bravely selfish

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"Beomie... Beomie bear, wake up" Yeonjun said while holding the untouched water bottle in the boy's direction.

Beomgyu rubbed his eyes tiredly, clearing his foggy vision. out of all the things he wanted to wake up to, his Hyung's blood shot eyes were not on the list, not even close. any energy he had gotten from his nap was short lived when he saw Soobin.

his eyes went back to Yeonjun who tried his best to smile back, albeit a sad one. 

"he's going to be okay beomie.." Yeonjun reassure despite knowing it's a lie. maybe if he acts like it's not, his lie will become real.

"now drink" he said, gesturing with a slight head nod towards the water bottle.

Beomgyu took the bottle in a reluctant manner. avoiding Soobin's frame and doing the best he can not to look at his beloved Hyung.

the door opened, and the guard from before went inside with a suspicious opaque bag. his expression changed from the blank one to an apologetic frown.

"thank you, thank you so much" Yeonjun said, bowing infinitely despite being older than him. tears welled in his eyes when he saw the contents of the bag.

a few gauze pads, a bottle of pure alcohol, tweezers and bandages.

he sighed in relief. a few tears rolling on his cheek. he couldn't thank the guard enough for being so kind hearted.

the guard looked around anxiously, panic in his eyes.

"what's wrong?"

the guard didn't answer for a few seconds.

he hid the bag behind Soobin's back after taking a few of the essentials out. and started prepping what he needs for taking the bullet out.

but he hesitates.

"you don't know what he's capable of.." he says all of a sudden, his hands trembling. "if he finds out I helped you,.. I don't want to die-"

the door opened harshly and banged on the wall behind it, causing all 3 tensed boys to jump in horror. The guard threw the all of the stuff behind Soobin and stood up hurriedly.

"what's going on here?" a husky voice asked, a few guards were at the entrance.

"I was just- they threatened me that they were going to kill me as soon as they escaped and so I told them how- umm, how the boss was a genius and that he would never let them get out alive and so-" the guard rambled on, holding his hands behind his back to hide their shakiness.

the other two guards stared him down before breaking a small smile.

"told you he couldn't deal handling them yet. those young ones aren't as useful as they used to be. you owe me five bucks!" 

"shut up, Jungwon-shii" he turned to the young guard. "the boss needed someone to guard the exit with Wooyoung. go before he guts you like he did Miss.Soo" he said and they both laughed

"that's just a rumor.." Jungwon said with a shaky voice.

"sure it is. now go." the taller of the two guards said with a stone cold face.

Jungwon walked to the door with his head down, he turned around when he was behind the guards and mouthed. "sorry" to Yeonjun, who gave him a sad, tiny smile in return.

Jungwon was gone, and with that there last piece of hope.

that until an idea popped in his mind, it's crazy. but might just work.


a trail of blue light traveled along Kai's heart, and through his collarbone. the excruciating pain penetrated his mind and his scars lit in white, burning his skin slowly. his hands clenched and he tried his best to stop his powers from going crazy, but without his sight, he had no control. 

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