helping hand

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"Hyung!" The younger yelled with a his might, wailling loudly enough for Yeonjun to hurriedly turn off the faucet, looking at him with an alarmed face.

"I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" the younger cried.

Yeonjun heart dropped to his stomach, filled with uneasiness "Kai what are you talking about?" He asked softly, lifting the younger's head gently to meet his tear filled eyes.

"Are you mad at me Hyung?" Kai's voice quivered. "I'm sorry for what I did, I didn't mean to hurt Soobin.. please don't hurt me.." he begged.

"Kai.. whatever happened back there was my fault, only mine. Not yours, not Soobin's. It was my fault.... why would I be mad at you?"

Kai's expression shifted from hurt to confusion at how genuine Yeonjun's questioned sounded. Why wouldn't he be mad at him?

"Kai." Yeonjun repeated "why would you think that I'm mad at you?"

"I just...." the younger trailed off embarrassed "n-nevermind..." he went back to staring at the floor.

"Kai...." the older said softly this time, persuading the younger to talk to him.

"Y-you were.... washing me with, cold water so I assume I did- that I did something wrong" the younger explained, shutting his eyes close as to not see Yeonjun's reaction.

Yeonjun's eyes widened at the younger's words, he immediately stood up, checking the temperature of the water, horrified to see that they were way colder than lukewarm water. He must have completely disregarded that fact while being so deep in his thoughts.

"Oh my God..  Kai I'm so sorry" he hugged the freezing boy "I-I didn't realize" he felt the guilt from before rushing back to him.

"Is this okay now?" He asked while raising the temperature, keeping the stream pressure low so that he could hear Kai's voice.

The younger nodded, sniffling his last tears away. Relaxing into the warmth of the water.


"Hyung! Are you okay there?" Beomgyu yelled from the other side of the door.

Soobin leaned against the wall, a thin string and a needle in his arm, for some reason he couldn't get the string into the little hole in the needle, making him more frustrated by the second.

"I'm fine Beom-ah, don't worry" he replied, masking his pain behind a lighthearted tone.

Just fucking do it, it's so easy soobin.
You're being pathetic.

He held the needle closer to his face, trying to focus his eyes but they were too droppy to focus on.. anything for that matter.

"Fuck.." he hissed, throwing his head back. Tears of frustration came out of his eyes, rolling down his cheeks involuntarily.

Why can't you do anything right?


"Are we okay now?" Yeonjun asked while drying the younger's body.

Kai nodded, struggling to keep eye contact with Yeonjun, which the older noticed.

"Listen Kai.... there's no punishments with us okay? I would never, ever hurt you, even if I might be mad at you which I'm not"

"Okay Hyung..."

"Kai.. look at me please"

The younger looked at him with hurt in his eyes, past traumas eating him alive.

Yeonjun sighed, realizing it would take kai a lot of time to unlearn whatever rules he was forced to obey. And it would take a lot from them to make him believe he's in a safe space.

"We should get you dressed" he said when noticing the younger's shivers.

He slid a soft hoodie and a pair of warm pants on Kai's body, drying his hair with a towel before wrapping him in a fluffy blanket.

"Warm enough?" He asked.

Kai nodded.

"Okay then" he cupped the boy's cheek in his palms. Stroking a soft thumb on his delicate skin. "Let's get some food in you what do you say? I bet you're hungry"

He took the younger hand in his leading him to the pile of instant food.

"This one is really good" He pointed at a pink ramen pack. "Do you want Hyung to make it for you? Go lay on the bed, there's some hot packs there if you're cold, Hyung will tell you when it's ready"


"Hyung!" Beomgyu banged on the door. "You've been in there for an hour, some people want to shower too" he yelled, waking Soobin who dozed off on the floor, his cut still open with a needle stuck to it.

"Sorry Beom.. I'll-I'll be out in a minute" Soobin yelled, trying not to let the lump in his throat effect his voice.

However, Beomgyu hasn't failed noticing the slight quiver in his Hyung's tone.

"Hyung..? Is everything okay?" Beomgyu went went from his usual chaotic one to his caring one, soft and deep.

No answer was heard.

"I'm going in Hyung.."

Beomgyu opened the door a jar, then opening it fully when he made sure Soobin wasn't objecting.

Soobin's was half laying on the floor, a few big drops of blood tainted the floor next to him. The older looked at Beomgyu, his eyelashes stuck together from the few tears he shed.

"Beomie..." his voice was hoars and sleepy.

Beomgyu said nothing, only taking the needle and bandage in his hands, continuing what Soobin had started before the fatigue hit him.

The younger looked focused, doing his best to minimize the pain by the task he took on himself, gently threading through Soobin's skin.

The task was done and before Soobin's could tell Beomgyu tied a neat knot at the end of the thread, pulling and closing his cut.

"Hyung-nim" Beomgyu addressed Soobin with more respect than usual. "Asking for help won't make me think less of you, I hope you know that"


"Hyungie.." Beomgyu looked at his Hyung with admiration.

Soobin ruffled the younger's hair, making Beomgyu pout adorably.

"What did I do to have such a good little brother?"

Beomgyu in response smiled brightly at Soobin. "I don't know Hyung, I am pretty awesome. Now go get a shower... you look like a hot mess"

"At least I look hot"


Author here, for the sake of what I'm about to say just imagine me taking a fat deep breath.

I struggled with this chapter, like... STRUGGLED. The way I wanted to convey Yeonjun and Kai's situation but I had to rewrite it like 10 times my God....

I hope it came out okay...? I don't know. Anyways.. wasn't my best chapter for sure


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