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"we have to go, now!" Taehyun yelled, making kai flinch in fear yet again.

"Taehyun what are you talking about?" Soobin who until now watched the scene in silence asked. "Beom-ah what's going on?" he turned over to Beomgyu who was packing all of their things.

"it's a tracker Hyung" Taehyun said, rummaging through his things frantically. "we need to go now.. who knows who's after him"

"I don't understand-" 

"Hyung! we don't have time" Taehyun yelled at Soobin. 

Kai who stood next to the door was now confused and scared at the strangers reaction over his small little cut.

he turned the tracker off, what's the big deal? they can't be after him now, he escaped, he left, he can't go back there, he won't... he turned the tracker off right? he was almost sure he did.... he saw the red light fading, that means it's off right?

"Soobin hyung, start the car. Beom hyung get the bag.. we're leaving" Taehyun took their phones and the maps. he approached Kai, less gentle then before. he took his hand in his, staring directly into kai's odd eyes.

"trust me." he said, not waiting for a coherent answer he dragged Kai to the car and they started driving.


"okay.. now can you explain what the fuck happened back there?" Soobin asked after making sure they were far enough from the warehouse. "kid, want to fucking explain?" he turned the question back at Kai who was now seating next to the window wearing a terrified expression, squeezing away from Taehyun.

"Hyung, stop being harsh on him!" Taehyun raised his voice at Soobin to everyone's surprise, Taehyun rarely raises his voice at anyone let alone his favorite hyung. 

"he's scared don't you get it? they plated a tracker into his flesh like he's an animal or something! can you be a bit more sensitive!?"

Soobin turned his head back to the road, ashamed at himself for making his younger friend upset.

as much as he dislikes the intruder, nothing is worth making Taehyun upset over. Soobin has a soft spot for the younger. he may be older then him but in a way Taehyun is mentally older and he respects him a lot for that, which is why it's easy for him to admit his mistakes when the younger puts him on a the spot.

"Sorry Tyunnie..." he mumbled. "can you explain what happened?" he asked, more careful this time.

"the metal square Beom Hyung found on the floor is a tracker device, I recognize the kind from the farm I used to work at. farmers, especially at big farms, plant trackers into the animals, so if one runs away they can find where it's at." Taehyun explained while trying to calm himself down.

no matter how much he tried, he couldn't calm his anger. It seemed cruel enough to put trackers into animals but a human being? What kind of a sick person does that?

Shivers went through his body as he continued.

"the trackers can't be fully off until the owner of the farm disarms it. In other words, the people Kai ran away from can still track the device- what's wrong Hyung?" Taehyun trailed off at Soobin's body language, he seems tensed, looking back at the car mirrors.

"Someone's at out tail." Soobin said as he tried not to panic, he pressed on the gas and sped up.

Yeonjun looked back trying to catch a glimpse at the unknown driver.

"How do you know he's following us Binnie?" Yeonjun asked.

"this is an abounded road, no one should be here but us, also I've been driving in circles for 5 minutes, no person would make the same mistake. he's after us." Soobin took a sharp turn right.

"Hyung, what do we do?" Taehyun turned to Soobin with a scared face.

gunshots were shot to their right, the unknown silver van driver sped up. 

"Fuck!" Yeonjun shouted at the gunshots "Binnie are you ok!?" he yelled towards Soobin who's side took most of the blow from the bullets.

Taehyun looked back at the van, noticing a second man next to the driving, holding a black rifle.

Soobin nodded at Yeonjun's question, too focused on losing the van to talk.

"Hyung! on your right!" Beomgyu warned Soobin that the van was getting closer to them, almost driving side to side. the van driver took a left turn, purposely crashing into their car.

"SHIT!" Soobin yelled, taking a sharp turn right. crashing at the van. two can play at this game.

"is everyone okay?" Yeonjun turned back, his eyes meeting three sets of terrified eyes "don't worry, Bin's got it" he talked to Kai who seems the most scared of the three "this isn't his first rodeo. " he tried plastering a reassuring smile on his face.

"hold on tight." Soobin said before taking a questionable turn, they dove right into the woods. 

Taehyun screamed in fear as he clutched onto Kai's leg without noticing. Kai did what he thought he'd never do, especially not for a stranger. he took Taehyun hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. Taehyun stared at him with wide eyes, surprised by the physical contact.

Kai gave him a tiny smile although he was scared out of his wits. marking the first time he smiled in almost 10 years, the act, as small as it was, sent endorphins through his body. this was as confusing to him as it was confusing to others, but this was the first time in a long time where he felt alive. not just breathing... but alive.

"we lost them." Soobin announced, trying to regain control over the car, which was close to crashing into the near tree. he revived the car and got out of the other side of the woods, skillfully driving between the bushes and trees, dodging the bumpy rocks and getting back on the smooth road.

"where are we driving?" Yeonjun asked, now that they lost their first route. 

"apparently.. we're going to GwanJu" Soobin said sarcastically.

"heard they have some of the best cucumbers Soobin Hyung." Beomgyu said, his voice amused as if he's hinting at something.

"Beomgyu. shut up." Soobin said, but the little smile creeping on his face gave him away "brat."

"w-who were t-those people?" Taehyun asked, still shaken up from the gunshots. although they were all thieves, and criminals. Taehyun was the most uncut person to be a criminal, having had a weak stomach since he was a kid. no matter how many scary encounters he still had trouble calming down.

"hey hyunnie.. It's okay don't panic, we lost them." Beomgyu patted the younger's back, knowing about the younger's anxiety.

Beomgyu learned everything he needs to know about how to calm someone down. in a way, Beomgyu was their healer. he also knew about all types of medicine from his parents who were successful doctors.

until they weren't anymore...

"we should stop here to stock up on food." Soobin said, pulling the car next to a small town convenience store. "tell me what you want, me and Yeonjun will go grab it and we'll be back."

"Hyung! Hyung! Jellies and cheetos pleaseeeeee!" Beomgyu practically screamed in Soobin's ear.

"my god Beomgyu, one day I'll wake up deaf and that day is the day that I will personally kill you. hyun-ah?"

"choco balls.... and caramel macchiato." Taehyun replied, his voice still small and shakey.

"I meant actual food but whatever." Soobin said and turned to the store along with Yeonjun who was already waiting inside.

"wait, Soobin Hyung." Taehyun protested "Kai-ah, do you want something from the store?" Taehyun asked Kai who was fiddling with his fingers.

Kai looked up, surprised to be talked to.

"well?" Soobin asked, slightly annoyed.

"wait a minute Hyung." Taehyun reciprocated Soobin's energy.

....... "can I.... Do stores still sell chocolate?



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