failed experiment

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"let him go!" Taehyun yelled, but no one in the room seemed to care. his eyes turned to Kai again, he tried running to the boy but the guards were holding him tight. 


"Baby.. I know you're in pain but please answer me.."

He struggled against the pole they had cuffed him to, despite knowing it won't do anything.

"He's not going to answer you, stop making noise" the boss said coldly without even sparing a Taehyun a glance.

 "what did you do to him?!" he asked while staring down the boss who payed no mind to him. "You're fucking inhuman, how could you do that? He was just a kid! You are sick"

"I told you not to make noise did I? Quiet down before your precious Kai pays for your disrespect"

the door opened with a deafening squeak before Taehyun could retaliate. a thin, black haired woman, around her 40s peaked her head through the crack. Taehyun's attention however, stayed on Kai, not daring to look away for even a second from the boy. the way they positioned Kai looked almost torturous and Taehyun wondered how come they don't even have enough compassion in their hearts to provide the younger with a chair, or at least not chain his ankles to the floor so he can at least stand, leaving the boy to hang from his wrists as they do their own thing. 

it wasn't long enough before he got his answer.

"is it ready?" the woman asked, opening the door a bit wider and going inside to inspect, a few foreign objects in her hand.

the boss looked at her for a few seconds before turning over to Kai and crouching down next to his body. Taehyun looked over, disgusted by the way the man was so unbothered, as if this was a day to day thing for him. 

the boss raised his hand next to Kai's ear, snapping it a few times to see if he's getting a reaction. Kai's head tilted a bit to the sound, suggesting that the boy was still awake, but not in full awareness.

the boss got up, giving the woman a light nod. 

"enough to inject, take your time"

the woman took a few steps until she reached the desk, it had a few glass bottles on it, as well as a IV machine near the side of it, but the liquid inside wasn't clear like water, it was more dirty gray, with a few black spots floating in it. 

Taehyun tried seeing if he recognized any of the other objects on the table, but it was too far and the lighting was dim, all he could see was a few things shaped like tubes, but that's all.

She took a small glass tube that had some clear string connected to it, she pushed the IV machine near Kai and picked up a small set of scissors from the table.

"Shouldn't we wait a bit longer?" She asked before cutting Kai's shirt at its neck collar to expose a bit of shoulders and collarbone before going in with the tube and the needle and string at a certain spot on the younger's collarbone that was already bruised and looked like it had been abused multiple times.

"Why are you doing this? Just leave him alone for fuck sake..... " Taehyun said, this is too much on Kai's body, how come they can't see that? How come they don't care? How can they do this to such an innocent boy?.

"inject" the boss ordered and she took a big syringe with black looking liquid in it.

The syringe went in and the black liquid found itself into Kai's system, lighting his every cell in his body on fire.

His head shot back and he let out a ear piercing scream that echoed through the room.

"Hmm..ahhhhh!!!" He held on the chains in despair. "It hurts!" Kai screamed while a few crackles came out of his hands, a start of a few small flames that died out in a second.

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