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"Hyung! Slow down!" Beomgyu yelled from the back seat, they went from side to side, trying not to bump into anything from Yeonjun wild driving.

"I can't help it!" Yeonjun said frantically "I don't know how to drive remember?!" He dodged a tree at the last second, making Beomgyu and Taehyun scream in terror.

"Junnie...." Soobin said weakly, his body pressed harshly on the door at one of Yeonjun's sharp turns "pull over.. I'll drive"

"You can't drive, you're unwell" Yeonjun said as he struggled keeping his leg on the gas.

"If you keep on driving we will all be unwell..." Soobin protested, but could barely keep his eyes open.

"Fuck!" Yeonjun yelled as a car sped towards them, he realized he was on the wrong lane.

"Hyung go left! Go left" Beomgyu screamed.

"The wheel's stuck!" Yeonjun screamed back in fear.

"Hyung do something!" Taehyun shook Soobin from the back seat.

Soobin's eyes opened at the sound of his younger friend screaming for help, a rush of adrenaline rushed through his body and he reached the wheel with his left hand, pulling it at his direction forcefully, he managed to get the wheel unstuck.

Yeonjun closed his eyes, too afraid to keep his eyes on the rode, he allowed Soobin to take over.

Soobin took a sharp turn left, the strength that took for him to spin the old wheel nearly sprained his wrist.

They avoided the car, but the truck kept spinning, Soobin closed his eyes.



Kai held on till he made sure the others were far enough.

The forest blew in blue.

If it wasn't absolutely destructive, some might say it looked magical.

But Kai knew it wasn't true, he wasn't magical, his powers weren't beautiful.

They were deadly.

The trees froze one after the other, some crushed in loud bangs, shattering the layers on ice like glass. Small pieces flew about, threatening to cut through the boy's soft skin.

Relief spreaded around his body as he allowed the flames to consume his body, his mind, his everything.

He wanted more, more than just burn the small forest. Kai wanted to burn the whole world. He wanted to put an end to his pain.

The world deserves to burn, after everything the universe has put Kai through. Shouldn't he fight back? Get his revenge? Get an answer to why he's different than everyone else. To why he was fucked from birth.

But he couldn't.

No matter how much he wanted, he couldn't.
The world may suck for him, but it's still beautiful. There's still people he loved, a person he wanted to be with, to protect.

If he burned it all... he'll burn him too.
Nothing else mattered than him.
Kai would suffer if needed, for the rest of his life, if that's what it would take to keep Taehyun safe.

The flames died out and Kai barely dared to look up at the damage he had done. Everything within 3+ km was frozen and burned in almost aesthetic black and blue mixture. A few trees laid lifeless around him, it's a miracle he never crashed under one of them.

The leaves on the remaining trees slowly came crashing on the ground, dripping ice, water and cold ashes.

Kai wanted to curl up in the forest's remains, cry and pity himself for the monster he was.

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