his muscles at the touch, he came closer and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer to his body in order to calm him down.

"I promise. as long as you're with us nothing bad will happen to you. You're safe now..." Taehyun whispered, he felt Kai's hand resting on his back, as if deciding whether or not to reciprocate the hug. "You trust me right...?" Taehyun asked a bit more hesitant now.

"I can't trust you...." Kai admitted finally, a tear escaping his eye.

"Why can't you?" Taehyun's voice quivered. Feeling sad at the younger's confession.

"I can't...please.." Kai begged quietly into Taehyun's neck "please don't make me talk..." he was now close to breaking again.

"We won't... I promise. you don't have to say anything. We will take you with us." Taehyun reassured the younger, panicking inside at the thought of kai having another attack.

Taehyun pulled away from Kai, padding the singular tear off his face. Kai's body melted at the gentle touch, not used to people being so careful with him.

"Kai.... what's that cut on your arm?" Taehyun asked in a fearful tone, unlike his usual unbothered demeanor.

Kai looked down at the cut he made earlier to get his tracking device out.

Beomgyu picked up on the situation and scattered the floor.

"What are you looking for?" Yeonjun asked , worried about Beomgyu's out of character behavior.

Beomgyu reached to the floor, a small piece of metal in his hand.

"We have to leave, now!"

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