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"Not to ruin... the obviously cheery mood" Beomgyu looked out of the window. "But I'm fucking starving"

"Language Beom.." Soobin glared at him from the rear view mirror.

"It's 3 am beom-ah.. there's no stores open and we don't have time to waste on shopping again." Soobin stared back at the road, frustrated by everything.

Beomgyu pouted a bit as a response. His stomach growled for the last 2 hours but he tried his best not to complain unless he felt really bad. Knowing that his Hyungs were already stressed enough.

Soobin sighed "I'll stop at the nearest convenience stop okay?" His voice softer then before, trying be more understanding.

Beomgyu nodded back, the mood only darkened ever since they got into the stolen jeep.

Needless to say all moral went out the window the minute they lost their hideout, forced to find a new place as fast as possible.

"Kai-ah, you okay?" Yeonjun noticed the Younger's dazed eyes. Kai hasn't spoken a word with any of them after what happened, Yeonjun guessed the younger was still shaken up from the event 4 hours ago.

Kai nodded, refusing to make eyes contact with Yeonjun, who looked at him worried from the passenger seat. He opened his mouth to answer both no words came out.

"It's okay it you're not okay... today's been rough on all of us" Yeonjun gave him a  reassuring smile. "It'll be fine I promise"

"Ah.. hyung? You might want to take that promise back" Beomgyu stard at his phone shocked, he look up to meet Yeonjun's eyes in terror.

"Soobin hyung's information is out...." Beomgyu whispered as if It'll make it more real if he talked any louder. "Everything, your face, name, age, down to your height. Someone leaked your information..."

Soobin stopped that car abruptly, making everyone yell in surprise.

"What are you talking about Beom-ah...." Yeonjun looked at him with an unreadable expression "that's impossible.. "

"He's on the news as we speak Hyung, Look..." Beomgyu shoved the Phone at Yeonjun's face, his hands still shaking.

"Jung hyunju also known as the deceased son of the former gang "frost" found to be alive and well and now identifies as Choi Soobin."

"Reported Kim, is it true that Jung hyunju managed to fake his own death?"

"We don't know how he fooled the police but the young man must be cleaver and calculated in order to escape under everyone's nose"

"Truly a mystery reporter Kim, back to you detective Park"

"Thank you. All police units including our precinct are working along the FBI in order to catch the young criminal, he is wanted in many cities for grand theft, gun action, car theft, breaking and entering, and we speculate that he might have been  responsible for the heist in Busan gold bank that happened last week. The young man is 185 tall, purple hair, lean built, his picture is now on our website. he's known to be well trained and extremely dangerous, if you see him, report and keep your distance. Thank you and good night"

"Good night Detective Park and thank you for ou-"

"FUCKKKKKK!!" Soobin yanked the phone away from Yeonjun hands and smashed it on the wheel "fuck.. fuck, fuck!" He hit the wheel with his hands. Feeling the rage going to his head, he felt dizzy and overwhelmed.

Beomgyu flinched away, Taehyun and hueningkai right after him, confused and startled by the older's outburst.

"Binnie..." Yeonjun put his hand on Soobin's back "You're hurting yourself, stop.." he took Soobin's hands in his, making the younger hit his chest instead of the hard metal wheel.

"Hyung..." Taehyun whispered, not used to seeing Soobin so mad.

"FUCK!" He hit Yeonjun's chest with his fist, his head against the older's shirt as Yeonjun hugged him to soften the blow. "Fuck! This! Bullshit!" he screamed. Yeonjun took the hits, feeling numb at the younger's rage. Waiting for Soobin to calm down.

"Yeosang! Sangie!" Soobin waved his friend from afar, running to give him a big hug. "I missed you" he clashed into his arms, causing Yeosang to stumble back. "You're back? I thought you're going to stay in London longer"

Yeonsang hugged him half heartedly before pushing the younger from him.
"Yeah.." he chuckled awkwardly "I'm back.. I actually want you to meet someone" Yeosang stepped aside, revealing a boy, shorted from Soobin by at least 20 sentimeters, Soobin assumed the boy was about 17 Years old.

"Waaaa Yeonjun Hyung look at him!!! He's so cutee" he approached the short boy, pinching his cheeks and patted his head "You're so cute! What's your name?" Soobin crouched to meet the boy's eyes, curious about where this cutie came from.

Not as cute as you soobin.. Yeonjun thought to himself. Yes the boy was cute but there was something else about him. The way he stands, something is off about the teen.

"That's Sangmin, I was hoping he could.... join us" yeosang's eyes jumped from the ground to sangmin as he introduced the boy.

"Join us...?" Soobin looked back at him "as in... "join" join us?"

"Well... yeah" yeosang scratched his nape, avoiding Soobin's gaze.

"Why are you so nervous sangie? If it's that important to you then sure.." Soobin misread Yeosang, maybe because the older was never that tense around him before.


"This feels wrong" Yeosang took sangmin's hands into his.

"It doesn't have to feel wrong Hyung, criminals go to jail. That's how it works" sangmin stared at him, his cuteness long gone with his fierce eyes drilling holes at Yeosang. "Are you have cold feet?" He asked with a harsh tone.

"No! No... I'm just, we've known each other for a long time That's all"

"You better get rid of that sad face Hyung, is he more important to you than I am? Is that it?" Sangmin held Yeosang's hands maybe a bit too tight.

"That's not what I meant..."

"Then what did you mean"

"Nothing... it's nothing okay" Yeosang kissed sangmin on his lips to calm the younger's anger. "It's nothing.. I'm sorry"


"Hyung..?" Soobin stared at his childhood friends with tears in his eyes as the cops dragged him forcefully by his arms. "Sang hyung..?" His body went limp at the cop's hands as the man put the heavy handcuffs around his wrists. Soobin didn't care, his eyes still staring at his friend, looking for any signal of guilt, regret, fondness, love... any emotion that'll calm his heart. What was the reason? "What did I do wrong sangie?" He apologized without knowing about what he was sorry.

"Yeosang hyung!" He screamed at yeosang who turned his back on him, walking along sangmin, getting further and further away from him.

"Get off me!" He screamed at the cops who were dragging him so hard he could feel his arms bruising "Hyung!!"



Author here.

Soobin has quite the interesting story right? And that's just the tip of the iceberg🤗

Yall seen their mma performance btw? I cried, nearly threw up, shaking on the ground cuz what in the name of moa was that? I'm one performance away from quitting the moa life because I can't handle their shit anymore.

Kai's solo? Are you fucking shitting me he is so pretty and graceful I might actually cry.

Okay bye bye

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