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"Yeah I'm fine" Soobin said when he finally got out of his small trance.

"I know how anxious you get when Beom Hyung isn't around, but they'll come back soon" Taehyun said, in hopes to reassure his Hyung.
"Yeonjun is right there with him, and you know they're capable of protecting themselves"

"I know...." it won't make me worry less

Taehyun approached his Hyung, wrapping his hands around his waist and pressing his face against Soobin's body.

It felt safe, Soobin always feels safe.

"He'll be alright Hyung, you have to stop worrying so much. I read an article that says it leads to balding."

Soobin laughed, unexpectedly at the younger's ridiculous comment.

"And as much as I think you'd look great bald.." Taehyun continued, his sentence followed by a small laugh.

"Okay, okay.." Soobin smiled widely "I get it..."

"Seriously Hyung.." Taehyun's voice turned soft again.

"Okay, thanks Hyunnie" he squeezed the life out of Taehyun, the younger lets a small yelp.

"Hyung! I can't... b-breathe"

Soobin chuckled, relaxing his hold.

"Hyung loves you a lot, you know that?" He asked, his voice gentle and deep.

"I know"

"Oh" a small voice was heard behind them. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother" he spoke quietly.

Soobin turned around, meeting Kai's hesitant eyes.

The first thing catching his attention, Kai face looked brighter, not nearly as pale as before.

A sense of pride spread in Soobin's heart.

The second thing he notices, Kai's cheeks are not as sunk in. Despite the physical injuries, he seems healthier than ever.

"Would you like to have a session with me later Kai?"

"A session...?" The younger questioned.

"You can say no if you don't want to"

Actually, Soobin hoped the younger would say yes.

Their first session was... interesting.
He never quite imagined the younger being a "fighter" sort of boy.

Soobin was clearly wrong, Kai had potential, maybe even bigger than he had.

Behind those innocent eyes, there was Fire waiting to be released.

Soobin was determined to be the one releasing it.


"We're gonna go nice and slow, like before.. Okay?" Soobin reminded while wrapping the younger's hands with boxing bandages.


"Does it feel okay?" Soobin asked, checking the way Kai's hands fit in his boxing gloves.

" it's perfect. Thank you Hyung"

"Remember, if you need a break. Say so. I'll immediately stop. If you feel overwhelmed just know that this is simply practice"


Soobin sighed

"Can you say anything other than "okay"?"

"I understand?..." Kai said, a small smile blooming on his face.

Soobin laughed, feeling lighthearted for some reason.

"That works too" he ruffled the younger's hair, who in return smiled brightly.

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