don't touch me

608 35 46

⚠️warning: this following part includes non consensual elements

Kai heard the door opens, hoping that his punishment period is over. Time was a tricky thing in the facility, it could've been days where he'd stay in the dark room, chained in the uncomfortable position as a way of disciplining, it could've been hours, or even mere seconds. Perhaps it's been long enough for him to be released.

"Hello kamal" the voice said. "You remember me right? I'm the new guard, hired last week"

"I-i re-remember" the boy's voice came out restrained. The aching in his shoulders growing more and more painful, his position made even the smallest acts like talking completely exhausting.

"You remember my voice?" The man asked, satisfied by the boy's answer.

Kai nodded, he wanted to ignore the man, but his desire to get out of the punishment room was bigger than his will to stay quiet. Maybe the new guard really was there to let Kai out.

"You know, I like your middle name." The guard said, Kai assumed that by the thickness of his voice he was no younger than late 30s.
"Kamal..." he rolled the name on his tongue. "It means perfection right?" his voice sounded closer now.

He reached his hand, caressing the younger's cheek "perfect indeed. I wonder how they managed to find such a pretty boy like you.. kamal" he dragged his words

Kai flinched at the touch, not liking how the man breathed so close to him, his breath smells of cigarettes and coffee. Kai squirmed, trying to move away from the man's hand when it stopped touching his cheek.
The man slipped his hands under Kai's shirt, tugging on the white dirty fabric, his hands roamed all around the younger's stomach, trailing his ribs with his fingers, enjoying the feeling of kai's soft fair skin.

"S-stop.. please" Kai felt out of breath, full on sobbing now. He felt nauseous at the intimate touch, hoping that's the guard will leave him alone. Kai no longer cared whether the guard was there to let him out, he just wanted the man to stop touching him.

"It's too bad there's cameras in here, I was warned we can't toy with you on the first month, But I really can't help it." The man trailed his fingers up and down Kai's arms.

"If we could only have a few minutes alone, I'd really like to know whether you moan as beautifully as you scream"

(✅Gross part over, you can read now)

"Leave" Soobin said, pushing Kai over to the middle aged man's arms.
The man in response, yanked the trembling boy by his arm, causing the younger to yelp in pain.

"Wise decision" the man smiled, evilness dripping from his voice.

"Still pretty as ever kamal" the man whispered in the younger's ear. Kai's body tensed up, shivers going down his spine as he started to hyperventilate.

"Why are you so sensitive?" the man momentarily forgot about the 4 young man in front of him "there's no security cameras where I'm taking you, you know what I mean right?... that's a chance I can't miss"

Taehyun tugged on Soobin's shirt, earning a nod from the older as a response. Soobin stared at the man, waiting for the right timing. Yeonjun who is now behind Soobin, glared at Beomgyu.

"Beoms, back up" he mouthed with no sound. He saw the younger in the corner of his eyes, nodding as he got the message.


Soobin took his time window, waiting for the man to get distracted enough. He slid under the man's legs, turning his own skillfully, tripped the elder to the ground, making kai fall too as a result. The rifle rolling on the ground beside Beomgyu

"Beom-ah!" He yelled. The younger, swiftly kicked the rifle to Yeonjun's side, the latter pick up the heavy weapon, disarming it right away.

Soobin wrapped his legs around the man's neck, pinning him to the floor , he pushed the gun under the man's Jaw.

"Maknaes, don't look." he pulled the trigger, blowing the man's brains out.

"Bye bye"

"Yeonjun get Kai, we have to get the fuck out of here" he looked at the distressed boy on the ground, the younger made no effort to move or open his eyes. Soobin took a bottle of water, cleaning the blood off his hands.

"Kai-ah... it's okay it's over now" Yeonjun got closer to hug the boy.

"Don't touch me!" The younger screamed bloody murder. Wailling on the floor. His breathing as heavy as weights on his chest, sending sharp pains though his body.

"Hueningie... " Taehyun whispered, trying his luck with the younger.

Kai only now registered that their betrayal was feigned. But it hurt like a real one. Maybe because he expected them to leave him at some point.

"Hueningie I scared you didn't I..." he gently approached the crying boy "I'm sorry.." Taehyun's eyes started to sting too at the sight.

Kai's tensed body eased a bit as the sound of Taehyun's voice. His loud sobs slowly turning into soft hiccups.

"I'm sorry Kai-ah" Taehyun said again, his voice full of worry and guilt. "I'm sorry.." he went closer to the boy, kneeling beside him.

The young boy stopped crying his body relaxing from his panic, his meltdown shifted to exhaustion quickly. He opened his eyes to look at the boy above him.

"You told me to leave...." his voice broken and scared.

"No! No.. it was just a distraction" Taehyun tried explaining himself. "I would never tell you to leave" The older cried, wishing to embrace Kai in his arms, tell him that everything will be okay, assure him that he's one of them now. They'll never abandon him. Taehyun will never abandon Kai.

"Can I hug you Hueningie?" The older asked, waiting for permission to wrap the younger in his arms until he felt safe.

"You told me to leave.... you all told me to leave.." the younger whispered faintly, he felt the fatigue spreading through his cells. He knew it was only a lie to trick the man but why did Taehyun's words feel so real and painful?

"We would never make you leave.. kai-ah... please believe me, I-I wouldn't lie to you" Taehyun was the one crying now, unable to explain his actions.

"You were scared of me, you hate me..."

"I was! I was scared, just for a bit..." Taehyun admitted.

"but I never once hated you... please Kai-ah let me hug you okay..? Please believe me..." Taehyun was on the brick of losing his mind, desperate to embrace the younger's in his arms, if only that meant giving him some sense of security in his poor state.

All 3 of his friends looked at the younger two, guilt and relief in their eyes as Kai nodded, allowing Taehyun to come closer to him.

"I'm sorry.." Taehyun picked the younger gently, embracing him in his arms. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry" he repeated, pulling Kai to rest his head on his chest. The younger buried his face in Taehyun's shirt, taking all the warmth he can get.
"I'm sorry hueningie.. I won't do it again" he stroked the younger's hair, trying to sooth him.
"You must've been so scared..." he whispered.
"I've been scared too, scared to lose you."

"Guys, we have to go"


Author here, yo yo.

I know Soobin has killed two people in the last 5 episodes but you know what, I ain't mad about it. Which leads me to the question.

Your honor, is he really guilty if he looked good while committing the crime?

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