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The younger fell to the ground, hand still pressed to his chest.

Soobin slowly opened his eyes, becoming aware of his surroundings.

"Binnie... hey bin look at me" Yeonjun could cry out of the relief he was feeling. Soobin was awake, he opened his beautiful brown eyes, looking directly at his Hyung.

"You're awake... you're awake" Yeonjun rocked Soobin back and forth in his arms. Thankful to have him back.

"Hyung.. what happened?"

"You collapsed, binnie you're sick.. how could you not tell me you were feeling ill?" Yeonjun asked, he felt betrayed by the younger. He always thought communication was key, and so did Soobin. Why did he hide his sickness from everyone else.

"I'm sorry Jun Hyung.." Soobin mumbled softly, his head still aching.


"Back.... off..." Kai heaved in small gasps of air. Folding in himself, back to the others.

The fire crackled again and the flames became bigger in his palm, he pressed his hand even tighter to his chest, ignoring the immense pain from the coldness. His head shot back and a louder growl came from the back of his throat. He choked on his saliva, his body shaking, followed by a wet cough.

"What do we do?" Taehyun turned to Beomgyu, he never felt this type of panic before. He tried getting closer to Kai again but a growl heared from the younger's body made him stop in his tracks.

"Stop..." Kai whispered to himself, constant tears falling on his cheeks. "STOP!" He screamed, slamming his fist on the ground, breaking a few of his knuckles in the process. He cried in pain., his vision blurried as he prayed for it to stop.

This were his powers, his. So why were they so cruel to him? Why wouldn't they listen? Why were they hurting him, mercilessly tearing him apart.

"Is Kai okay?" Yeonjun finally looked up from Soobin.

"No he's not okay!" Taehyun snapped. "You forced him to keep going even though you knew he was in pain!" The younger yelled.

"I had no choice Taehyun-ah"

"You did!" Taehyun Sobbed loudly "he offered to help and you took advantage of him! How could you do that?!" Taehyun took a few steps back from Yeonjun. His words seemed a lot more real to him now that he said them out loud.

It was true. His Hyung threw Kai under the bus to make Soobin better.

"He said he was sure!" Yeonjun yelled back. Soobin's ears rang at the loud volume.

"He wanted to stop and you wouldn't let him!"

They continued their heated fight when a blood shot scream shut them both.

Kai reluctantly opened his mouth, unleashing his white fang that throbbed in pain like the rest of his body. In his daze he bit his lip with it, drops of blood dripped to his chin and onto the ground as he folded even more, struggling to keep the blue flames inside. He couldn't take it anymore, screaming at the top of his lungs at the burning sensation.

"Kai!" Taehyun ran to the younger, ignoring how dangerous it might be to get close to him. The urge to hug Kai, to whisper loving and calming words to him was stronger than his instincts to avoid getting hurt.

"Taehyun don't!" Yeonjun grabbed the younger's hand, pulling him away from Kai.

"It's your fault Hyung!" Taehyun screamed at him, getting away from Yeonjun's hold "this is your fault! He's in pain Hyung..." the younger Soobed, looking back at Kai who was folding, knees on the ground, looking as miserable as ever.

"Kai..." Taehyun walked to him, ignoring his Hyungs protests, he rested his hand in the younger's back.

Taehyun had to hold in his gasp as the younger turned to him, he had thick drops of blood running his lips. His mouth dripping saliva and his eyes bloodshot red, wet with unshed tears.

Kai choked again, his body shaking from the pain. "Taehyun..." he managed to sound after a few seconds of struggle. "Take the others-" he choked and coughed. "Take them and go..." Kai said, lifting his head up with the last strength he had, trying to catch a glimpse of the older's face beyond his blurry vision.

Taehyun rubbed the younger back, ignoring how shaky his body felt.

"Kai take a deep breath-" he stopped as another crackle came from Kai's body.

"Go!" the boy growled at Taehyun, fighting the urge to light the entire forest with his flames.

"I'm not leaving you here"

Kai looked at the older's face with his glowing glossy eyes. "Please hyunnie..." he begged, sobbing from the pain. He can't hold on much longer "please hyunnie... I'd kill myself if I hurt you. Please go.." Kai pleaded, followed by a violent cough at the back of his throat.

Kai's clothes had completely froze by now, a thin layer of ice covered his chest and torso. He knew if he kept directing the flames at himself he would die. He needed them to go.

Taehyun looked at Kai, surprised that he's even considering leaving the younger alone, but Kai's voice echoed in his mind.

I'd kill myself if I hurt you

"Taehyun we need to go" Beomgyu said upon realizing Kai's request.

"I'm not leaving" the younger said stubbornly, clutching onto Kai's back.

Yeonjun supported Soobin, who was still weak from his fever, and stabled him back on his feet.

"You heard him Taehyun, come on let's go" Yeonjun packed their things in a hurry.

"Be quiet Hyung!" Taehyun screamed. His mind not nearly as clear as it normally was.

"Hyunnie please.." Kai begged in between gasps, his chest felt tighter as the air escaped from his lungs. "Please.... leave"

Yeonjun dragged Taehyun forcefully, forcing him away from Kai.

"No!!! Get off me! I won't leave! I won't leave him!" Taehyun screamed as Yeonjun dragged his body all the way to the car.

"Let go! Kai!!" Taehyun Sobbed, his eyes not leaving the boy on the ground even for a second. He needed to hug him, he needed to tell him it wasn't his fault. Taehyun needed him, he needed Kai. He wanted to hold him again. To look at his beautiful eyes. To feel his cool breath on his neck as he embraced him.

I'll kill myself if I hurt you

Taehyun couldn't shake the image of Kai as he said those words to him. His tear filled eyes. His dazed gaze as if he saw Taehyun through a mask of blurriness. The blood running from his lips, mixed with his saliva, dripping down on the frozen ground.

He's cold, Kai's cold, Kai's in pain. And Taehyun isn't there to make it stop.

The guys went into the car, stuffing all of their belongings messily.

"Taehyun please get in" Yeonjun nearly shoved the frantic crying boy to the back seat. "He's going to be okay, we're coming back for him" Yeonjun tried reassuring Taehyun but in the younger's mind he could only think about how he let Kai down. How he left him again. Betraying everything he promised.

Beomgyu hugged Taehyun, ignoring how the younger squirmed and shoved him before eventually caving in, crying into his Hyung's shirt.

"We need to go" Yeonjun said settling Soobin in the passenger seat.

"No..." Taehyun whispered into Beomgyu's chest, crying to the point where his throat felt scratchy. "" he cried.

Yeonjun started the car, aware that they had little to no time, he pressed the gas. Zooming away.

Taehyun closed his eyes. "I left him.... I left him"



Ahm ahm ✨angst✨

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