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Kai Took the black shirt off him, feeling the dampness of his cold sweat on it, happy that he can change to a fresh set of clothes. If he's being honest, dressing alone in an unknown wooded area was horrifying for him. He would've asked one of the guys to accompany him but he didn't feel comfortable enough with them yet.

He opened his palm forcefully, the only way he knew how to let a few flames out of the tips of his fingers, he toyed with the flames to distract him from the thought of being alone.

He sat down, changing his socks as his hand created little flame creatures. Remembering how he used that ability to communicate when talking was too hard. Hiyyih loved the small blue bunnies he created, asking him to light the room with the mystical creatures at his palm whenever she had a bad dream.

His childhood room lighting in a blue hue, his sister smiling at him from the upper bunk bed. Throwing fits when he closed his hand, hinting at her to go to sleep.

"Kai?" Taehyun blushed, flustered at the sight of the shirtless boy. "Sorry- Oh my God!" The older turned around, cursing his impatient personality. He just wanted to see if Kai was alright, he left 20 minutes ago, changing only takes 5 minutes.

"I just- you were taking a while so I thought-" Taehyun started rambling.

"It's okay..." Kai slipped into his white hoodie, immediately feeling warmer. Thanking Yeonjun for being considerate of his body temperature. Somehow he was always a few degrees colder than everybody else.

"I just wanted to.. talk to you for a minute" Taehyun said, still with his back at Kai.

"I'm done... you can turn now" Kai said quietly, concerned about what the older asked. Taehyun isn't angry at him is he? Did he do anything wrong?

"You know that was just an act before right? We would never-"

"I know...."

"Oh.. okay..." Taehyun scratched his nape awkwardly.


Taehyun looked up at the nickname, not sure if he heard right or not.


"Why do you look so sad?"

"Because I feel like I betrayed your trust"


"I scared you, and I told you to leave and now you won't even talk to me"
Taehyun said, his eyes becoming glossy and watery.

"Don't cry because of me, I don't deserve your tears" Kai smiled at him, seemingly trying to show the older that he is okay and is no longer mad at him.

"Sorry..." the older sobbed onto his hands. Feeling someone wrapping his arms around him, he looked up to realize Kai was hugging him tightly in his arms.

Taehyun in response clutched onto the younger for dear life, not knowing why he brings him to such intense emotional state.

"Taehyunnie" Kai whispered near his ear, guilt filling his heart. Was he really that cold to Taehyun?

Taehyun buried his face into the crook of kai's neck, breathing in his earthy smell. Taehyunie Taehyun has never heard someone say his name so smoothly and beautifully, Kai's deep voice shaking Taehyun to his core. Making him melt in the younger's arms even more.

"I like you a lot Kai..." the older blurted out, addicted on the younger's touch. "I would never be afraid of you"

Kai pulled away from the hug, eyes wide and sparkly as the whole galaxy.

"Y-you like me..?" The younger looked for signs of humor in Taehyun's eyes but his heart sped up when he realized the older was as serious as a stone.

"Is it not obvious already.." Taehyun looked at him, eyelashes still wet from his tears, how come he looks even more ethereal after crying? Kai found it hard to take his eyes off Taehyun when the older looked so damn beautiful.

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