still with you

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Hiyyih paced around the room. her house slippers sliding against the floor as she bites the dead skin off the area of her nails. it couldn't have been real.

no. scratch that. it wasn't even possible. 

"hey.. Hiyyih honey? I get that you're confused but you're also kind of freaking me out" Hikaru said as she grabs Hiyyih's arm to stop her obsessive walking. 

the older had woken up from her vision about 10 minutes ago, and had been mumbling nonsense ever since. not that it was extremally uncommon for her powers to take control of her mind, but over 5 minutes was a bit of an overstretch.   

the white cloth used to lower the elder's body heat was long discarded on the floor. the nose bleeding has stopped a few minutes ago, yet the elder seemed in a state of complete shock.

"I saw him...... I-.. he's not even-" 

"hey!" Hikaru yelled to get her friend's attention. "who are you talking about? talk to me. you look like you had just seen a ghost.." she looked at Hiyyih complexion, which was a few shades paler than normal. again, that wasn't something abnormal after a long vision, but it worried Hikaru regardless.

Hiyyih stopped pacing, trying to connect all the information she had. which to be honest' was just a few pieces of the puzzle. at least to her knowledge. 

"Karu..?" she squinted her eyes. "people can't- I mean... not that he was- ugh.." she raised her arms in defeat, not even sure what she wanted to ask, or how she wanted to ask it. after all.... it was just all so, absurd.

"breathe...." Hikaru went over to distressed elder to try and calm her static breath. "I'm right here kay'?" she looked at Hiyyih, giving her a encouraging smile. "what is it?" 

Hiyyih sat on the bed, wondering how to rephrase her question without sounding insane. which couldn't be easy considering she's not exactly normal either.

"okay.. umm.. my parents." she blurted out without really thinking.

Hikaru seemed blindsided, but kept quiet, letting the older continue.

"this is weird, I- I sorta had this imaginary friend when I was a little kid" she said after a few seconds of deep thinking. she had never told anyone about her poor childhood. never wanting others to feel sorry for her. after all, her and her parents are no longer struggling due to her finding a stable job at a young age. but the memories still burn in her mind, and she tried her best suppressing them.

but there was one thing she never wanted to forget, someone she never wanted to let go.

"he was the same as me, well.. I guess I made him the same as me" she chuckled sadly, as if remembering an ugly memory.  "one day, he disappeared. I cried searching for him, I remember running all over the neighborhood, but there was no sign of him..." 

Hikaru listened intently despite not understanding what her best friend's imaginary friend had anything to do with their current situation.

"when my parents got home, I asked where my friend was. they said he had to say goodbye because I was getting older, and that they miss him too, but it was for the best" Hiyyih finished the story choking down a sob. she hadn't realized how much she had missed the little boy. the way he would comfort her when she had a bad dream, creating blue, glowing creatures for her to play with when she got back home, crying because the mean kids laughed at her torn up clothes.

"just say the word, and oppa will make you smile"

he used to say.

"just say the word Hiyyih"

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