black sheep

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Kai laid on the bed, warming himself with a few hot packs, his mind wondered to what Yeonjun said to him earlier. Could he really, fully relax around them? What's the Guarantee one of them won't snap and hurt him?

"Hey.." he heard a soft voice next to uim "You're all cleaned up" Taehyun giggled, sitting at the side of the bed, he reached his hand slowly as to not scare the younger, and ruffled his hair gently. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

Kai could swear the older's voice was made out of honey, it was smooth and calming. The sweetest voice he had heard to be honest. Making him immediate melt under the older's touch.

"Y-your it okay now?" Kai asked.

"I asked first" Taehyun complained "how are you feeling?'

"Okay... I guess" Kai mumbled, getting lost in Taehyun big orbs of eyes. Sparkling occasionally, making Kai's heart drop a bit.

Why is he looking at him so warmly?

"C-can you..." the younger stopped mid sentence. Shying away from Taehyun's gaze.

"What is it?" Taehyun asked calmly, holding Kai's cheek in his palm, caressing it softly.

The younger closed his eyes at the soft touch, nuzzling against the older's hand.

Taehyun smiled warmly, lifting his legs to be fully on the bed, his hands reached under the blanket, wrapping themselves around Kai's torso, allowing the younger to rest his head on Taehyun's shoulder.

"Comfortable?" He whispered.

Kai hummed, burying his head deeper in Taehyun's neck.

The older in return placed a kiss on his soft dark locks, stroking his hair.

"Thank you..."


"What are you drawing there Beomie bear?" Soobin asked when all of them were finally out of the shower, preparing to eat dinner.

Beomgyu was sitting next to the window, his trusty sketch book in his left hand, a pen in his right.

"Ahh hyung!" He yelled "Don't peek.."

Soobin eyes furrowed when he saw the younger's hair was soaking wet.

"Beom! You're going to catch a cold like that... how many times have I told you to dry your hair after showering!" he said, his eyes softened when he saw Beomgyu pouting again at his scolding.

He sighed "want Hyung to do it for you?" He asked, taking a small towel from the bed and drying the drops fron Beomgyu's long bangs.

"Thank you hyungie.." Beomgyu said in his baby Voice, pulling his best aegyo at Soobin.

Soobin smiled, flashing 2 dimples, laughing at the younger's cuteness he bopped Beomgyu's nose, who was beaming with a bright smile next to him.

"So when can I see your drawing?" He asked, usually Beomgyu doesn't mind when he bugs him while he's busy sketching.

"It's a surpri-"

"Guys!" Yeonjun's yell disrupting their conversation. "Come eat!"

Soobin chuckled, fixing Beomgyu messy hair strands. Ready to stand up.

"Wait hyung!...."

Soobin sunk back into his seat.

"What is it beom?"

Nervous to ask his question, Beomgyu stared at his sketch book.

"Umm.. what that man said before, Yeonjun's dad. Do you ever..." Beomgyu looked back at his Hyung "regret it?"

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